Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 846 Wall Dong and Anti Wall Dong (2)

"I said why K didn't have makeup on, so he wanted to wear a mask." Ace said in a low voice.

James also lowered his voice and smiled at her: "Otherwise, do you think that Fox deliberately made things difficult for him?"

"Nothing is impossible." Ace turned his eyes and saw Arthur appearing on the stage, with no concealed disgust on his face, "With him like this, can he still play a knight? I think it is more suitable for K to be the leading actor. He's the guy who should be living in the dark."

"Ace." James said helplessly, "Your targeting is too obvious."

Ace said: "If I don't target him, will everyone think that I don't hate him?"

"Okay," James spread his hands, "you're right."

Ace lifted his chin arrogantly.

At this time, Stuart, the knight commander played by Arthur, has arrived in time and found the confrontation between the deputy knight commander and Sai, with Gao Jian's body blocking the two.

"Stop." The noble blond knight grabbed the deputy knight commander's hand, but his eyes were fixed on the black-haired silver-faced man in front of him, "Personal fighting is not allowed in the palace."

"General Stuart!" The deputy knight commander shouted respectfully to the blond knight.

The blond knight nodded at him, then let go of his hand.

Relying on Stuart's arrival, and not being afraid of Sey, the deputy knight commander made an expression of contempt and disgust behind the blond knight, "Bah!", and cursed in a low voice: "You see a bitten dog! "

A flying thorn was thrown towards the opponent.

This startled the actor of the deputy knight, his expression was astonished.

But the flying spur missed him and was caught by a gloved hand.

The blond knight grabbed Flying Thorn's hand hard, and the black-haired, silver-faced man approached him.

"Can't you understand human language?" The blood-red lips opened and closed, uttering harsh words, "Private fighting is not allowed in the royal palace!"

"Heh." The low-pitched laughter sounded inadvertently, very small and thin like spider silk, only Arthur could hear it. What that laughter meant, I couldn't think about it for a short time, only felt a trace of coolness from his fingertips to his neck.

It turned out that it was the iron chain connecting the spikes, which had been flexibly wrapped around his neck by the black-haired man, who was also standing behind him, close to his body, with the cold mask on his ear.

Once again, Arthur couldn't hold back the instinctive reaction stimulated by the danger, and turned his hands back to the neck of the person behind him.

Mark and the others were surprised by this sharp and brutal action. On the one hand, they felt that Arthur’s action did not fit his role positioning, and on the other hand, they felt that compared to the reaction arranged in the original script, this looked good, real and stimulating. heartbeat, so no one shouted NG.

Arthur's hand did not catch the murderer, because the black-haired youth had chosen to avoid it. Before leaving, the three sharp knives on the back of his hand flashed past Arthur's neck.

Immediately afterwards, he heard a scream, "Ah—!"

Turning his head to look, he found that the deputy knight commander had been knocked down to the ground by the black-haired man.

The three sharp knives on the back of his hand were inserted into the mouth of the deputy knight commander, in exchange for the deputy knight commander's eyes widening, with a look of death.

For a moment, Arthur seemed to really see a ferocious wolf, tearing the person in front of him with its sharp teeth and claws.

This is not the Asian youth he knew. Two days ago, he was fighting against himself, sneering, smiling or fighting at himself. But now I can't find any sense of familiarity that I knew before, except for that smell that is more intoxicating than the most mellow red wine, he is already another person, a black knight named Sai!

"Cal." A calm voice sounded.

"Sorry." Arthur stopped and turned to Mark and the others.

Mark's attitude was very gentle, "It's okay, you've done a good job, it's because K's pace is too fast." As soon as he finished speaking, Mark realized that his words could be misunderstood, so he quickly said, "I'm not saying you have a problem. , K! You played very well, but you know, Arthur is the first time."

"Yeah." Si Huang stood up.

Hank, who played the deputy knight commander below, stretched out his hand, "Hey, give me a hand?"

Si Huang looked down at him and said with a smile, "Aren't you afraid I'll push you again?"

Hank laughed awkwardly. After he got up, he approached Sihuang and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry last time, I apologize! Do you know kung fu from Country Z?"

Si Huang didn't speak, the mask on her face hadn't been taken off yet, and Hank couldn't confirm her expression, and felt that Si Huang was unpredictable.

No wonder North told him not to mess with this Asian, it was indeed too bad.

Thinking of the feeling that Si Huang put the knife into his mouth just now, Hank couldn't help breaking his chin with his hands to confirm that the handsome chin he thought was intact.

"Hank, come here and put on makeup!" shouted the makeup artist outside the theater.

"Come on." Hank agreed.

Although his character is a small player who was ruined by running after only two or three minutes of playing, at least he still has lines, unlike the knights behind him, all of them are background walls.

Hank made up dead makeup. Taking advantage of this rest time, Si Huang went to Ace with James who had found him.

Ace hands her the milkshake.

