Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 849 Earl and Missy (3)


The glass of the carriage was shattered, and the goose feathers in the pillows were flying around, blocking the sight.

Sihuang felt Ivan's body tremble slightly, she reached out her hand calmly, opened the door of the carriage on the other side, grabbed one of Ivan's hands, and dragged him out of the carriage together.

Here is still on the road of Berzin Street, pedestrians screamed in fright from the sudden shooting, Sihuang didn't stop in his footsteps, and led Ivan to run quickly, temporarily evading behind a billboard.

"Are you injured?" After arriving on the ground, Sihuang turned to look at Ivan.

Ivan shook his head, tore off his white gloves, and pulled out the pistol on his body.

The temperament of the man who got the gun changed instantly, but when he looked down at Sihuang, his expression was gentle and elegant, and he was still a dedicated deacon, "Please find a chance to leave first."

Si Huang scanned his whole body, and then saw the fabric on his side waist gradually being dyed darker, and suddenly smiled.

It's not that she can't leave, even if she leaves at this time, it doesn't affect her role-playing.

Because 'Miss Jasper' can completely trust her deacon, and her deacon will definitely not blame her. Afterwards, she only needs to use a superb performance to express her trust to Ivan, and she can pass the test again.

However, she didn't want to go like this, even she didn't want to just leave it like this. In a critical moment, her instinctive first reaction was to run away alone with the man who protected her. Would Miss Jasper let her deacon go?

"Shut up." Si Huang is not a hesitant personality, since he has made a decision, he doesn't need to struggle, "Don't you know how to bring someone with you when you go out?"

Ivan's expression was slightly innocent. Sometimes his eldest lady was so cute, she told him to shut up, but asked him questions, should he shut up or answer?

Ivan didn't remind Sihuang of this, because he knew that the eldest lady had a good face, especially in front of him.

"Sorry." Ivan replied, "It was my mistake."

He didn't tell Sihuang, because he guessed that the eldest lady who came to see him must not be dressed as a woman. If he brought other people, he would not be able to properly call his lady, nor would he be able to treat him well. Miss service.

If he told the real reason, wouldn't that be the responsibility of the eldest lady? This was originally his mistake, if he blamed the eldest lady, it would be his biggest mistake.

Si Huang didn't delve into this issue at this time. The billboard they were sheltering temporarily was shot through by a bullet, making the sound of electric current.

"I'll lure you, and you'll be in charge of shooting," Si Huang said.

Ivan immediately replied: "No!"

Si Huang looked at him.

Ivan said gently: "Their target is me, and they don't know the existence of Missy, so please don't offend Missy."

"What are you going to do alone?" Si Huang asked.

Ivan said: "Please believe me."

"Okay." Si Huang nodded.

Before Ivan was relieved, Sihuang had already opened the waist bag buttoned around his waist, and took out the parts from it.

The hands fluttered nimbly and assembled into a silver-white pistol within a few seconds.

Ivan guessed what she was going to do, "Miss."

Si Huang glared at him, "Don't talk nonsense, since I won't let me be the bait, then you will go instead."

Ivan looked at her quietly for a second, with deep waves in his eyes, he didn't know if he was remembering something or nothing, just thinking about the present.

"Yes, my lady." He stood up and smiled.

Sihuang regained his peace, and before he left, he asked, "Do you believe me? Ivan."

Ivan smiled and said, "I pledge my allegiance to you with my soul."

The man in suits and leather shoes still moved quickly and swiftly, shuttling through the streets where many people had dispersed.

The secret killer will not leave easily before completing the task.

As Ivan said, the killer in the dark is him.

Because Sihuang has found several suspicious people chasing after Ivan.

She seized the right time to leave the billboard, tied up the trousers of her jeans, took off the plaid shirt she was wearing outside the T-shirt and tied it around her waist, and bought a baseball cap at a passing store to put it on. The boss behind shouted :"give change!"

Sihuang waved to him to signal that he didn't need it, and quickly caught up with Ivan and the others.

Si Huang, who used to be an obedient college student with inconspicuous attire, has changed again, like a casual street youth.

She identified a person, and after confirming the identity of the killer, she raised her hand and shot.


