Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 851 I Only Love You (1)

They continued to work the next day. Mark and the others were not surprised to see Qin Fan, and they didn't know what they had imagined. They even sighed to Si Huang: "It seems that what happened in the Mediterranean Sea still makes you feel at ease."

Si Huang didn't explain. Since Mark and the others helped her find the most appropriate reason, Si Huang didn't mind pretending to be weak. After all, someone died in the Dream incident, and she, an 'eighteen-year-old', would be surprised all the year round. , leaving a psychological shadow, and then calling the bodyguard back to his side, it seems completely understandable.

Qin Fan still called himself Arnold to the outside world, and he never took his eyes off Sihuang, giving Mark and the others the impression that they were professional bodyguards.

"Which company did he invite?" Yolanda took advantage of Sihuang's presence at the shooting scene and Qin Fan could only stand outside the scene, and walked up to Sihuang's side and asked her softly.

Seeing Yolanda secretly glanced at Qin Fan, Sihuang realized that he was the one she asked, so she naturally replied, "It was given by the elders in the family."

"Oh." Yolanda nodded regretfully.

Some families in countries such as M and Y still retain some traditional medieval rules.

Yolanda also knew some of these things, so she didn't doubt what Sihuang said. She had seen the elders train bodyguards and deacons for the younger generations.

After a simple exchange, the two concentrated on their work. What we are going to film today is the conflict between Sihuang and Arthur, or more precisely, the conflict between Sai and Stuart.

Sai was sent by the Queen to work with Stuart to find the medicine to save Her Royal Highness, the reason being that this would prove that she also cared about the princess, and hoped to do her part to make the princess wake up healthily.

It's just that in the eyes of people like Stuart, this kind of behavior is simply an evil intention, and it may be to play tricks on the road.

Stuart agreed anyway, and persuaded the king to agree. Because Sey and he are both known as the double blades of the empire, if he leaves the palace, he is not at ease to put Sey in the palace. In case Sai wants to hurt the princess, coupled with the help of the queen, it can be done without anyone noticing.

If Sai did not leave the palace with him this time, he would also propose to the king to send Sai outside to guard other cities, or to go to other countries. Anyway, he must not be left alone in the palace.

Now that Sey could follow him and let him watch him in person, it was just in line with Stuart's wishes.

According to the development of the plot, the two now inadvertently heard that a miracle appeared in the mysterious sea area, and the medicine to cure the princess' illness was in the sea.

So their team rushed all the way to the mysterious sea, and in a small town they passed by, most of the people were infected with a disease, which was somewhat similar to the princess's disease.

It was nothing. Stuart was not a holy father enough to think that he could help them, so he didn't stop in this small town, but just investigated the cause of the illness.

What caused the conflict between Say and Stuart was that several refugees who secretly followed them were directly executed by Say!

After dealing with those few extra bugs, Sey wiped the sharp knife in his hand, next to the terrible low pressure of the blond knight commander.

He didn't seem to feel it, and a low and hoarse voice sounded faintly, "Cremate them."

The knights looked at each other and were about to act when they heard Stuart's stern voice, "They are human beings and should be buried after death!"

"Really." Sei's tone did not change, but it made people feel that they could not be ridiculed, "I thought they were bedbugs after the disease was eroded. After the burial, the disease was integrated into the land, and then absorbed by the vegetation. In the end, they are eaten by people and transformed into new bedbugs."

It was rare for an indifferent man to say so many things at once, but every word he said made Stuart angry.

"They are human!" The blond knight commander seriously affirmed this, even his purple eyes froze into ice crystals.

Sey looked at him sideways, "Oh, kind Sky Knight Commander."

"..." Stuart's anger was clear.

The two looked at each other from a distance, the invisible magnetic field collided and the imposing confrontation made goosebumps pop up in the onlookers.

Mark belatedly shouted the card, and then asked Si Huang, who were still in the role state, to take a few more angles of the scene just now.

It turns out that Sihuang and Arthur are getting more and more 'tacit', even if the same scene is shot several times, the two can still maintain the same aura.

As if a natural enemy, as long as the opponent is in front of his eyes, he will hold his breath no matter what, and will not show weakness in front of the opponent, arousing the fighting factor in his whole body, and his blood is boiling.

Arthur's progress is obvious to all, and he is rarely NG, but he performed well in other scenes, not too amazing and people can't find his fault, he didn't have the indescribable performance when he played against Sihuang Feel.

Mark talked to him about this, tried it a few times, found nothing to change, and let it go.

In fact, in normal scenes, Arthur's performance has exceeded his budget, but the exciting feeling when playing with Sihuang made him involuntarily want to pursue more perfection.

Filming sounds quite simple, but it takes a camera to shoot a few performers, but it takes too much effort to shoot a movie exquisitely and perfectly.

This is why it only takes more than one or two hours for audiences to watch a movie, but it takes months or even half a year or a year to complete the production of this movie.

In one morning, I filmed the scene between Si Huang and Arthur. Qin Fan also stood on the sidelines and watched for a long time, watching Si Huang who had changed in the acting, and also watched her hard work and seriousness.

During the noon break, Si Huang, Qin Fan and Yu Xi ate at the same table. They were far away from other people, and there were no other people around, so it was convenient for them to talk.

Yu Xi speeded up to finish the meal, and called Yu Ling and assistants Su Su and Guo Nai to do other things, leaving space for Si Huang and Qin Fan.

Qin Fan is very satisfied with his sense of humor. You must know that Xu Zixiu, a super light bulb, was too much for you some time ago. Compared with Yu Xi's empathy, the difference is really too big.

"It seems that you have had a wonderful life recently." Qin Fan put down his chopsticks and wiped his mouth with a tissue.

Si Huang also ate well, hearing what he said, but smiled.

Qin Fan said: "I said that I will not stop your work and will support you, so I didn't check your affairs before coming here."

"En." Si Huangming understood.

She knew that Qin Fan's overbearing was overbearing, but he would still give her the space he should give, or he really gave her a lot of freedom, and he was always accommodating her.

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