Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 853 I Only Love You (3)

"Would an upright Stuart say something like that?" Sai didn't answer him.

The blond-haired knight commander in the water suddenly stepped forward, reached out and grabbed the mysterious man with black hair and silver face, and dragged him into the water.

The splash of water made both of them drenched, but compared to Sai, who was still tightly wrapped, the wet body temptation of the blond knight commander made the woman in the scene scream involuntarily.

The scream at the beginning was for the charm of the blond knight commander, and the scream at the end was for fright.

The two in the water fought close to each other without hesitation. Stuart took off his armor and had no weapon on him, so Sey didn't use his weapon either. The two fought simply and fiercely with their hands.

The strong blond knight shook his fist at the black-haired man, and said sharply, "People like you will never understand the value of life!"

The black-haired man caught his fist, bowed his knees mercilessly and attacked his abdomen, his tone was still hoarse and cold, "What you call life is precious is to leave patients behind, let them infect others, and let everyone together Die in pain."

Stuart received a blow to the abdomen, and while grunting, he didn't let go of Sey. Instead, he clasped his hand and twisted it vigorously, and he heard a painful hum in his ears.

Happiness flashed in his purple eyes, and he looked closely at the masked man in front of him, "I will persuade them to leave, their lives should not be decided by you."

"What a kind sky knight!" Sai's tone of irony also revealed anger, "Your innocence surprised me, since they can keep up, they won't leave!"

"Even so, we should give them the respect they deserve after death." Stuart's voice also increased.

Sai said: "I'm sorry, but I don't know what respect is for bedbugs. Maybe only the same kind understands respect for the same kind?"

"You son of a bitch!" The upright and honorable Master Knight also cursed. He suddenly burst out with stronger strength, grabbed the man's black hair and forced his face into the water.


The blisters kept coming out, and Sey struggled.

Even if you know it's acting, yes! This is acting! However, the photographer and Mark were shocked. Arthur's violent behavior and fierce behavior made it impossible to connect him with the elegant singer.

Their movements seem to be playing for real!

As for why the word "like" was used, because Mark and the others couldn't be sure, after all, neither of the two people in the scene stopped or made a mistake.

In the play, Sai's struggles became smaller and smaller, and finally returned to silence.

Stuart frowned and pulled him up, but his other hand grabbed his neck just in case, and looked at the silent black-haired man.

His eyes were cold and disgusted, and he suddenly approached Sai, so close that his face seemed to be close to Sai's mask.

"The queen's hellhound, if he died so easily, what qualifications do he have to stand by my side?"

This sentence is to satirize Sey, to see through his trick of pretending to be dead, but for some reason, Mark and the others looked at the picture in front of them, and felt something indescribably wrong.

There is a sense of danger of confrontation! There is also a sense of irony in words! There are no mistakes in the lines! So what exactly feels wrong?

No one noticed that Yu Ye took a step forward quietly, and it took all the perseverance in his life to block the corner in front of Qin Fan, and reminded in a low voice: "Mr. Qin, this is acting!"

"I know." Qin Fan replied calmly.

Feather: "..."

Just listening to his tone is quite calm, but only when he stands beside Qin Fan can he know how terrifying this person's aura is.

He didn't dare to look at Qin Fan's eyes and face anymore, so he could only focus on the shooting scene, and saw that the plot had developed to the point that Stuart was going to take off Sai's mask.

Yuene has also read the script, so he knows that in the movie "Mysterious Nation", Stuart and Sey really have no ambiguity at all.

The scene currently filmed is one of the conflicting scenes between the two. The reason why Stuart took off Sai's mask was simply to see what the queen's hellhound looks like, and what Sai has been hiding all along. And the idea of ​​humiliating Sai.

However, at this moment, Yuene felt inexplicably solemn in the scene in front of him, as if what the blond knight commander was about to unveil was not the mask, but the bride's veil.

As soon as this idea came up, Yu Xi immediately dismissed it, telling himself not to think about it, and only blame Mr. Qin for not coming at the right time.

Stuart did not remove the mask quickly, and the camera focused on this scene.

With Stuart's fingers, one corner of the mask of the silver wolf head was lifted, revealing a white chin.

Just a chin can make people guess, this is a person with detailed and beautiful appearance.

Stuart paused with his fingers.

In such an instant, the person whose neck was strangled by him suddenly moved.

