Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 884 I'm Angry Now

Si Huang never thought of asking a woman to save her.

She calmly pushed Arthur away, turned around and opened the door.

Mi Lu was standing outside, she didn't seem to intend to leave, but she was certain that Si Huang was inside.

After all, she knocked on the door because she just heard the door knocking in this room just before.

Seeing Si Huang who opened the door, Mi Lu had just smiled, but after seeing Si Huang's face and Arthur behind her, she turned pale.

She knew Arthur's blood, and she knew that there were too few people in this world who could escape Arthur's active temptation, even if they were of the same sex.

Now the blush on Sihuang's face has not faded, and she looks like she must have been distracted a few seconds ago, which made Mi Lu wonder if she was late for coming, and what shouldn't have happened has already happened.

"K..." Mi Lu opened her mouth, her voice was hoarse and dry, and her widened eyes felt like crying.

Will her king, that high-spirited man, fall one day and become someone else's captive?

Mi Lu couldn't help biting her lower lip tightly, and looked at Arthur with a hint of hatred in her eyes.

This hatred is not hating him for depriving his beloved, but hating him for depriving K of his pride and personality. How can a person like K be enslaved! Just thinking about it, Mi Lu felt heartache and anger, wishing to fight with the person who hurt Sihuang.

The next second, her jaw was suddenly pinched tightly, forcefully forcing her to raise her head.

Mi Lu was in a daze for a while, watching Si Huang making a series of actions in front of her, and when she met her eyes, she was startled.

At this moment, Sihuang's eyes were unpredictable, and his face changed from his usual indifference to a bit of coldness.

She looked at Mi Lu's expression, after being stared at by that look for a long time, Mi Lu couldn't stop her body from trembling.


"Next time, don't casually show this expression in front of me." Si Huang let go of his hand.

Ignoring the finger marks on Mi Lu's chin that he pinched, "I'm upset after seeing it."

Obviously being disgusted, Mi Lu smiled in surprise, she was sure that Si Huang who could say such words and make such gestures was still the normal him.

"Okay, I see." Even though she didn't know what expression she made, Mi Lu did not hesitate to agree to any request made by Sihuang.

Si Huang nodded and strode back to the party.

Behind her, Arthur's face was not ugly, but he was so indifferent that anyone could tell that he was in a bad mood.

"Mi Lu, what were you thinking just now?"

Mi Lu, who was about to follow up with Si Huang, stopped, her expression changed continuously, trying to hide her thoughts, "It's nothing."

Arthur said softly: "I don't ask for your heart, but don't forget your purpose of following me."

Mi Lu pursed her lips and remained silent.

"Emotion and reason." Arthur raised his head and walked forward. When he passed her, he didn't look at her, only his voice was still magnetic and tender, like a lover, but not too ambiguous to be rude, "Don't ruin yourself. ?"

"...Yes." Mi Lu lowered her head.

Si Huang didn't deliberately eavesdrop on the conversation between the two of them, but only vaguely heard a few clear words, and then passed a corner, blocking their voices.

After returning to the scene of the party, no one noticed the strangeness of the few people. Si Huang drank a few more drinks with Mark and the others, and everyone chatted about some gossips, and the show didn't end until midnight.

The next morning, Sihuang returned to the pier by yacht. Besides Yuen and the others, there was also Ivan who was traveling with her.

For Ivan's behavior of leaving his ship alone, Mark and the others seemed to accept it easily, and they were even more sure that the person he really valued was Sihuang.

Perhaps, it is more accurate to say that he valued his eldest lady, and he would really do anything for his eldest lady, but he was just a friend of a fake eldest lady, and he could treat him so wholeheartedly.

By the way, who is Earl Ivan's new eldest lady?

Mark and the others dared to ask this doubt in their hearts, and they would not foolishly raise it in front of Ivan.

Originally, when they were filming "Mysterious Country", they went out to sea not too far away, and it didn't take long for them to return to the pier by yacht this time.

The bodyguards opened the way for the few people, and they were not easy to mess with at first glance, and the people on the pier also consciously moved out of the way.

Yuene was talking about returning to China to Sihuang, "At present, there are still several foreign companies that want us to cooperate. If you have no intention, I can book a ticket to return to China now."

