Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 847 Earl and Missy (1)

Arthur didn't expect Sihuang to do this, so he lost the best time to resist.

"You speak Chinese very well, so you must understand what I mean." Compared with his posture, Si Huang's tone is slow, and the mockery in his words can irritate the dead, "I have little patience for the defeated opponent. You might lose interest someday."

Arthur's eyes darkened, and his indifferent face became even more evil, which was even more stunning than his usual smile.

Si Huang let go of his hand, with a gentle attitude as if it was an illusion before, "Is there anything else?"

A person happened to pass by at the corner, and after spotting the two of them, he greeted them with a polite smile.

Arthur let go of the doorknob, "It's okay." Then he walked back to his room, and there was nothing unusual about him in his attitude.

Si Huang felt that if someone hadn't just come over, Arthur might have done something.

As for what she was doing, Si Huang didn't know, but she just had this feeling, maybe it was to continue the fight, or it might be something else.

However, nothing happened, and Si Huang didn't continue to explore this fruitless guess, and easily opened the door and walked into her room.

She was sure Arthur was angry and affected by his words.

Because she knows what it's like to be underestimated by someone she considers an opponent.

For a person who has always been outstanding and confident, this is an emotion that cannot be let go, even if he knows that his opponent may deliberately provoke him.

In the next period of time, Arthur proved Sihuang's prediction with his attitude and practical actions, because the next day she was called by Yolanda to explain the problem of acting and filming, which meant to make her forget what the other party said yesterday , She can act as she pleases in her scenes.

Si Huang naturally had no reason to refuse, and then swept everyone like a victorious general. In just half a month, the Fox Company and other people in the crew deeply remembered this Asian star, not only agreeing He also had admiration for him.

These don't need to be explained deliberately by people, they can be felt just from the words, deeds and attitudes of the people.

Speaking of the filming process in the past half a month, it is not without conflicts. For example, when Sihuang played with Arthur, the atmosphere was always very tense, not only that Arthur occasionally appeared NG Even the surrounding staff are sometimes stimulated by their aura to do wrong things.

If it is said that this matter is just rubbing against Si Huang, another interesting thing is completely caused by Si Huang, and that is the issue of visiting the class.

When an actor is filming a work, it is normal for friends to visit occasionally.

It's just that the people who visit the class are generally people in the circle, and other fans or ordinary people may not let you in.

Ace came to visit the class in person on the first day, but in the following period, all kinds of people came to visit Sihuang's class.

The three young masters of Pierce's family who had just been recognized, that is, the pig-footed Lei Xie from "The Tooth of Time", Simon, the precious son of the Dolly family, and the Jasper family from country F sent a special greeting.

All of them are well-known figures. When they come to visit the film company, it will increase the reputation of Fox Films and increase the face of Fox Films. There is no reason to stop them.

It's just that after discovering that these people came here to see Sihuang, everyone's attitude towards Sihuang changed subtly. Some of the female staff members who were ready to move did not dare to have a one-night stand again, or they might have a relationship with boyfriend and girlfriend. Thinking about it, K is obviously not an ordinary Asian star in country Z, and these people alone are enough to make Sihuang's net worth and status rise again and again.

In the past half a month, everyone's attitude towards Sihuang has changed, which is actually related to these visiting people.

In this regard, Arthur also commented on Si Huang in a subtle tone, "You are really popular."

When I went to dinner before, I saw Sihuang answering the phone continuously, and I thought it was because he had many friends in China, but who would have thought that there were so many people running for him abroad.

This is really in line with Si Huang's words of "good popularity".

For his words, Sihuang's reaction was flat, as if all this was taken for granted. Those who have a good impression of her will find her confident and handsome when they see it, and those who are hostile to her will feel itchy with hatred.

All in all, the shooting schedule for the past half month is tight but safe. Maybe it’s because of the good publicity. A well-known magazine in country M specially invited Si Huang to do an interview. The main interview question was about "Mysterious Kingdom". There is also an introduction about her in the middle, it is understood that it will be released next week.

It's just that Sihuang can't buy it locally, because she has already followed the crew of "Mysterious Nation" to the shooting location in Italy.

On the day of arriving in Italy, Si Huang casually found a reason to go out for a stroll, and left the hotel arranged by the crew.

Although Mark arranged their itinerary and time very tightly during the official filming, he would not deny them the rest and relaxation they should have.

Today is the rest time, not only Sihuang but also other artists participating in the performance, all went to do their own things, so Sihuang's behavior of going out was not outstanding.

After being disguised by Yu Ling's skillful hands, Si Huang became an ordinary Western white college student with golden brown hair, some freckles on his face, and a pair of black-rimmed eyes.

Perhaps, some people will think that she is a high school student, and maybe there is a difference between the skeletons of Eastern and Western people that cannot be changed.

He hailed a taxi outside, and Si Huang asked the driver to take him to Berzin Street with a skilled British accent.

This is a bustling, corrupt and chaotic street.

You can eat, drink, prostitute and gamble here, and you can even get black arms, but you are too naive to think this is a fallen paradise.

If you are not a devil yourself, don't set foot here easily, because if you accidentally get unlucky, you will be innocently implicated in other people's fights, or you will be targeted, and then you will be sold and count the money for others, or even die unknown. Not white is possible.

Sihuang got off at the entrance of Bojin Street. The white driver took her money and kindly persuaded her: "If you're curious, or if you don't have anything particularly important, you'd better not stay here for too long."

"Okay?" Si Huang's tone was a little puzzled, as if he didn't know where it was.

The driver opened his mouth and said again, "Go home early!" Then he drove away.

Si Huang smiled slightly, and walked into the cobblestone road of Bojin Street. The buildings on both sides were of different heights, including small sundry shops and small bars with various light bulbs turned on in broad daylight.

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