Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 873 You Are Really a Devil (1)

The next day, there was a conflict in the crew.

The source of the conflict came from Si Hua - he refused to film.

Originally, Si Hua's role is not too important if it is said to be important, and it has a relevant role if it is not important. The leader of 'Poseidon' in my mind, Sey is not a gentle father who loves the people like a son, but a decisive and ruthless monarch.

Because Hillman has the blood of the Sea Race in his body, Sai pays more attention to him, and then uses tyrannical means to force him to wake up.

If he can't awaken, then he will be a human being buried in the ocean, and dying in the ocean can be regarded as a respect for the blood of the sea clan remaining in his body.

If he awakens, then he will break away from his slave status, gain freedom and the right to return to the group.

Whether Sai's behavior should be said to be cruel or benevolent, it is up to the audience to observe and guess for themselves in the future. Everyone has different ideas, and the point is to arouse people's attention to this character.

Now only the last part of Hillman's scene is left, which is the scene of his final awakening in the sea.

Si Hua refused to shoot, which made Mark and the others very angry.

The good mood brought up by Si Hua and Arthur was completely destroyed by Si Hua.

"Are you going to break the contract?" Yolanda, who has always been an intellectual woman, couldn't help but turn cold. "Can you afford the liquidated damages?"

Si Hua's appearance was haggard, his eyes were bloodshot, and his eyelids were black and blue. It could be seen that he hadn't slept all night.

He spent the whole night last night under the surveillance of Ivan's people, so he might not be able to sleep. If he hadn't been filming today, he might have continued to be watched and wouldn't even be given the chance to commit suicide.

Si Hua's eyeballs rolled a few times, and then he laughed ironically, with a taste of breaking a jar, "I can't afford it, I'm not Si Huang, if he doesn't pay for me, I definitely can't afford it. "

Not to mention Mark and the others, even the surrounding staff couldn't help showing repulsion when they saw Si Hua's behavior and words.

Yolanda felt that Si Hua was unreasonable, so she couldn't help but glanced at Si Huang, thinking that they were both born in the same family, why is there such a big difference?

"What the hell are you thinking? If you insist on doing this, then you will be forced to pay debts, or even go to court and go to jail!" Mark warned him.

Si Hua ignored him, looked around and looked at everyone, and finally his eyes stayed on Si Huang's face.

"I really regret that I had so many opportunities before, but I didn't kill you!"

Si Hua said this sentence in Chinese, but there was no shortage of people who could understand Chinese. As soon as Yolanda asked, someone was responsible for translating Si Hua's words.

Mi Lu was the first person who immediately exploded when she heard it, "It's useless for you to say this now. Apart from barking like a dog, what else can you compare to K? You can't even have a single hair of K's hair." Can't compare!"

"Two years ago, he wasn't even worthy of carrying my shoes!" Si Hua hissed angrily, this sentence was refuting Mi Lu, more like he shouted out what he heard.

Unwillingness and resentment were revealed from Si Hua's contorted face and eyes, and then no one thought of his next move, and ran towards the edge of the deck.

"He's a murderer! Crazy! Crazy! He forced me to die today! He forced it—!" In such a desperate roar, Si Hua actually jumped into the sea in front of everyone. down.

"Oh my god—!"

"Which show is this?"

"Is he serious? Is he killing himself?"

After a moment of daze, exclamation broke out.

Yolanda shouted: "Hurry up and save people!"

Although she doesn't like Si Hua, and has even hated this Asian boy now, if a murder case occurs in the crew, it will definitely be a heavy blow to the "Mysterious Kingdom" crew, and may even affect the entire film production .

Because it was planned to shoot Si Hua's last scene today, the underwater photographers were already on standby in the water.

They didn't know the situation on the boat yet. When they heard the sound of falling into the water and saw that it was Si Hua coming down, they naturally thought they were filming a movie, so the underwater photographers didn't approach him.

When Si Hua dived into the water, he did have suicidal thoughts and wanted to die. He didn't dare to bet on the one-ten-thousandth possibility that Ivan would not really deal with himself.

However, even if there is a one-ten-thousandth possibility that Ivan didn't deal with himself after the scene, will Sihuang let him go? Si Hua couldn't feel hope! Since meeting with Si Huang in the film crew, Si Huang has done what he said before, and crushed his self-esteem, self-confidence, and hope in this circle to nothing, leaving nothing behind!

Si Huang is too ruthless! Si Hua was so ruthless that he couldn't get lucky, so after being watched and imprisoned all night, he had the idea of ​​committing suicide. Can bite Sihuang back at the end!

It's just that people have infinite courage at the moment of committing suicide, and when they really face death, the emotions of fear and regret may suddenly wake up and explode.

Si Hua was like this. When he choked on a few sips of water and felt that his breathing became more and more uncomfortable, the cells in his body seemed to burst out with survival instincts, and he couldn't help but want to struggle.

It's a pity that he has lost the best chance to save himself, and the struggle in the water was futile. Instead, it affected his previous injuries, or he was too nervous, causing nerve twitches.

Cramping in the water is equivalent to losing half your life. Si Hua's eyes protruded, the muscles in his neck bulged, and his face looked very ferocious.

The photographers even thought a moment ago, this person's acting is too real! Why haven't I noticed that Asian stars are so good at acting?

In the next moment, several people jumped into the water in succession, and then swam towards Si Hua who was struggling hard.

It was only now that the photographers realized that something was wrong.

In the end, Si Hua was rescued on board, but fell into a half-dead coma, and was given first aid by the doctor.

Si Hua spat out a few sips of water, and his breath also came up. The crowd who watched were relieved, and then they all looked at Si Hua with unfriendly eyes.

No matter who encountered this situation, they would not be in a good mood. They didn't have any friendly relationship with Si Hua, so naturally they couldn't appreciate his pity, and felt sympathetic towards him.

"Take him to rest first." Ivan was the first to break the deadlock.

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