Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 878 This Man Is a Miracle

At 1:30 in the morning, on the sea where everything is silent, a ship floats quietly, and the light looks small and prominent in the dark.

The small sound of breaking water is not noticeable, even if someone hears it, they will think it is an ordinary wave on the sea.

No one would have thought that there would be a figure coming out of the water and climbing up the entrance and exit from the previous time.

It may be wrong to say this, because someone who knows has been waiting here.

Si Huang noticed that the person walking in front of him had a big towel gently draped over his shoulders.

"You've been waiting here?" Si Huang asked.

Ivan said: "Yes."

He bent down and tried to put on the clean slippers he had prepared for Si Huang, but Si Huang refused, "No, I just want to take a shower now."

"Please allow me to prepare for you." Ivan raised his face.

Si Huang: "Of course, this is your duty."

The perfect gentleman's first happy smile of the night.

The house on the ship was originally prepared by Ivan, he went into Sihuang's room familiarly, and helped her prepare hot water and everything she needed.

Sihuang soaked in the hot bath for nearly half an hour, and when she came out after putting on her bathrobe, she found that Ivan was still waiting respectfully behind.

"Go and rest." Si Huang walked to the bed.

Ivan came over, adjusted the temperature in the room to a comfortable sleeping mode, and then walked to the bedside to help Sihuang pull up the quilt, with a gentle and polite manner, and a more gentle and magnetic tone, "Wait until the eldest lady falls asleep."

Si Huang was not worried about what he would do, and closed his eyes without saying anything.

About two or three minutes later, Sihuang, who had her eyes closed on the bed, moved her lips, and a soft voice came out, "You have worked hard today."

Ivan's eyes were slightly bent, and his deep blue eyes were full of tenderness. He didn't want to disturb his eldest lady's sleep, and said silently: I am willing to serve you, my eldest lady.

When Sihuang woke up in the morning, Ivan was no longer in the room.

She stood up and went to the bathroom to clean herself up. After getting dressed, she glanced at the tea set on the small round table. Walking over, I reached out to touch the teapot and found that it was still warm.

Si Huang thought for a while, poured a glass and took a sip, then turned on the laptop, sent all the news he got yesterday to the blood flag database, and left a message for Guo Chengxiong.

After finishing these things, there was a knock on the door outside the room, and Yuene and the others had already arrived.

Sihuang led the way to the restaurant. On the way, Sihuang asked Yuxi about the shooting situation yesterday afternoon. The answer he got was that nothing special happened. If he had to say something, Arthur's performance was a little abnormal.

Unexpectedly, during the meal, I ran into Arthur who was also in the restaurant. Si Huang and his eyes met each other, and then looked away.

Since it was time for the scene of Poseidon, the king of the Sea Clan, Sihuang spent a lot of time on makeup every time, the focus was on props, so when Sihuang was putting on makeup, he first filmed the scene of Arthur.

Yolanda came here specially to confirm Sihuang's mental state, "Did you rest well yesterday? Although it's a bit rude to say this, I hope you can distinguish between public and private. The Wen Si thing is indeed sad, but You're still an actor, and now you still have to work. I want to see K who is fully focused on acting."

"Of course." Si Huang gave her a clear answer, "I will always satisfy the producer."

"I like your confidence." Yolanda said with a smile, "I hope you will keep it up."

Si Huang smiled back at her.

Today, Sihuang's role is very important. Everyone feels that it is really difficult for an actor who has just been hit by a "relative" to perform his most critical role.

If Sihuang voluntarily refused, maybe Mark would agree to let her delay for a few days depending on various factors, but Sihuang still came as usual.

After Sihuang's makeup was finished, she came to the shooting scene to watch Arthur's scene, and saw Arthur and Mi Lu playing.

At this time, Stuart in the play was already on a new ship. After he was unconscious, he was rescued by Sai on a merchant ship, and he spent his days on this ship after waking up.

The next day he met Bonnie, the red-haired female pirate captain who was also rescued aboard, and prevented Bonnie from arguing with the rich businessman.

The merchant ship is returning, but this time the mission of the Sky Knight Commander has not been completed, and all the knights he brought have been buried in the bottom of the sea, and he was the only one who returned alive.

This is a shame to Stuart, he doesn't want to go back like this, not only because the task has not been completed, but also for other reasons...

"What do you want to see in the sea?" The red-haired female pirate approached the handsome man who was full of aristocratic air even though he was wearing rough clothes.

Bonnie got closer to him and said in a low voice, "Still thinking about Her Royal Highness's drug guide? Or thinking about the mysterious sea monster? I heard that you were rescued by the sea monster. I didn't know it at first." Believe it, but a little now. Because old John always behaved just like you do now."

