Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 876: Siren's Whisper (1)

Who in the end made such a big deal on the bottom of the sea? It seems that there is no need to guess. What Si Huang wants to know is how long has this building been built? What role does it play inside!

Taking out the underwater camera that was prepared earlier, Si Huang took a few pictures of the damaged building and found an entrance.

The building under the sea is not small, not to mention the other places that are already in a mess, and the remaining accessible areas, Si Huang found that the layout is appropriate, there are not only dormitories but also cafeterias and other places.

The inside of the building has been flooded. After Sihuang walked around a tube-shaped passage similar to a corridor, there was a closed door at the end.

This is probably the most critical place, otherwise the best material would not be used, and it looks like there is almost no damage.

Si Huang looked around and found that the switch of such a door is a card system, but now the entire underwater base has been damaged, and this card card grass is no exception.

So it seems that don't even try to open this today? Si Huang swayed outside the metal door twice, and found that she could not open the door by herself, and a professional was needed after all.

Under such circumstances, all kinds of talents in the blood flag became more and more valuable, and the role of the team was incomparable by one person. After all, no matter how powerful a person is, it is impossible to be really good at everything.

Just when Sihuang was about to evacuate here first, send the clues he got to the blood flag after returning, and send professionals to solve the problem of the metal door, he heard a slight sound in his ear.

"Quick! Come in!" Accompanied by an electronic sound, the metal door opened.

For a moment, Si Huang considered the pros and cons, and the scales on her face and the abnormality on her body faded away like a tide, and her figure rushed into the metal door at the same time.

Almost as soon as Sihuang entered, the metal door was closed.

Her face was pale, not because she was frightened, but because she was controlling the impact of her body's rapid recovery.

"You..." It was still an electronic voice, and I couldn't hide my surprise, "You are not a rescuer, no! You didn't even wear a diving suit, and you didn't have anything. Why did you come here?"

Si Huang looked up, and then the pupils of her eyes shrank suddenly. Thanks to her good at controlling her expression, no matter how excited her inner emotions were, she could maintain the change of expression in a situation she thought was unsafe.

This is a laboratory! Just at the first glance, Si Huang understood it!

The familiar operating table and the adult-height container made Sihuang realize that this is not only a laboratory, but also a biological living laboratory, and may even have done human experiments.

If you ask Si Huang what he hates the most in this life, apart from the enemies in the previous life, it is the human experiment!

"Why can you come here? Tell me! Tell me!"

When the cold metal gun was aimed at Si Huang, Si Huang put his mind on the person in front of him.

Surprisingly, the other party was an Asian man, wearing something like a motorcycle helmet on his head, and his haggard and slovenly face could be seen from the transparent side.

"I want to know why you are here." Si Huang and his eyes met.

When the man's eyes froze for a moment, Si Huang had already seized the opportunity, snatched the gun from his hand like lightning, twisted his hand and put it behind his back, and subdued him to the ground with one mistake.


The man's body was severely smashed to the ground.

Si Huang put her knees against his abdomen, and one hand had already grabbed the opponent's neck.

A gorgeous smile emerged from the corners of Sihuang's lips, but her voice was bone-chillingly cold, "Why don't you answer me first?"

Most of the equipment in the laboratory is no longer in operation, and Si Huang can feel that the oxygen inside is limited, and the man wearing the helmet and her are in the clear space.

The man in the helmet showed pain, but he still asked stubbornly, "Who are you?!"

Si Huang's eyes narrowed slightly, and her fingers slid across the transparent shield in front of the man, leaving a white mark.

Such a situation once again made the helmeted man show a surprised expression, and then there was more understanding in his eyes.

"It turns out you are too." He said this in a determined tone.

Si Huang didn't ask what this was, and after testing the hardness of the helmet, he let go of the hand that was pinching the man's neck.

This kind of behavior once again made the helmeted man puzzled, his mind lost for a moment, and a beautiful and harmless smiling face crashed into his sight, obsession appeared in his eyes, and then he met a pair of dark green eyes that looked like swirls.

"This kind of hypnosis doesn't work for me..." The electronic voice of the helmeted man came out, but soon his face distorted, and he went back and forth in the obsession and struggle, and the electronic voice became sharp and hasty, "Wait! You Want to know what, I can tell you, don't use this way, I don't want to be crazy!"

Sihuang didn't stop, her voice reminded people of the sea monster's temptation to the crew, "Tell me?"

The man in the helmet stared wide-eyed, and the bloodshot eyes seemed to burst and bleed, "You won't get anything by doing this. I have been hinted a long time ago, and I have done anti-stress training in this area!"

Si Huang frowned, seeing that the man in the helmet was not lying, she stopped the hypnotic-induced behavior and returned to her normal cold eyes.

The man in the helmet got up, a bullet grazed his leg, leaving a bloodstain on his pants.

The man in the helmet stopped halfway, looked up and saw Si Huang in front of him, "I don't know who you are, but there are only three kinds of people who come here. One is our personnel, and the other is the national investigation agency. Personnel, the third is the least likely ordinary tourist. If I'm not mistaken, you should be the second type."

As soon as he finished speaking, a bullet hit his right leg accurately.

The helmeted man let out a scream.

Si Huang sneered and reminded him, "Don't let me remind you again, what I want to know is you, here, and everything behind the organization."

"Your character is really sorry for your face." The helmet man said.

Si Huang's answer to him was another bullet, which also crippled his left leg.

The man in the helmet screamed terribly, and he seemed to be very afraid of pain. He shouted: "I knew a long time ago that the organization has abandoned this place, and it is impossible to send rescuers. I will die sooner or later if I stay here. Don't you You should torture me like this, and if you are a wise man, you should let me live through my last hours, so that I can tell you everything I know!"

"You're challenging my patience." Si Huang said, "I've always had very little patience with people I hate."

After saying this, Si Huang dragged the helmeted man on the ground up, "I really want to know everything in your mind, but this requires me to please you and do what I feel wronged..." She looked back and glanced at her hands. The man in the scene showed a smile, and in the eyes of the helmet man, he was extremely perverse and cruel, "I think it would be better to spend more time investigating, now? How should I deal with you who cheated of my time?"

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