Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 875 Exploring the Secrets of the Seabed

The place where the crew of "Mysterious Nation" was filmed belongs to the safe waters of the Mediterranean Sea.

Si Huang dived quickly after entering the water.

Normal people can't tell the direction in the water, but this is not a problem for Sihuang. She can analyze it without assistance equipment, and can find the route to the location given by Ivan.

At this time, Sihuang doesn't need to hide his swimming speed anymore. Compared with the blood talent that broke out when he experienced the Dream disaster, Sihuang is now much faster.

If someone sees it now, they will be shocked, and they can't believe that this is the speed that people can swim out of.

In fact, the speed of swimming is not important anymore. The depth of Si Huang's dive is obviously impossible for normal people. If you dive to this depth without borrowing tools, even if you are not squeezed to death by the water pressure, the oxygen will not be able to hold on Normal people swim back to the surface.

Swimming out of the safe sea area, Si Huang glanced at the water release watch on his hand and found that the time was 7:30 pm.

If nothing else happened, she would be able to walk back and forth within today. In order to seize the time, Si Huang's face had slight changes, and it could be seen carefully that the water flow seemed to be filtered behind her ears, and the air bubbles came out from the corners of her mouth and behind her ears, and then merged into the water.

In the deep sea, there are scenes that are difficult to see on the shore. The atmospheric and mysterious beauty makes Sihuang sigh silently, as if all the cells in his body are shouting for freedom, warmth, enjoyment, and fun!

Here, embraced by the sea, she can be fearless, as if she is the darling of the sea, and even the king recognized by the sea.

This fairytale thought flashed in Sihuang's mind, but it still made her laugh out loud.

She didn't suppress the arrogance and joy that came out of her body instinctively, and even vented it, allowing it to become more aggressive, prompting Sihuang's movements in the sea to become bigger and bigger, disrupting a school of fish.

"This feeling..." The voice came out of Sihuang's mouth, it was a real voice, "It's so happy."

【hey-hey! ] Wubao laughed complacently, [Your Majesty, I did not misanalyze your bloodline! 】

Si Huang didn't pay any attention to the fact that if there is a little sunshine, it will be bright and small. With a light push of his feet, he swam a long distance, and his sensitive posture was like a phantom fish tail.

Since the awakening of the bloodline to the upgrade, Sihuang has never tried to swim in the deep sea like this, so naturally he doesn't know how far his ability can go.

While this experience made her happy, it also made Si Huang think of more.

So far, she has seen quite a few people with special bloodline abilities. Qin Fan and Xu Zixiu are definitely the powerful ones.

If the abilities of people with special bloodline abilities are divided into food chain levels, then Qin Fan and the others are definitely at the top of the food chain.

Of these two, one can survive a magnetic field explosion, and the other has the ability to regenerate infinitely, even resurrecting after death, both of which are terrifying to incredible abilities.

Just think about it from another angle, how many people are there in the whole world, and how many people with special bloodline abilities? There are so few people with such heaven-defying abilities that they can only be counted in single digits.

Just looking at both Qin Fan and Xu Zixiu being owned by the state, one can see how important such a special bloodline supernatural being is.

It's not that Sihuang is conceited or bragging, but based on calm analysis and comparison, she found that her special bloodline ability is not worse than that of Qin Fan and Xu Zixiu.

As long as she is given the home game, Qin Fan and Xu Zixiu may not be her opponents. What's more, she has five treasures and a way to stably upgrade her bloodline, so there are no side effects!

Si Huang understands the reason for Huai Bi's crime. Even if she doesn't have anti-social psychology, she really can't use this method to others. However, once her situation is discovered, no matter what she says, no one will believe it. The possibility of being arrested for research is very high. Even with her own ability and Qin Fan's help, she may be able to overcome this fate, but being monitored and controlled is definitely indispensable.

Sometimes it is not a good thing to have a treasure, it also depends on whether you have the ability to own this treasure.

Si Huang knew that she had to keep this secret for the time being.

It's just that this doesn't mean that Sihuang will be restrained in doing things.

On the premise of protecting one's own freedom, one must first let oneself live a happy life. If one has freedom, but suffers in a miserable life, is this really freedom?

Sihuang's mind turned quickly, thoughts and ideas emerged one by one, and before he knew it, he had arrived at the place Ivan had mentioned.

It's just that there is nothing in sight, except for the dark sea water, there are only marine life in the deep sea.

Si Huang floated in the water and thought for a while, then looked down.

Whether it's a one-off terrorist attack plan, or a long-hidden accidental exposure, something will be left behind.

No matter what the clues are, as long as they are not taken away by someone, they may have sunk to the bottom of the water.

The altitude of the waters outside the Mediterranean Sea is not low. As Sihuang dived deeper and deeper, she gradually felt the pressure, and her muscles and bones were protesting.

Si Huang did not retreat but advanced, perhaps forced by the pressure, her body instinctively responded, and a strange change occurred.

If Sihuang intends to stop this kind of change, he can stop it under control, but Sihuang knows that if he wants to achieve his goal, he must pay some price.

If Yu Ling or the make-up artist of Fox Company can see Si Huang's appearance now, they will probably be surprised.

Because the changes on Sihuang's body are very similar to the makeup they put on, but the natural truth and the makeup are not the same after all. When comparing them together, both externally and internally are completely different.

After diving like this for an unknown period of time, Sihuang vaguely felt the changes in the surrounding magnetic field.

Find the right place. This thought flashed through Sihuang's mind, and when he saw the seabed, Sihuang discovered the change in this area.

Not only plants but also some small marine organisms look different from normal, which should be due to the radiation of the magnetic field.

Cut through the middle of the fierce black shadow that suddenly attacked him, Si Huang saw that the black shadow had a strange appearance, and there were raised particles on the fish, which looked a little disgusting.

When the blood of this strange creature also melted into the sea water, Si Huang couldn't help holding his breath, a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes, he quickly left here, and swam towards the source of the abnormal magnetic field.

When seeing an obviously man-made underwater building come into sight, even Si Huang couldn't help being surprised.

Although most of the building has been damaged, Sihuang can still guess its original appearance and function based on the general outline.

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