Like a silver wolf waiting for an opportunity, he grabbed Stuart's hand in an instant, rescued his own neck, and then seized the opportunity to imprison Stuart and force him to the shore.

A sharp knife was aimed at Stuart's neck, and murderous intent emanated from his whole body.

"Oh my god!" Someone outside the venue even couldn't hold back their screams.

The camera flicked, and the photographer looked scared and overwhelmed, and continued to move without hearing Mark's call to stop.

Since he wanted to suppress someone like Stuart, Sey had to use all his means, not even bothering to manage the half-revealed mask.

The two faced each other, half of the blond knight's upper body was crushed on the shore, his clothes were scattered and stuck to his body, and water droplets flowed from his chest, making people dazzled.

If it wasn't for the strong aura of the black-haired man on his body, people would be frightened, and there was no time to pay attention to the beauty of the blond knight commander, and many women would be stunned.

When people thought that Sey's sharp knife would pierce Stuart's neck in an instant, the black-haired man only left a bloodstain on his neck, then stopped, and said a word from his bright red lips, "Dirty."

The blond-haired knight captain stared closely at his lips, and then his neck. Due to the angle problem, he could clearly see the graceful arc of the neck. His expression and eyes seemed to want to bite his neck off.

"Chief Knight! It's not good!" A knight actor ran over and shouted loudly.


Arthur's manager, Jason, personally brought a bath towel and handed it to Arthur who went ashore without looking at Sihuang.

Sihuang's side was served by Qin Fan himself, and he didn't even look at Arthur's side.

The atmosphere between the two sides seemed harmonious and weird, so that people around them didn't dare to interrupt for no reason.

"Cough, it's hard work. Let's rest first and wait for the next game..." Mark had just finished speaking when he was interrupted by two simultaneous voices.

"Sihuang needs to rest."

"Sorry, Arthur is tired."

The voices of Qin Fan and Jason sounded at the same time, and the two who noticed this still didn't look at each other, they looked at Mark together.

Mark: "Okay, you guys go to rest first, the performance just now was so good, it really took a lot of energy."

Whether it's the bodyguard or the manager, the eyes are a little too oppressive.

After getting permission to rest, Sihuang naturally returned to the room with Qin Fan, and Arthur and the others were on the same road, who arranged their rooms together.

As time passed, the atmosphere of the two pairs became more and more gunpowder was brewing the longer it was quiet.

But until their respective figures returned to the room, nothing happened.

Si Huang was sent into the bathroom by Qin Fan. After putting in the hot water, she undressed and soaked in the bathtub. Feeling the man's low pressure, Si Huang opened her mouth and didn't say anything, but stretched out her hand to him.

Qin Fan looked at the familiar face and expression in front of him, then turned his eyes to her arm again, "Where is the medicine?" As a star, it is easy to bump into each other, and he knew that Sihuang would carry the medicine box with him.

"At Yuen's place." Si Huang just finished speaking when the doorbell rang in the room.

Qin Fan went to open the door and saw that Yu Chen had come over with the medicine box and handed it to him. He didn't intend to enter the door, "I think Si Huang just acted with real strength, maybe he was injured?"

"Yes." Qin Fan nodded to him, "I'm in trouble."

"No, what I should do, I will leave Sihuang to Mr. Qin." Yu En finished speaking and left.

In fact, it was not because of his good eyesight that Si Huang was injured, but because of the reactions of Qin Fan and Jason.

After closing the door and going back to the bathroom, Si Huang laughed when he saw Qin Fan, "The person I picked is not bad, right?"

Qin Fan glanced at her, but didn't answer her.

Select what you need in the medicine box, take Sihuang's hand out of the bathtub, apply the medicine and rub it slowly.

A touch of warmth slowly brewed in the hot and humid bathroom.

Si Huang's eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes softened as he looked at the man.

Qin Fan suddenly asked: "You are very good at acting, and you are very serious. It is like becoming another individual in the play."

"Huh?" Si Huang's expression remained unchanged.

Qin Fan looked at her, "Individuals in the play are arranged to love their families, and I can't participate."

Si Huang smiled and said: "In the play, I can become anyone, and I may have countless lives, but no one can really own me. But outside the play, I only love you, and I am owned by you."

The man who was originally in low pressure and depressed mood froze.

What did his baby say? Love? have?

The hand outside the bathtub that he had rubbed the medicine on turned around and held him, fingers intertwined.

Si Huang's soft voice was full of tenderness, "If it was you, you could let me out of the play at any time."

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