Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 879 Accidentally Entering the Undead Corps

Si Huang said that she is good at surprising people and will not disappoint the producers.

Ever since watching her act, Yolanda and the others have never doubted every word she said.

It's just that the surprise was so great that people had to sigh, and suddenly understood why Arthur and Mi Lu became so motivated when they saw Sihuang.

Yolanda thought: K's sense of existence is too strong! With him in the play, Arthur, as the leading actor, is under a lot of pressure! If you don't perform to your best, you will be robbed of all your charm by the male supporting role!

Yolanda can imagine that when "Mysterious Nation" is released, all viewers will definitely be attracted to infinite fans after seeing Sai transform into Poseidon of the Sea Race.

But can they prevent K's character from surpassing Arthur's hero? sure.

It's just that I can't bear it. When normal people see K's performance, they wouldn't be willing to forcefully destroy this perfect art. That would be too cruel and selfish.

Fortunately, Sei's role in the scene did not show this style until the end. The more perfect K's performance is, the more it fits the plot, doesn't it? If even the audience can't be fascinated, how can the clever Sky Knight be amazed in the play.

Today's scene should have been one of the most difficult scenes for Si Huang, but she finished it smoothly and naturally, and she didn't appear NG once.

When the filming was over, even Mark couldn't help coming over to Sihuang and asking, "How did you do it? That feeling is really great!"

Si Huang was asking the makeup artist to remove makeup, and when she heard this, her eyeballs rolled around, and then she smiled mysteriously, "I just keep telling myself, I am the strongest, I am invincible, and you are all stupid mortals .”

Mark was taken aback for a moment, then burst out laughing, patted Sihuang on the shoulder and left.

The makeup of Si Huang playing Poseidon is not only troublesome to apply, but also troublesome to remove. Most of the day is spent on this part.

"You go to eat first." Si Huang said to Yu Xi who was standing beside him with nothing to do.

Feather said: "It's all right."

Si Huang stopped persuading them, and when the make-up was removed and they went to the restaurant for dinner, before they ordered, someone had already brought them ready-made fresh food.

"It was told by the earl," the waiter explained.

After the waiter left, Yu Chen looked at Si Huang and said in a low voice, "This Earl Ivan is very good at taking care of people."

"Hmm." Si Huang heard his temptation, and didn't give any unnecessary explanations.

Yuen immediately understood that he couldn't know about this matter, and he shouldn't know about it, so he naturally skipped this question, and decided that in the future, if he encountered such a situation of being taken care of by Ivan, he didn't need to worry about it again. Extra fuss.

After a group of people had finished their meal, Yu Ling and the others went back first, while Yu En followed Si Huang to her room, and discussed with her about future plans.

Xu Wanjun has written a new script. If possible, he certainly hopes that Si Huang will play the leading role.

In fact, Yu Xi has always felt that it is a pity that Sihuang has acting skills, strength, and good looks, but because of his seniority and age, he has not yet had a movie as the leading actor. It's not that there are no TV dramas and movies that ask him to be the leading man, but Sihuang has high vision, and if she feels dissatisfied with ordinary works, she won't accept them.

Yu Xi doesn't think Si Huang is wrong in doing so. Although there has been no such example of Si Huang in the entertainment circle so far, he supports Si Huang as the first artist in the circle who only performs high-quality works.

From Sihuang's debut to the present, whether it is commercials, variety shows, TV dramas, records, or movies, they are all high-quality or even top-notch. This is really a beautiful and amazing file.

I forgot to mention that even Sihuang's first endorsement advertisement, RB brand clothing, has also stepped up to a higher level in the past two years, and has entered a high-end youth clothing brand.

According to their existing contract, Sihuang and RB's endorsement has almost expired. RB's Yang Bixian has expressed to Yuxi several times that he wants to continue signing the endorsement. The price is easy to negotiate.

It's just that Sihuang doesn't intend to continue to renew her contract. After all, RB style clothing is not the mainstream of her usual attire.

In terms of work, Sihuang has never stood still.

"Letting Xu Wanjun find the role first is the best in the company. It doesn't matter if it's not, the important thing is how you feel about him." Si Huang is temporarily unable to determine the future time, so he doesn't want to make a blank check and delay Xu Wan The shooting progress of Junxin's script.

Upon hearing this, Yu Xi sighed, "To Mr. Wan, you are really a generous and gentle boss."

Si Huang couldn't help laughing, "This is Xu Wanjun's talent, I believe in him."

The success of "Red Moon" proves this point, and the memory known in the previous life also proves that Xu Wanjun does have a kind of natural talent, he can find actors at a glance.

"I'll bring you your exact words to him." Yu En had nothing else to do, and left Sihuang's room knowingly.

Only then did Sihuang have some private time, turned on the laptop, logged on to Xueqi's website, and found Guo Chengxiong's reply to her message.

The other party said a lot of admiration for Sihuang, saying that she can get so many important clues in a single scene, she is worthy of being the little overlord of the blood flag, this code name is really correct and so on.

After reading it, Si Huang frowned, took out her cell phone and called Guo Chengxiong.

