Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 848 Earl and Missy (2)

There were not many people on the road, and it looked no different from a normal street.

No one pays attention to Si Huang, after all, he looks like an ordinary college student, and he doesn't have much oily water at first glance, and his appearance doesn't make much sense.

Sihuang, who was not very familiar with Bojin Street, dialed Ivan's phone, and was connected by the other party after it rang for a second.

"Missy lost?" Ivan's smiling voice sounded.

Sihuang naturally entered the state, snorted, and said to Ivan in a warning tone: "Are you happy?"

"Yes." Ivan restrained the joy in his tone a little, and said respectfully and gently: "I am very happy that the eldest lady is here."

"I haven't arrived yet." Si Huang complained, "Where is the seat you chose?"

"Please wait a moment." Ivan said, "Stop your steps and take a rest."

Si Huang hung up the phone directly.

In less than two minutes, the sound of horseshoes reached Sihuang's ears.

She raised her head and looked to the rear, and found that a medieval carriage was jogging along the road. The horse was a white horse, and the carriage was black. The black paint had a low-key sense of luxury, which made people feel at ease. You can tell that it's not the kind that is rented at will, and I don't know who specially raises this kind of stuff.

Si Huang watched the carriage getting closer, and then stopped in front of her. After being a little surprised, she guessed that this must be Ivan's arrangement.

Under the surprised eyes of passers-by on the street, Si Huang naturally stepped into the carriage, pushed the door and walked in.

The passers-by outside just saw the ordinary big boy go in, and stretched out a hand wearing a white glove. His slender fingers hooked the car door and closed it, blocking the prying eyes of everyone outside.

The space inside the carriage is not small, exuding a fresh and not greasy fragrance of roses, the royal blue and red sofa and the pillows wrapped in gold silk all ensure the comfort of the owner sitting inside.

Sihuang sat down calmly, looked up and saw Ivan's long-lost face, handsome and delicate facial features, deep sea-like eyes brewing with gentle waves.

"Are you proud?" Si Huang asked, "Think I will be satisfied with such an arrangement?"

Ivan's expression remained the same, but his eyes became deeper, and even the smile inside became clearer, "No, I'm just doing what I should do and giving the best to Missy."

Si Huang turned her head and looked out the window of the carriage, leaning her elbows on the armrest of the seat and her chin, her mouth moved slightly, "Not bad."

Ivan's eyes flickered, and he used his willpower to endure the pleasant laughter that almost blurted out.

The carriage drove smoothly on the modern road, and Ivan poured a cup of black tea for Sihuang inside, and skillfully prepared the flavor she liked.

Everything is so comfortable and just right that it is irresistible and easily depraved.

Si Huang is calm on the surface, but also calm in his heart, and has not lost himself in the vortex of his role.

"Where is the information I want?" Sihuang took a sip from the teacup, and then asked Ivan.

Ivan took out the file bag from the side table drawer, opened it himself, and handed the file inside to Si Huang.

Si Huang leaned on the soft sofa pillows and slowly flipped through the pages.

This is Arthur Stoke's information, and the content in it mentions that his ancestors were nobles and served blood clans.

When seeing the blood race, Sihuang's eyes flickered, and he raised his eyelids to look at Ivan.

This man really didn't disappoint her, he did what he was asked to do, he was sick to a certain extent, but he looked like an extremely normal smart person.

Although he had already guessed that Ivan would do exactly what he said, but seeing this completely unfalsified information with his own eyes, Sihuang still couldn't help but sigh slightly in his heart.

The blood race alone shows that Ivan did this for her sincerely.

It is written in the information that Arthur's name is very long and can be traced back to a long time ago. There are many embellishments after the name, but it is indeed Arthur. There is no need to pay too much attention to this point. What Sihuang cares about is Arthur's family members and the mention of Mi Lu.

There are not many direct members of Arthur's family, but it is like a spring, divided into many small streams, all over the western countries.

Mi Lu's family is a relatively thick one among these streams. They only recently came into contact with Arthur, and it seems that they have become his vassals.

Sihuang put down the information and looked at Ivan with his eyes.

Does Miss Jasper have a special bloodline? This point, Si Huang can not be sure.

This was not mentioned in the information she knew.

After seeing this information now, how would you react as the 'Miss Jasper'?

Sihuang sighed in her heart. Although Ivan looked gentle and sharp, this artifact was not so easy to master, and it was giving her a test all the time.

If her reaction can't directly meet Ivan's inner approval, I'm afraid that the warmth at this moment will turn into cruelty at the next moment.

"I'm hungry." Si Huang said.

"Yes, I'm going to the restaurant that has been arranged." Ivan replied gently, looking at her with a look of doting, and then disappeared inadvertently.

Si Huang nodded.

She guessed right.

In fact, Ivan's calmness has already given a hint.

Ivan must have read this information beforehand, and he could face it calmly. Why can't Miss Jasper do it? This is what the eldest lady wants, so it is not surprising that she knows what. Even if she is surprised in her heart, the eldest lady can control her inner emotions, right?

Quietness brewed for a while in the carriage.

"This," Sihuang said suddenly, pointed to the information file, and said to Ivan, "Well done."

The corner of Ivan's mouth rose, "It's as long as the eldest lady is satisfied."

"Don't call me Missy outside." Si Huang looked at him seriously, "Can't you see my attire?"

Ivan didn't immediately agree, "However, there are only the eldest lady and me here."

Si Huang frowned slightly.

Ivan looked at her.

After a few seconds, Ivan's lips moved, as if he was about to compromise.

Si Huang had turned her head first, looked out the window, and said lightly: "It's up to you."

Ivan's slightly parted lips returned to a smile, "Thank you for your emotion, my eldest lady."

The last "My Missy" was so gentle and delicate that it made the heart tingle.

Si Huang glanced at him, but did not answer.

When he looked back, a cold light reflected the glass window of the carriage.

That is……

Si Huang made a decisive decision, turned around and shouted: "Be careful...uh!"

A shadow rushed towards her, blocking her tightly with his body, but at this time, he only used one hand to protect her, and the guard did not get too close to her body.

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