"There are no sea monsters in this world." Stuart said in a low voice.

Bonnie's eyes seemed to see through him, "Really? But didn't you go out to sea to find the sea monster? Her Royal Highness's medicine is the blood of the sea monster. If there is no sea monster, Her Highness will die of illness." .”

The blond-haired knight commander turned his head, not wanting to continue talking to the female pirate, but suddenly a touch of blue came into his sight, and his expression faded after a pause.

Mi Lu, who was playing Bonnie next to him, noticed his strangeness, and turned her head to look at him, her expression was much more exaggerated than Arthur's.

"K—!" Mi Lu shouted in surprise, but stood there, staring at her with wide eyes, as if she was a little afraid to approach her.

This time Mark didn't blame them for being NG. He also looked at Sihuang with amazing and appreciative eyes. Without post-modification, this alone is enough to shock people's eyes, and the charm crosses national boundaries.

Different from the simple dress that she played as a mermaid for the first time, this time Sihuang’s dress and extra parts are worn on her body. The coral crown and blue parts make the elegant and soft temperament a bit more sharp, and the cold tone highlights the He is so noble and glamorous that it cannot be violated, and the gorgeous decorations are numerous but not messy. Most people are afraid that they will be overwhelmed by these jewels, but when it falls on Sihuang, it makes him even more noble. As cold and soft as a piece of the most flawless ice jade in the deep sea, no amount of decoration is just his foil.

If Stuart in the play saw this kind of Sai for the first time, I'm afraid he would no longer think of him as a woman.

Because no matter how indistinguishably delicate and perfect the appearance is, the dress and aura are enough to identify a person's gender.

"I'm glad I didn't miss you." Until the filming of "Mysterious Kingdom" was completed, Mark said to Si Huang in front of everyone, "The mysterious beauty of the East has been perfectly reflected in you." paraphrase."

At this time, Mark was still doing his job, and let Arthur and Milu continue to shoot.

I don't know if it was Sihuang's appearance that stimulated Arthur, or Mi Lu didn't want to disappoint Sihuang. In short, the two played against each other again, and it felt more vivid than before, not as smooth as NG.

During the intermission, Yolanda also made a joke, "Every time when K is around, everyone is very motivated. Is this the power of love? The noble and calm knight will also become passionate for love. The hairy boy."

Arthur, who was ridiculed, replied calmly: "Stuart loves Princess Margaret."

"Really?" Yolanda was amused by Arthur's serious appearance, and even continued to tease: "Arthur, it seems that you don't know enough about the script. There is no perfect love in "Mysterious Kingdom."

Sihuang heard the words and looked over, only to hear Yolanda say: "Stuart's love for Margaret is a responsibility, there is appreciation for Bonnie, and a heartbeat for Sey who is in misunderstanding. Bonnie said Seeing that he loves Sai the most, but he is also ambiguous about Stuart. Sai... K, tell me about it?"

Si Huang, who was named, smiled and said: "Love is not important to Sai."

"Oh, what a ruthless king." Yolanda turned the target of ridicule to Sihuang, "You not only deceived Stuart's feelings but also Bonnie."

Si Huang responded calmly: "However, their feelings are not pure, are they?"

"Okay." Yolanda returned to the appearance of an intellectual woman.

Si Huang has long discovered that "Mysterious Kingdom" is an atmospheric and magical movie, but the emotional lines in it are actually very vague, especially the changed plot, which is even more unscrupulous when you think about it carefully.

Perhaps this is also one of the selling points deliberately created by the script? Let the audience YY by themselves?

There is no need for Sihuang to think about these, and it will be Sihuang's role after the rest time is over.

This time, many extras joined her to create the effect of the underwater kingdom.

These actors don't need much acting skills, they only need swimming skills.

After entering the water, everyone dispersed and showed their swimming styles according to the requirements, until Sihuang entered the water, came over and followed her in the form of an escort.

Before last night, Sihuang had studied the aura and posture that a king should have, and he already knew how to perform it.

However, yesterday's experience made her overturn her original plan. She is also a king, but as the darling of the sea, Poseidon of the sea clan is different from the land god king after all.

This kind of self-awareness is definitely beyond the knowledge and feeling of normal people, because of ignorance and insensibility, no matter how deduced it is, it cannot be compared with the real one.

Si Huang's mouth was raised slightly, no longer the aloof and dignified look that people couldn't get close to, the sense of drama came from the corner of his mouth to his eyes, infecting everyone who saw this scene.

It was an indescribable, but truly felt aura.

The moment you see the picture on the screen.

Mark thought to himself, this oriental man is simply a miracle.

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