Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 852 I only love you (2)

All along, whenever he had free time, he would come to meet her according to her itinerary. On the contrary, she was too busy, leaving him too little time.

"I didn't expect that they were all acquaintances." Qin Fan curled his lips.

Si Huang heard a bit sour, and said with a dumb smile: "I thought your reaction would be bigger."

Although she was happy that the man believed in her, she still missed the little Mensao who used to be so jealous about little things. Looking back now, the irritability when confronting him at that time disappeared, and she felt that the man was quite fun and cute.

Qin Fan raised his eyelids and glanced at Arthur who was eating at the table in front left, "You don't like him."

I've been with his baby for two years, and it's a failure if I don't even wink at him.

Si Huang was about to speak when she saw Qin Fan move the chair and sit beside her, and the two were within a fist's distance.

"Not only don't you like him, but you also hate him." Qin Fan asked, "What did he do to you? Let you change from admiring you to hating him now?"

Although Qin Fan asked calmly, Si Huang still felt the cruelty hidden in his tone.

"What can he do to me." Si Huang smiled lightly.

Seeing that her expression was not joking, Qin Fan dispelled the gloom in his heart, and said to Si Huang, "It's rare that you hate someone so purposelessly."

"What's the meaning?"

"To the people of the Si family and the Bai family, I feel that your dislike has practical reasons and grievances. To Arthur, you are at a loss."

"Ha, when did you learn the sika deer thing?"

Si Huang, who was halfway through laughing, was taken aback by Qin Fan's sudden approach, but she didn't overreact, but looked at him suspiciously.

The faces of the two are very close, and they can feel each other's breath. From other directions, they may even be mistaken for kissing.

"You look at his eyes differently." Qin Fan will not observe everyone like the sika deer, to explore everyone's character and character, but because he cares too much, he will focus on one-pointedness. on a person.

Si Huang was also curious about what Qin Fan saw in his eyes, "Why is it different?"

"It's different from Si Hua and the others." As Qin Fan said, he felt uncomfortable at first, and couldn't help pinching Si Huang's hand on his knee with his big hand, and asked her, "You don't have any reason to hate him. "

Si Huang was still thinking about the meaning of Qin Fan's words, and she was also thinking about her own heart, and then Qin Fan's next sentence disrupted all her thoughts.

Qin Fan said: "Hate is the beginning of interest."

"What...what?" The logic and thoughts in Sihuang's mind were so broken, and he looked at Qin Fan with round eyes.

Immediately afterwards, a burst of clear and melodious laughter attracted the others. They looked at the table between Si Huang and Qin Fan in amazement. Seeing that the two were still very close, Si Huang laughed heartily again, thinking it was Qin Fan. Fan said some interesting whispers to Sihuang.

"Hahaha." Si Huang laughed for a while, laughing so much that Qin Fan was a little embarrassed, not knowing what he said wrong before.

However, Qin Fan couldn't see the slightest bit of embarrassment on his face, it just cooled down, which was more deterrent.

Si Huang calmed down after a long while, and asked Qin Fan in a low voice: "Which book did you read this?"

She can be sure that Qin Fan will never think of these, so she can only read the truth in the so-called love book.

When I think of this mature and coquettish man, I don't know when, I read it with a love education book, and I feel very happy when I think about it.

"I thought you really didn't care, but you still get jealous." Si Huang's voice was lowered, and Qin Fan's whole body went numb from the sound coming from the depths of his throat.

He squeezed Sihuang's hand tightly, his eyes became more oppressive, and he said in a cold and almost fierce tone: "If you think too much, I won't be happy with anyone you treat better."

Si Huang raised his eyebrows, his heart was about to move.

If it wasn't for the wrong place, she really wanted to overwhelm this suddenly ruthless beast and see what he looks like after being conquered.

This idea was dispelled as soon as it arose, but Qin Fan was keenly aware of the flickering flame in her eyes, and then he was aroused, but he couldn't extinguish the flame as easily as Sihuang.

Not long after, the assistant came over to call someone, saying that the shooting in the afternoon was about to start.

Before Sihuang left, Qin Fan told her: "Don't get too close to Arthur."

Si Huang paused, turned her head and gave Qin Fan a helpless look.

Don't get too close to this, Si Huang understands what it means, but how should she tell Qin Fan that she has to have 'intimate' contact with Arthur in the following plot?

When Qin Fan saw it, he immediately had a bad premonition, and soon everything he saw proved his premonition to be correct.

The shooting in the afternoon was still between Sey and Stuart, and the conflict between the two in the morning was related, because only Sey in the team was the best at finding water sources and understanding water properties, and Stuart was worried about leaving Sey behind. , He will do something unconscionable, so in the end the two sides still stay in the same team.

However, the contradictions have already been aroused, and the temporary harmony is just the calm before the storm. Everyone can feel the depression in the atmosphere.

When the water source was found—the filming site was temporarily built, but it was an indoor swimming pool surrounded by dry ice. After all, the real hot air and water mist would affect the clarity of the shooting lens.

The members of the Cavaliers took off their clothes one by one, and couldn't wait to take a clean bath, even Stuart was no exception.

Only Sey, who was dressed in black and silver armor, stood by the water and said in a cold voice: "Wash the filth with water, and what kind of water is used to wash it. In the end, the filth will still be drunk into your stomach."

When the men heard the words, one of them replied: "Dirty things will flow away with the water."

"Then being drunk by others?" Sai's tone didn't sound like a question.

None of the knights answered, and suddenly Stuart said coldly: "You guys leave first."

The knights didn't know why, but they all obeyed the commander's words, picked up their half-taken clothes, and left the pool one by one.

Here again became the home of Sey and Stuart.

The blond man in the water had already taken off his armor, his white underwear was open, revealing his pale but strong chest, sexy waistline and abdominal muscles, presenting a masculine picture in the water that makes women crazy.

He hasn't started taking a shower yet, his blond hair is still dry, and his violet eyes are shining with cold and sharp light, completely different from his naturally lustrous body, the contradiction is more exciting, people want to push him, or be pushed by him , the impulse to make him show a different look.

"It's dangerous on the way to find the medicine for Her Royal Highness, and you may be infected with the disease," Stuart said coldly, "Say, if you are infected with the disease, do you want to be burned to ashes or buried in the ground?"

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