This time the phone was connected after it rang almost to the end, and Guo Chengxiong's idle voice came from the other side, "Hi! Why do busy people have time to call me?"

"Let's talk straight." Si Huang cut to the chase and said, "Did something happen to Qin Fan?"

"Uh." Guo Chengxiong said: "How could something happen to such a fierce boss."

Si Huang narrowed her eyes, didn't say a word, and didn't hang up the phone.

For some reason, Guo Chengxiong, who was always talkative, fell silent.

This kind of silence lasted for several seconds before Si Huang said softly: "Xiong, you should know that since I can get the information on the Mediterranean Sea, I can check Qin Fan's clues. If you want me to check it myself, you should do it yourself. Say?"

When Guo Chengxiong, who was far away in another country, heard these words, his muscles tensed instantly. He explained in his heart that he was more than one or two years older than Sihuang, but the other party's barking made him feel angry with his boss.

Guo Chengxiong was entangled. It's not that he didn't believe Sihuang's words. He knew that Sihuang was not simple. Even he couldn't find out how much background Sihuang had. Anyway, he knew that this half-aged young man was definitely not as simple as the surface.

If Si Huang is really asked to investigate, maybe something will happen.

Guo Chengxiong quickly analyzed a bunch of them, and said sincerely to the phone: "Young Master Si, don't think too much, it's very common to lose news when doing tasks, and I don't know where the boss is now, but since If we can't find it, it means that it is inconvenient for us to find the boss right now, so let's just wait for the boss to come back."

Rubbing the metal surface of his arm with his fingers, Si Huang asked a question in a calm tone, "Has Xu Zixiu's undead army been established?"

"Ah? That's right." Guo Chengxiong didn't understand the meaning of her sudden question.

Si Huang said: "Give me a way to contact the Undead Corps."

"Well, I'm not from there..."

"Okay." Si Huang interrupted his defense, "They are all national troops, and they have no contact information with each other. Do you think I will believe it?"

"..." Guo Chengxiong felt more and more that Sihuang was difficult to deal with.

In the past, this person had to rely on him to deal with the little ones, but now he has been able to overwhelm him without knowing it.

Guo Chengxiong suddenly realized that Sihuang's growth rate was terrifying, and he deserved to be called by the sika deer to be more terrifying than the boss.

What is this monster trying to do now? After Guo Chengxiong silently gave Sihuang the way to contact the Undead Corps, he wondered inexplicably, wouldn't he be one of the members who promoted the monsters to become more perverted?

This realization really makes people feel creepy and refreshing.

Before hanging up the phone, Guo Chengxiong did not forget to persuade Sihuang, "Really, if you care about it, you will be confused. If you work with the boss a few more times, you will know. The boss is not such an accident-prone person."

"I know." Si Huang's tone was calm, "Don't worry, I'm not an impulsive person."

The conversation between the two ended like this.

Si Huang also cared about Qin Fangui as she said, but she would not scare herself and do some improper things.

She listened to Guo Chengxiong's persuasion, and understood and believed that Qin Fan is not a person who is easy to fall into danger, and her calmness at this time is not a pretense, but she is still used to having everything in her hands to feel more secure.

The reason why she felt that something was wrong with Qin Fan was because, with Qin Fan's personality, even during missions, he would find a way to spare a little time to call her or send a message.

However, when Qin Fan left this time, there was no news at all. In addition, on the Xueqi website, she left a message for Guo Chengxiong to ask about Qin Fan, but the other party deliberately ignored it.

Si Huang tapped flexibly on the keyboard of the computer, using the method Guo Chengxiong gave to contact the Undead Corps.

Guo Chengxiong said that although everyone is a national special elite force, it is the same as if they are all from country Z, but they are divided into different households. People from the two corps can be contacted, but whether the contacted party is willing to open the door to you and let you watch your own compound and secrets depends entirely on the other party's wishes.

Originally, Si Huang just had the idea of ​​giving it a try. After fingerprint and eyeprint identification, who would have thought that the secret website of the Undead Corps would be opened to her.

This is definitely not how you treat foreigners.

Because Sihuang saw a sign of auspicious clouds and a row of fonts appearing on the computer screen.

‘Welcome back to the Undead Corps, Sir Siren who is good at deceiving and bewitching people. '

Si Huang looked at the fonts in this row of auspicious clouds for a few seconds, and then pop-up windows appeared one by one.

"What did I see? The sea monster that was hidden the deepest by the leader, and even more mysterious than the leader, appeared!"

"The sea monster has finally gone out to sea, I've been waiting on the boat for a long time! Pull me closer to the deep sea!"

"Hahahaha, I know this is a scam! The leader gave him the label that he is the best at deceiving and bewitching people. Don't be fooled by him!"

"Sir, what do you eat? Do I have fresh meat for strong men?"

This kind of pop-up mail, cheerful and weird style, and the blood flag are two extremes.

Especially the code names of these people also follow a twisted style.

'Shan Jing', 'Impermanence', 'Earth Sha', 'Tian Gui'.

In such a comparison, it is not surprising that she is a sea monster, but the fleeting 'Heavenly Sunflower' made her feel a little sympathetic.

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