Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 874 You are such a devil (2)

He looked at Mark and Yolanda, "This is my boat, and I should be responsible for every guest on board."

"Thank you." Yolanda said, "I have caused you trouble."

"No." Ivan smiled and said, "I'm glad to have provided you with help, so that I can appreciate the real beauty with my own eyes."

Yolanda also couldn't help smiling, feeling healed by his words.

"I'm not going...he wants to kill me..." However, Si Hua's words broke this harmony again.

Yolanda was about to say something, but was stopped by Ivan with a wave of his hand. He had a gentle expression and didn't care about Si Hua's slander. He still asked Si Hua to be arranged in the best training room.

This demeanor won the favor of Yolanda and the others, and even some people who knew Ivan's details could not reject him.

On weekdays, Ivan looks more normal than normal people, and that demeanor is not the quality that ordinary people can imitate.

As for Si Hua's crazy words, it seemed that everyone didn't believe them. Before he said that K was going to kill him and forced him to die, and later he said that Count Ivan was going to kill him. Could it be that he was delusional about being persecuted? Say you want to kill him when you see someone?

It's not that everyone doesn't believe Si Hua's words, Mi Lu and Jerry are more or less aware of the conflict between Si Hua and Si Huang, and Arthur understands even more.

It's just that none of these people in the know came forward to stop him, and they helped Si Hua say a word.

Si Hua understood what it was like to be betrayed by others, as if wherever Si Huang existed, everyone would stand on his opposing side.

"Arthur, you said you would help me! You clearly know..." He shouted with all his strength, but the voice was not loud, and he had already been carried away.

In the eyes of others, the current Si Hua is like a mad dog who bites everyone, no matter what he says, no one has the thought to explore the deep meaning.

The scene cooled down with Si Hua's departure. It could be seen that Mark and the others were in a very bad mood. No crew would be happy when encountering such a thing.

Si Huang waited for a few seconds without seeing Mark and the others speak, and took the initiative to break the silence, "Sorry."

This apology came from a sincere heart, but it was not for Si Hua, but knowing that this incident was indeed due to her, which caused Si Hua to go crazy and caused trouble for the crew.

Private affairs are private affairs, and work is work. Sihuang does not regret what she has done, but an apology is affordable and should be given, "I will pay Si Hua's liquidated damages to Fox Corporation. And today, I promise not to let it go." Go out and make a little noise, and please everyone present to act as if it didn’t happen, and cause trouble to everyone.” The latter sentence was for the staff present.

"It's not your fault. Whether it's liquidated damages or other things, Wentz should be responsible for it." Yolanda responded.

Si Huang shook his head.

She knew that it was impossible for Si Hua to go back alive, so as Si Hua's only remaining 'relative' in this world, the debt would naturally fall back on her head, so she should pay the money after all.

To Si Hua, this liquidated damages was a huge sum that could crush his life, but to Si Huang, it was nothing.

Si Huang didn't talk much about this topic, and walked to Mark's side, "Please show me the situation in the sea just now?"

Mark did not refuse her request, and operated the button to play back the scene just now.

Although the picture is one-sided, thankfully the photographers are dedicated, thinking that Si Hua is acting, so they captured the picture well.

After watching it once, Si Huang said to Mark: "Warth's mental state is not suitable for continuing to shoot. I think this scene is also good. It is better to change the plot slightly and let Hillman die in this trial."

Mark's eyes lit up, and then he regained his composure. He looked at the picture on the screen several times before sighing: "That's the only way."

Today's farce forced the morning work to end early, and it was not suitable for shooting in the water in the afternoon, so it was replaced by Arthur's scene on the boat.

In this way, Sihuang was free. She didn't stay at the scene to watch Arthur's performance today. When she left, she didn't notice Arthur's silent glance at her.

"Ca! Arthur, you..." This small flaw was also discovered by Mark.

Si Huang didn't listen carefully to the following words, she stopped after walking for a while.

Yuene, who was following her, wondered, "What's wrong?"

Si Huang didn't answer him, turned around and looked behind him, "How long are you going to follow?"

A figure with short red hair stood out from the corner.

Jerry, who was discovered, strode up to Sihuang and threw a USB flash drive to her.

As soon as Sihuang caught it, he heard Jerry say: "This is what Wentz gave me. He said that if something happens to him, let me announce it. Even if I don't look at it, I can probably guess what it will be inside." You are so ruthless, you forced him to the point where he can only threaten you with his life."

