Rebirth of the National Male God

867 Chapter 867 Was scared out of his wits (2)

"Dear Sai, the weather is so weird recently!" She growled irritably, but did not get any response from the man beside her.

The disaster during this time made the red-haired female pirate unable to dress herself up, her flaming hair became dull and lost a bit of its luster, and her face became a little haggard.

This makes Bonnie a bit more feminine, and let people know that she is still a woman, a woman who should be protected by men.

"Say, do you think we can go back alive?" Bonnie asked in a low voice.

Maybe she didn't even realize that she, who has always been strong and arrogant, showed a rare vulnerable side in front of this indifferent and mysterious man.

Sai's hoarse voice sounded, but he answered irrelevantly, "The ocean is angry, maybe we need a sacrifice."

"What did you say?" Bonnie opened her eyes in surprise.

Sey looked down at her, and didn't repeat himself, because he knew Bonnie must have heard clearly.

Under his gaze, Bonnie squinted her eyes, and then smiled, "You are right, we need sacrifices to calm the ocean! Oh, my dear Sai, you are my favorite person , why didn't I think of this?"

This perverse and changeable female pirate is very efficient. When she was about to throw sacrifices into the ocean, she got the approval of most of the crew.

Anyway, the sacrifices must be slaves. If the slaves can quell this bad luck, they are very willing to throw all the slaves on the ship. At worst, they will trouble themselves and do some chores by themselves.

Hillman, as a member of the slaves, even though he was already Stuart's slave in name, could not escape the member who was chosen as a sacrifice.

Bonnie's reason is very reasonable. Now that everyone is on board, the offering of sacrifices is for everyone's safety, so everyone should pay some price.

Stuart opposed such a decision, "Maybe it's all due to the weather, and it will be fine in a few days."

The ancient empire enshrined gods, they believed in the existence of gods, but Stuart never pinned his hopes on gods, he believed in his own judgment and his own power.

"You have said this more than once, good Stuart, but we are still suffering from bad luck." Sai stood up and refuted him.

What Stuart couldn't stand the most was that every word Sey fired sarcastic attacks on him. Especially knowing that the proposal of this sacrifice was proposed by Sai, "Would a hellhound who never cared about life be afraid of death? Then if you want to sacrifice, why don't you jump off yourself? Maybe the sea god will take care of you and let You survived."

For Stuart to say such harsh words, it is conceivable that he really hates Sai to the bone.

"Don't say that, Sey is different." Bonnie said.

Stuart said: "Everyone has to pay with their own life. If I need to pay Hillman, what should Sey pay?"

Bonnie said, "Say bought a slave from me."

Stuart stopped talking, his frozen purple eyes stared at the black-haired man with the silver wolf mask.

Then no one expected that Sai's shoulders trembled slightly, as if he was laughing, he turned around and kicked Hillman off the deck.



The sound of falling into the water startled everyone, and the next behavior of the black-haired masked man scared everyone even more.

"As you wish." The low and hoarse voice sounded erratically, and then I saw the black-haired man leaping easily and squatting on the railing of the deck.

Under everyone's gaze, his expression was hidden behind the mask, and he froze for a second before falling backwards.

"K—!" Bonnie, no! Or it should be said that Mi Lu, who was off the show, blurted out in alarm, ran over without thinking, and then jumped off the boat.

Below... is the real sea!

"Falke! Go down and save people!" Mark woke up with a start and shouted hastily.

In fact, there was no need for him to shout, someone had already put down the life buoy and life ladder, and then went into the water to find Si Huang and the others.

Yuene stood on the edge of the deck, unable to maintain an elite cold face, and said to himself quickly, "Sihuang can swim! That's right, he can swim, he can swim very well, so Nothing will happen!" After saying this several times in a row, he took a deep breath, relaxed and calmed down, and when he turned his head, he happened to see Ivan next to him.

Seeing this, Ivan's face startled him, even if it didn't distort for a moment, if he didn't see it just by chance, he would have wondered if he was delusional.

"Mr. Jasper?" Yuene called hesitantly.

Ivan looked at him and said softly, "Please prepare towels and clean clothes for K."

Yuene: "...ah, yes. You're right." Ignoring that weird feeling, Yuene also believed that Sihuang would be fine, and turned around to let Susu and the others get clean towels and clothes.

When everything was ready, Yuene still couldn't ignore the weirdness that emerged from the bottom of his heart, and couldn't help but look at Ivan again, and found that his expression was calm, but his white-gloved hands were clenched tightly, looking a little depressed.

Maybe, just don't want your personal ship to die again?

Yuene felt that his idea was too unreliable, but he couldn't think of a reason that was more in line with the situation.

A few minutes later, Si Huang, Si Hua, and Mi Lu all returned to the deck safely.

Yuene handed her the towel, "The clothes are ready, do you want to change?"

"Wait." Si Huang took off the mask and wiped her face with a towel.

Mi Lu and Si Hua were not as lucky as she was. The makeup on the former's face was all messed up, and he stared at Si Huang as soon as he arrived on the deck. His expression seemed to be still in shock, a little bit wronged and a little bit happy.

The latter was even worse. After being choked up several times, it took him a long time to recover. Then Si Hua's expression twisted, and he jumped up and rushed towards Si Huang, but was stopped by someone on the way.

"This is murder! Murder! He wants to kill me!" Si Hua screamed.

This time he was really frightened and realized that death was so close to him.

Si Hua can swim, but was kicked suddenly by Si Huang, so when she fell into the water, she was unprepared, and she choked on a few mouthfuls of water. In addition to her injuries, she lost the chance to save herself.

When his body became heavier and he was farther and farther away from the water, the despair almost shattered Si Hua's heart.

"It was K who saved you," said one of the rescuers who was holding him next to him.

When he went down to save people, he clearly saw that it was Si Huang who dived in time to rescue Si Hua.

"No! He wants to kill me! You should report it! He's a murderer!" Si Hua shook her head, convinced of this, and shouted about Si Huang's crime.

Originally, everyone thought that Si Huang was taking his acting too seriously, and it was his fault that he almost caused an accident, but now seeing Si Hua's entanglement, he couldn't help feeling bored.

murder? How big a crime is this? If you report the crime, do you still want to film this scene? And even though they saved you personally, and it's your own brother, it's really too much for you to act like you want to kill him.

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