Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 880 Having an affair with the leader (1)

From the pop-up conversations of this group of people, Si Huang understood that the members of the Undead Corps did not know their identities.

Needless to say, this must be Xu Zixiu's fault, but this idea of ​​being good at doing something unexpectedly hit Sihuang's mind, and an idea came to her.

Normally, a person can only join one unit, even if it is the wolf smoke unit that is a panacea, it always supports the troops of each regiment, but their identity is always a member of the wolf smoke unit, it is impossible to enter the files of other units, let alone contact to classified sections of other troops.

Especially in the mythical special corps of the military region like the Blood Banner, each core member is the elite of the elite, the talent of the talented, and the information in the Blood Banner is the secret of the secrets, and it is absolutely not allowed to be leaked.

Normally, the Blood Banner is a legend in the minds of every soldier. Being able to join it is enough to make people feel infinite glory, so why would they join other troops? Regardless of whether it is a violation of the law or against the rules, no one would do such a thing.

Of course, this is normal, but Xu Zixiu is obviously not a normal person. His personality of acting recklessly and only doing things according to his own mind is a well-known perverted neuropathy.

Otherwise, he would not have committed such a person who clearly knew that Sihuang was the blood flag, but secretly left her position in his army, or the position of a core member, or even concealed it from all core members.

It is not known whether it is the luck or misfortune of the members of the Undead Corps to have such a willful regiment leader.

If any of the core members of the Blood Banner encountered such a thing, they would definitely report it without hesitation.

It's just that this matter fell on Sihuang's head, but she laughed.

"Maybe you're right." Si Huang looked at the screen on the computer screen and muttered to himself.

Xu Zixiu said that they are of the same kind, and Si Huang didn't fully agree with this statement, but partly they might be really similar, otherwise Xu Zixiu wouldn't have said that.

With Xu Zixiu's special bloodline ability, he must have experienced many deaths and resurrected from death.

Maybe Xu Zixiu is used to the process from death to life now, but how did he feel when he experienced this situation for the first time?

People have never really died, and they will never know what it feels like to die.

Si Huang is a person who has died, so she understands that, based on this alone, she and Xu Zixiu are the only ones in this world who have similarities.

When she found out that she had become a core member of the Undead Corps, the thoughts that came to her mind were not rejection or fear, but rather excitement and interest.

She likes the feeling of being in control of everything, which makes people feel safe.

Of course, behind this sense of security is walking a tightrope. If you don't have a good balance, you may fall to the bones of fans.

However, Sihuang made the choice without any hesitation. Perhaps Xu Zixiu had guessed her choice long ago, so she did such a thing?

Si Huang ignored the ridicule sent by other members. Now that she has the status of a core member, she wandered around the confidential website of the Undead Corps without hindrance.

From this, she found that her account had very high authority in the Undead Corps, which was the same as in the Blood Banner, and she could see both confidential information and other group information.

Xu Zixiu was really not afraid that she would do something to ruin the team he had just built.

Oh, maybe he is really not afraid. Since he dared to let her in and give her permission, he must have considered these hidden dangers.

This pervert! But now she kind of likes his perversion. The corners of Sihuang's mouth were raised lightly, and she didn't even notice it. If outsiders saw her current expression, they would definitely think that she was not a pure, kind and upright little Bai Yang, but exuded a strange dark temperament, and the gleam in her eyes revealed There is a trace of evil, and the meaning of the smile is indescribable.

After looking around the inside of the Undead Corps, Si Huang found that just like the blood flag only belonged to Qin Fan, the Undead Corps was also fully in charge of Xu Zixiu.

Then Sihuang found Xu Zixiu's latest mission, which was to sneak into the newly discovered underground arsenal and capture all the criminal gangs.

At present, the completion of the task is nearly half, but according to Xu Zixiu's urine, this task will not be completed normally.

Sihuang found the member of the Undead Corps who was in charge of intelligence, the 'Mountain Spirit'.

Siren: @Shan Jing Bai Ze what is the current situation?

Who would have thought that such a private message would float by the public in the form of a pop-up window.

Si Huang felt uncomfortable for a moment, and then he was free.

Shan Jing: The siren and the leader really have an affair! Otherwise, he wouldn't have asked the head of the group as soon as he came up, and dared to call the head of the group by his code name!

impermanence: ohohohohoh~

Tiangui: Siren, are you short of water? Do you need me to make up for you?

Kraken: Hehe.

When the word 'hehe' was uttered, everyone unexpectedly stopped, and they didn't know what magic power these two words had.

It was later that Si Huang found out that usually when Bai Ze typed these two words, it meant that he was about to go crazy again.

Once he is abnormal, someone will definitely be unlucky, so these two words are a taboo in the undead army.

Shan Jing: The leader is going back and forth between life and death. XD

Di Sha: So happy~

Kraken: What about support?

Shan Jing: The blood flag unicorn has entered the pit. XD

Disha: There is really love.

Siren: Bai Ze did it on purpose?

Shan Jing: The team leader loves to play so much.

Disha: I have to climb the hole I dug myself kneeling on my knees!

Siren: @Shanjing sent me the specific information.

A folder floated from Xiangyun to the computer screen, waving cute angel wings.

Sihuang: "..."

After clicking on the folder, the content inside is serious and does not match the appearance.

After spending a few minutes reading it, Sihuang understood the specific situation.

Xu Zixiu was sent to complete this task by the upper echelon, which shows the difficulty of it, and it is not as simple as an ordinary underground arsenal.

Originally, according to Xu Zixiu's ability, it's not impossible to complete it alone, but this guy just can't settle down, he insists on playing big, and Qin Fan is trapped together.

Although it is true that Qin Fan was deliberately lured into the pit by Xu Zixiu, Xu Zixiu did not act recklessly and disregarded the overall situation. He just took an extreme route. If his plan succeeds, he can use the fastest speed to wipe out this underground organization at once. leave no sequelae.

This person and Qin Fan are two extremes. Qin Fan has always planned everything when leading teammates on missions, and acts prudently. While completing the mission, he will also ensure the safety of his teammates. If he chooses between the mission time and the safety of the members, he will definitely I would rather spend more time than put my team members' lives in danger.

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