Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 883: The End of the Mysterious Kingdom (2)

Such a good-looking, capable, and smart boy, there will certainly be many opportunities, and what is needed is this calmness beyond his age.

The shooting continued in the afternoon, and Sey's purpose was officially revealed. The reason why he sneaked into the empire was to get to know the people on the ground, and the reason to save Stuart was to let him release the news of the siren, and then lead A large number of knights came to the sea area.

The Sea Clan has not had a newborn for many years, and if this continues, the Sea Clan may gradually disappear in the long stream of history.

As the current Poseidon of the Sea Clan, Sai has the responsibility to take up this problem and find a way to solve it.

After continuous experiments and the study of humans on the ground, Sai vaguely felt that this problem in the ethnic group was because the ethnic group was used to the cold of the deep sea, and their bodies were naturally difficult to conceive.

There are many examples of seducing crew members in the history of the Sea Clan. He also tried to capture ordinary crew members, but found that it was useless, and then his idea hit the imperial knights.

It is rumored that knights all have upright and clean souls favored by the gods, and their bodies are stronger and healthier than ordinary people. They are the most suitable seeds to solve the fertility problems of the sea people.

That's right, in Sai's eyes, this group of people is the seeds he caught at once with a net.

In the eyes of this ruthless king who only cares about his tribe, the people on the ground have nothing to do with him, and the only thing he cares about is his tribe.

Stuart, as the leading actor in the whole movie, naturally cannot be buried in the deep sea, and the plot allows a woman of the sea tribe to save him.

This female sea tribe had also stayed on the shore and learned medical skills. She told Stuart that if she wanted information on the serious diseases on the shore, she did not need the blood of the sea monster, but only used a plant from the seabed as a medicine.

However, as the king of the Sea Clan, who was called Poseidon by the people of the Sea Clan, how could Sai, who could even manipulate the waves, not know that Stuart was let go.

There is only one possibility for Stuart to escape safely in the sea—that is, Sai let him go and didn't really want his life.

Si Huang's last scene was fixed on her in full dress, sitting on the throne, and glanced in one direction if she felt something.

That look is very meaningful.

That look surprised everyone.

As if holding everything in the palm of his hand, as if he was mocking, maybe there was nothing, just a flash of light flashing across his pupils shocked everyone's hearts.

The curves and radians of the pupils were outlined beautifully from this angle.

What will happen to Stuart afterwards is no longer Sey's concern.

In his eyes, Stuart is just a simple passerby. Compared with human beings, his life is much longer, and time will help him forget superfluous things.

However, for others, can he become a memory that can be forgotten as soon as it is said?

After Si Huang finished filming and asked Yu Ling and other stylists to help remove her makeup, she closed her eyes and was thinking about the plot in "Mysterious Kingdom".

This is a habit of hers. Every time she reads a script, she not only remembers her own scenes clearly, but also reads the whole story. Together with the scenes, lines and emotions of other characters, she will concentrate on understanding again.

Because of this habit in her previous life, she was often physically and mentally exhausted, and she was more tired than others, but the advantage of doing this is that she can act more vividly and penetratingly.

Sometimes, other character actors ask her for advice.

In this life, with a healthier body and an unforgettable memory, this habit and seriousness in work can no longer affect Sihuang.

At this moment, her role has been played, and Si Huang's mind, which has not yet rested, naturally emerges from the following plot.

With the help of the female sea tribe, Stuart returned to the shore safely, and rescued Her Royal Highness with the prescription given by the female sea tribe, and rescued people in other sick areas of the country.

It's just that the king still had a strong dissatisfaction with Stuart, thinking that he must have concealed something, why was the whole army wiped out twice, and he came back alone?

Then came the game between Stuart and the king. In the end, the upright knight commander was forced to do nothing by the king, so he joined the princess and the queen to overthrow the king, and then married the princess, becoming the king's husband supported by the people. The new king.

It was later that Stuart found out that the Queen also had the blood of the Sea Clan, and she was indeed implicated in this catastrophe.

Many years later, Stuart still tried to go to the same sea area to find the existence of the sea monsters, but he never saw them again. He didn't know if they had left or did not show up on the sea on purpose.

If the sea monsters are unwilling to show up, human beings will not be able to reach the deep sea to find their traces.

The legend about the sea monster is still a legend.

It's just that there are some more sayings in this legend, such as saying that the sea monster lives in a beautiful and mysterious kingdom under the sea, or that their majesty the king once had a dreamy encounter with the sea monster?

"Okay, you can open your eyes now."

Si Huang heard the voice of the stylist, and when she opened her eyes, the thoughts in her mind faded away.

She stood up and was about to leave when Randy called out, "Wait! Are you already planning to leave? My K, I just won a day off at Yolanda's, so I'm going to hold a party tonight, just for Send you off!"

Her eyes seemed to say: You definitely won't refuse, and you can't refuse, right?

Si Huang was dumbfounded, "Such a beautiful lady, can you allow me to change and wash your clothes?"

"Of course, my King." Randy also laughed.

Mi Lu's dissatisfied voice sounded, "Randy, you love Arthur, don't you?"

"Haha, the little cat is jealous again." Randy laughed happily.

Mi Lu didn't back down at all, let alone conceal her displeasure. She likes K, and now everyone in the "Mystery Crew" crew knows it.

"Okay, I get it, then I'll let you be K's female companion for today's party." Randy made a decision for Sihuang without authorization.

Mi Lu couldn't hold back the joyful expression, and blinked at Randy, showing a sisterly attitude.

"Tsk." Randy shook his head.

Si Huang didn't care about them. As a man, it's a matter for a woman to be jealous of herself to show her charm. As a gentleman, she shouldn't refuse a woman who desires to be his girlfriend for no reason.

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