Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 866 I'm scared out of my wits (1)

After Yolanda finished listening, she stared at Si Hua for a long while without saying a word.

Si Hua was nervous when she looked at him, and there was a gentle and harmless smile on his face. Women who liked his looks before all liked to see his smiling face.

"At first I thought you were very suitable for the role of Hillman." Yolanda left behind these words, then shook her head and left.

Si Hua wanted to call her to stop, but he didn't know what to say when he opened his mouth, let alone understand the meaning of Yolanda's endless words.

However, these are not important, what is important is that Si Hua understands that his proposal was rejected.

In the eyes of Si Huang and the others not far away, what they saw was that after Si Hua and Yolanda talked about something, Yolanda left, and Si Hua just hung his head and didn't know what he was thinking.

Assistant Susu was about to pass the mineral water in her hand to Si Huang, but found that one hand was faster than her own. It didn't mean that the other party deliberately robbed her halfway, but that she had already done it before her.

As soon as Susu raised her head, she saw a Western deep and delicate face, full of the charm of a mature man.

She was startled, especially when she just happened to look over at Ivan, she felt guilty for some reason, and squeezed the mineral water bottle back.

Si Huang didn't pay attention to the small movements of the little assistant around him, and when he found the water bottle handed over by Ivan, he naturally took it.

A snow-white hamster ran back to her side, climbed up her trousers to her shoulder and whispered to her, even if it knew where it was said, it was still a whisper, "Your Majesty, I heard it, the boss who just messed with the thief Slag found that woman because of..."

Sihuang didn't stop it from having fun as a spy. After Wubao finished what he knew, Sihuang laughed, "Haha..."

Ivan, who hadn't left yet, heard it, his eyes flashed, and he asked warmly, "Is there anything happy about it?"

The smile in Si Huang's eyes remained undiminished, and he said with a light smile: "Things are interesting only when they are unexpected."

At least she didn't expect Si Hua to have the courage and confidence to ask Yolanda for the play.

I don't know whether to say that Si Hua's courage is commendable, or if he has been forced to a certain extent and his mind is muddled.

Thinking about Wu Bao's answer from Yolanda, Si Huang could clearly understand what she meant.

Perhaps in Yolanda's heart, Si Hua and Hillman are very similar. As her Si Huang's younger brother, she has gained nothing. A force to gain a sense of survival.

It’s just that Hillman in the play is stubborn and self-respecting. After being forced to wake up by Sai, he has complicated emotions towards Sai. If he failed to awaken, Hillman believed that Sai would allow him to die. Even death is another kind of relief for Hillman, but people are afraid of death after all.

Si Hua is different from Hillman, his hatred for Si Huang has been deeply rooted in his bone marrow, he will not appreciate that gratitude, all he sees is Si Huang's cruelty, and then he can't wait to trample Si Huang under his feet.

What he said today made Yolanda see clearly a corner of his heart.

Facts have proved that Si Hua's suggestion has not been accepted by Yolanda.

Ivan's private ship sailed out to sea, and their filming took place at sea during these days.

The filming of "Mysterious Kingdom" has officially reached the most critical part, and the veil of the mysterious kingdom is slowly being unveiled to the world.

"Looking at me, you should know that I have the oldest qualifications on this ship. At that time, I was only six or seven years old. I was not a crew member of Boss Bonnie, but a handyman on another ship." The old old crew member Sitting on the deck, his thick black skin had deep wrinkles like a knife cut, and his expression was proud.

Yes, the old crew member is proud because he has more rich experience than others. This experience makes the most famous sky knight in the empire obediently listen to his stories in front of him.

Although the old crew member is old, his eyes are still clear, letting people know that he is not old and confused.

For his words, everyone naturally believed a little more.

The old crew member said: "In that battle between the pirates, the people on both ships were buried in the sea. I thought I was going to die, but I didn't. I was saved."

"In that kind of sea, far away from the land, but I woke up by the sea. Some people said it was a miracle, but I knew it wasn't. I saw it before I fell into a coma."

"What did you see?" Stuart asked the old crew who stopped deliberately.

The old crewman took a deep breath, his eyes sparkled with infinite vitality, "I saw the legendary sea monster, who has the same upper body as us, but has a fish tail. Only such a mysterious sea monster can pull me out of the sea. Save it."

"Hey! Old John! That's not what you told us last time when you were drunk. You said that you were already unconscious without seeing the elf's lower body clearly. It's a serious crime to deceive Lord Knight!" Taiwan.

The old crewman said angrily: "I didn't lie to me! If you don't believe me, why do you still go to sea? Don't you go to sea to meet the siren?"

"No." The young crew continued to laugh, "It is said that neither the sea monster nor the siren are kind creatures that can save people. They are disasters for the crew, and I don't want to see them."

From the address of this young crew member, it can be heard that this person does not regard creatures such as sirens and sirens as the same kind, and does not recognize them as human beings.

From the mouth of the old seaman, he first explained the tip of the iceberg of a part of the mysterious country in the ocean, and then there were disasters experienced by everyone on the ship, and the existence of the siren gradually became visible in everyone's conversations.

"Damn! Was it so difficult to go to sea before?"

"My God! This fog has been rising for three days!"

"Oh no! The storm is coming—! Is the sea monster angry?"

"Shut up! There can't be sea monsters in this world, they're just a pastime for those noble gentlemen looking for trouble!"

In such successive disasters, the old crew member John was so excited that he murmured that the sea monster must have appeared. She watched her in the dark, and even in the storm, he ran to the deck and shouted loudly , shouting that I am back, I have come to see you, my love, please take me away!

If Bonnie hadn't called for someone to pull him back, maybe he would have jumped into the sea insanely.

Old John's madness caused the other crew members to panic. Even if Captain Bonnie threatened and comforted him, it didn't make the atmosphere better.

On a rare day with good weather, Bonnie found Sey standing on the deck.

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