If it was in the past, Si Huang might still be interested in looking at the contents inside, but now he breaks the magnetic card inside as soon as he receives it.

"So?" Si Huang asked Jerry, with a calm expression, "Why are you doing and talking now?"

"If Wentz really has the ability to bite you, I don't mind helping him, but obviously he is useless at all, so I don't want to fight you for him." Jerry said rationally, "However, today I put This is for you, I still hope you can promise me one thing. If you don't like Mi Lu, don't play with her and hurt her, or I won't let you go!"

Si Huang didn't give Jerry an answer, the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, and his smile was soft and elegant, which was a rare temperament for Westerners.

After waiting for a few seconds, Jerry understood what was happening. His face was a little ugly, and he looked deeply at Sihuang and said, "You are really a devil!"

Si Huang said: "I never said that I am an angel."

The gorgeous and mellow voice is softer and more charming than the singing of angels.

Jerry watched Si Huang's back as he turned and walked away, and he didn't continue to follow. He thought to himself: However, your skin is more perfect than an angel. As long as you want, you can pretend to be more holy than an angel.

Si Huang who returned to her room sent Yuen and the others back, and told them not to bother her if they had nothing to do.

Yu Xi and the others thought that what happened this morning still had an impact on Si Huang, and they probably wanted to be alone for a while, so they agreed empathetically.

After everyone left, Si Huang took the prepared things with him. He wanted to leave the five treasures on the boat, but the little guy hugged his thigh tightly...cloth.

【Your Majesty, I swear to the death to advance and retreat with Your Majesty! 】Five treasures express loyalty.

Si Huang said: "Can you breathe in the deep sea?"

【Yes! As long as His Majesty is willing to let the minister use some little pink! 】 Wubao blinked mung bean eyes.

Si Huang raised her eyebrows, then grabbed it and put it in her pocket, before leaving, she said: "Remember to hurry up."

The five treasures rolled excitedly in his pocket, feeling that his position as the number one favorite was becoming more and more unshakable, and he knew that His Majesty would not refuse its request!

Now most of the people are filming on the deck, and Arthur, who attracted Sihuang's special attention, couldn't get away, so she decided to go into the water today to see.

Originally according to her schedule, taking over the movie "Mysterious Country" would not only delay her registration time, but also delay her domestic development. However, in terms of benefits alone, this movie will definitely have more benefits than Si Huang staying in China.

The biggest reason why Sihuang went next was not for fame, but because of the cast list in the movie and the choice of shooting location.

What happened in Italy last time kept Si Huang in mind. After the Dream incident, everyone's attention was on it, and the news about the treasures in the Mediterranean also disappeared without a sound.

Si Huang tried to check the news he had read on the Internet before, but found that they had disappeared, and someone must have erased the traces artificially.

If it is pure gossip, why bother to erase the traces? In the eyes of people like Si Huang who paid attention to this incident, it became a proof that there is no silver three hundred taels here.

And the coincidence between the treasure and the events on the Dream made Si Huang guess that there was a connection between the two. According to Ivan's story, he did have a deal with someone on the Dream last time, but he didn't know who the Boss was behind the deal, but he had communicated with the handover person, and each handover person was different, Ivan is also only in charge of the transaction and doesn't care who is behind it.

When it comes to the transaction, Ivan also explained to Sihuang last time that the content of the transaction between him and the mysterious organization is that the other party is responsible for giving him the princess he wants, and he is responsible for taking the people on board to the place designated by the other party.

Although the princess had an accident on the way to deliver the goods, the transaction was already in progress, and Ivan promised to give it to the new princess. Without the princess, Ivan was in a bad mood. unexpected appearance.

In this way, the appearance of Sihuang just happened to stop a transaction with no purpose, and he didn't know the terrorist attack that occurred halfway. Compared with being sent to the destination, which result would be better?

Without knowing the truth, no amount of guessing is futile, so Si Huang decided to go and see for himself.

As long as she takes over the movie role in "Mysterious Kingdom", she will have an official and valid reason to come to the Mediterranean Sea. If something happens accidentally, she will have better evidence to prove her innocence.

On the contrary, it is also a cover for some dark people.

Sihuang, who had already understood the structure of the ship through Ivan, easily found an exit, and went down into the sea without anyone noticing.

In fact, it's not that the ghosts don't know it. There is a person on board who knows something about Sihuang's purpose. After confirming that there is no one in Sihuang's room, Ivan is ready to cover her.

"My eldest lady, please return safely." Ivan stood at the stern of the boat and whispered to the calm sea.

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