"Thank you." Si Huang took it with a smile, "Why do you have time to come?"

Ace was very happy, "There is still time to see you defeat Arthur."

It can be seen that Sihuang's performance just now made Ace very satisfied.

Si Huang said in a tolerant way: "Have you had a good time?"

"Well." Ace smiled and said, "I knew you must be better than him! But once is not enough, and it will be like today in the future."

"Obey, my little angel." Sihuang imitated Ivan's appearance, gave Ace a deacon's salute, and at the same time calmly put the milkshake in his right hand behind him on the table behind him.

Ace put on a reserved look, but the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up.

"Arthur? Are you listening?" Yolanda found that Arthur seemed to be distracted, wondering if he had listened to the essentials she told him.

"I'm listening." Arthur looked away.

Yolanda followed his line of sight just now and found the figures of Sihuang and Ace. She thought he was still struggling with the matter just now, and persuaded: "You don't have to think about how K will act, just act according to what you think gone."

"Okay." Arthur looked unmoved, only he knew what was going on in his mind.

If it is the mentality that Yolanda said, it is impossible to win against Sihuang.

After Yolanda finished speaking, she went to Sihuang's side again, interrupted Sihuang and Ace's reminiscence, called her aside, and explained a few words to her.

Si Huang heard that he wanted to cooperate with Arthur, and it would be best to guide him into the play, so he readily agreed.

"I'm sorry to trouble you." Yolanda said, "I know this will be more difficult for you. I'm glad you can agree."

Si Huang shook his head, smiled and said: "This is also a recognition of my strength, isn't it?"

Infected by her smile, Yolanda laughed easily.

She thinks that Sihuang is really a rare good boy, but she doesn't know that what Sihuang thinks in his heart is that from the beginning, he competes in acting skills, and competes with each other's demeanor in the opponent's play, to let the opponent guide him. This is equivalent to the relationship between the opponent and the teacher-student relationship. In order to let the students adapt better, she slowed down the pace and weakened the aura. I don't know how angry Arthur will be?

Si Huang also smiled happily.

The filming continued, starting with the scene where Sihuang dealt with the deputy knight commander.

After Hank put on some makeup, it was more in line with the look he had just dealt with.

As the signal to start shooting sounded, Arthur moved. He showed an angry look, pulled out the sword on his waist, and asked Sihuang, "Why did you do this?"

Si Huang grabbed Hank's 'corpse' to block in front of her, and replied, "His mouth is too stinky." The voice was not loud, but the tone seemed to be ironic.

Arthur's purple eyes were burning like flames, an expression that fans and everyone rarely see.

Behind the mask, Si Huang managed a smirk.

The two once again fell into a tense confrontation.

Now it's time for the Queen's role!

Ace on the sidelines also saw the way, and couldn't hold back her smile. If James hadn't reminded her that she didn't have enough time, she really wanted to stay here and watch.

Oh, K is indeed her good friend and her lucky star! Every time with him, can be so happy!

Ace decided to be good friends with Sihuang for a lifetime! Not to mention anything else, just because when he confronted Arthur, it seemed that the natural magnetic field repelled each other, and the friendship between them was doomed!

Ace's departure did not affect the progress of the filming. From Mark's point of view, today's filming was very successful, even if it was NGed a few times, it was still satisfactory.

However, Si Huang could tell that Arthur hadn't changed on the surface, but his mood was very unhappy.

Today's filming was over, and they each returned to their own residences. Si Huang was about to open the door of her own room when she heard the door of the room next to her open. Arthur strode out and blocked her at the door.

Si Huang glanced at his hand holding the doorknob of her own room, and said calmly, "What's the matter?"

Taking advantage of his height, Arthur put his other hand on the wall beside Sihuang, and successfully handed Sihuang to the wall.

"Today's play." Arthur approached Sihuang, his purple eyes flickering with dark light.

At close range, his magnified facial features are more handsome than real people.

Si Huang was unmoved, and showed a smile that belonged to the winner.

Arthur was irritated, "You look down on me?"

"No, I think highly of you, so I can compete with you." Si Huang replied indifferently.

Arthur narrowed his eyes, and the hand that was originally on the wall beside her suddenly grabbed her shoulder.

Si Huang was caught straight, but also grabbed his hair in counterattack, pulled his hair mercilessly, and pulled his head away from her front, so that there was a little more distance between the two.

If there are other people here, they will definitely be frightened by Sihuang's behavior. She can deal with such a man so cruelly!

Arthur's eyes became darker, and the hand holding her shoulder tightened, and his fingernails seemed to go through her clothes and penetrate into her flesh.

The two competed with each other, and kept a certain bottom line, so nervous that even the surrounding air became thinner.

Si Huang suddenly took a step forward, and the distance that had been opened was approaching again.

Arthur thought he was showing weakness, and the strength of his hand was a little loose, but Si Huang grabbed that hand, twisted behind him, and forced him to his back against the wall.

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