The man fell in response.

The people around found out, screamed a few more times, and looked around.

Sihuang continued to speed up her pace indifferently, and Wubao's voice suddenly came from her mind: [Your Majesty, there are snipers targeting you! 】

Si Huang turned around and ran, and shuttled into the chaotic crowd. With the cover of the crowd, it was not easy for the sniper to target her in such a situation.

At the same time, he responded to Wubao with his consciousness: "Why is your tone a little gloating?"

Wu Bao said solemnly: [Because Your Majesty is so brave and invincible in the world, it is impossible for a little sniper to hurt Your Majesty! 】

Sihuang doesn't want to be poor with it, thinking that Wubao has grown a lot in the past two years, if this kind of thing happened before, he might be scared into something.

Although Sihuang entered the crowd, he didn't miss Ivan's direction.

After finding an opportunity to deal with another person, Si Huang secretly left the crowd, walked through unfamiliar streets, and finally found a young man riding a motorcycle, and gave him money to drive him away.

It's not that he changed his mind midway and ignored Ivan's fate, but Sihuang felt that he helped him solve two people, and the remaining people could not pose too much threat to Ivan.

After bidding farewell to the motorcycle youth at the exit of Bojin Street, Si Huang took a taxi and returned to the residence of his crew.

When she entered the hotel and got on the elevator, she received a text message from Ivan, saying that he was fine.

Si Huang replied a text message, asking him to go back as soon as possible and deal with the injury first.

As for a text message that Ivan came back to let her not worry, Si Huang deleted it together with the previous message.

The elevator door opened with a ding-dong, Si Huang raised her eyelids, and saw three young women coming in, both in makeup and dress, they were all exquisite and fashionable.

The three women just glanced at him and didn't care, and chatted with each other in the elevator.

Even if Si Huang didn't want to listen, she had to listen, and found that what they were talking about was Arthur, and said in an expectant tone that it would be great if she could meet Arthur in this hotel, and she didn't know which room number Arthur lived in.

It turns out that the news that the crew of "Mysterious Kingdom" lived in this hotel has already been spread.

Si Huang's thoughts moved, and she wanted to tell them Arthur's room number maliciously, so as to give Arthur a little trouble. But thinking of Arthur's blood identity and the secrecy of the crew, he put this thought to rest.

When the elevator stopped on another floor, Sihuang walked out.

"Hey, don't you think that boy was cute just now?"

"Huh? I didn't notice."

"I love Arthur, and I can't put anyone else in my eyes!"

The three women chatted in the elevator until it reached the restaurant on the top floor.

'Ding Dong. '

The elevator doors opened.

A tall figure stood at the door of the elevator, and the shadow shrouded it, making the three women stunned for a moment, and then looked up.

A man who is nearly 1.9 meters tall, with a handsome and stern appearance, does not have the deepness of Westerners, but it still makes people feel that his eyes are deep, his eyebrows are as thick as swords, under his straight nose bridge, his lips are naturally pursed into a straight line, and his face is straight. It is difficult to experience the powerful aura from countless tall and strong men in the West.

Especially when his eyes fell on him, it felt as if the rabbit was being stared at by a lion, causing trembling all over his body, and he dared not move easily for no reason.

"Aren't you going to come out?" The standard French, coupled with the deep magnetic voice, stimulated the three women to have a physical reaction.

"Oh, thank you." The lively women who were chatting happily a moment ago were all reserved and dignified now.

They came out and watched the dark-haired man walk in.

After a while after the elevator doors closed, they came back to their senses.

"Oh! It's so MAN! It turned out to be an Asian! I think I'm going to fall in love!"

"Didn't you just say that you only love Arthur?"

"Do you think he is K?"

"No, K doesn't look like this, K is still a boy who has just grown up!"

"Don't say that, even though he's just grown up, K is still very attractive."

The women stood at the elevator door and chatted.

At this moment, the man in the elevator looked at a message from a number on his mobile phone, and the corners of his straight mouth slightly raised.

If Sihuang was present and saw the number in the other party's mobile phone, he would definitely recognize that it was Yuxi's call.

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