Ivan glanced at him calmly.

Si Huang nodded and was about to answer, but suddenly stopped.

"Sihuang?" Yu Xi noticed and stopped.

Everyone followed her rhythm, and seeing Sihuang looking in one direction, they naturally followed her.

Looking at it, I found that several people surrounded and beat one person. Listening to the content of their yelling and cursing, it seemed to be a smuggling incident at the pier.

Although beating people is a bit too much, smuggling itself is the same as stealing, and when encountering bad-tempered crew members, they can only blame themselves for doing bad things.

Yu Xi looked at Si Huang strangely, according to his understanding, Si Huang is not a nosy personality.

As soon as this thought came up, Sihuang took action, but instead of continuing to move forward, he walked towards the place where the violence occurred.

After a while, they arrived at the scene of the crime. The beating men realized that their target was themselves, so they stopped unconsciously.

The surrounding discussion gradually sounded, it was Ivan's identity who was recognized, and some people called out the name 'K'.

Few people in Italy dare to oppose Ivan.

The expressions of these beating men immediately became upright and steady.

As soon as they stood away, Si Huang could see more clearly the figure of the person who was beaten inside.

She looked at it quietly for two seconds, then sighed in her heart.

Some time ago, she was curious about where this person went. The two hadn't seen each other since the last conversation and parted ways, and there was no news about him in the country. She thought he was tired of this circle and retired silently. Getting involved with people in the circle, or really giving it a go to solve personal emotional problems...

Who would have thought that this would be the case when they met again.

Si Huang took a few steps forward, then bent over and lifted the man who was squatting on the ground and hugged his head, and said calmly, "Brother An, long time no see."

The body of the man holding his head shook, and he raised his head in disbelief, with a surprised expression.

This 'bad' face full of oriental atmosphere, which fascinated thousands of girls, now has a bruised nose and a swollen face, and there is a scar on the left side of the face from the corner of the eye to the cheek.

Si Huang still couldn't hold back his frowning, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes.

"Ha!" An Yiyuan narrowed his eyes, but those intoxicating peach blossom eyes remained the same, such a wicked smile could make the girl blush and her heart beat, "Hahahaha."

The more he laughed, the happier he was, and he didn't know what he was laughing at, so he stood up with Sihuang's support.

"Long time no see." After laughing for a long time, An Yiyuan said this to Sihuang in a hoarse voice.

Then there is no more text.

Si Huang didn't chase after him here, but looked at the men who beat him.

Ivan suddenly said, "I'll let them tell the truth."

"Well," Sihuang was very relieved of his work, and didn't want to waste time here, "I'll leave it to you."

"Okay." Ivan nodded.

Without looking at his instructions, a few bodyguards surrounded the beating men.

Si Huang ignored the begging voices of those people who understood something, and walked with An Yiyuan, and got into the car that Ivan had prepared long ago.

Among the crowd at the pier, there was a pair of eyes silently watching what happened in front of them, staring straight at the back of Si Huang's departure, and then retracted their gaze until they were no longer visible, and the petite figure retracted into the crowd.

Driving from the pier to the hotel where they lived temporarily, Sihuang and Yuxi said that they don't need to rush back to China, and surfed the Internet in the room.

After waiting for about an hour, there was a knock on her door.

Si Huang put away the computer, and when she opened the door, she saw An Yiyuan dressed neatly.

The wounds on the face have been treated, but the scars at the corners of the eyes can't be removed, which makes Si Huang look very unsightly.

It's just on the surface, without revealing any inner thoughts.

"Let's go, go sit outside." Si Huang took the initiative.

An Yiyuan shrugged, indicating that it was arranged by her.

I booked a restaurant on the roof of the hotel, a private room by the window, and after the two of them entered, Si Huang told the waiter not to come in and disturb him except for serving food.

Originally, this location and meals were prepared by Si Huangyi early in the morning, so they were served very quickly. After the waiter left, this is the space for the two of them.

"Let's talk." Si Huang sat opposite to An Yiyun, and said to him, "How did you make yourself into this?"

"I thought you would be more tactful." An Yiyun laughed dumbly.

Si Huang curled her lips, "I'm really angry right now."

An Yiyuan was surprised, "What are you angry about?"

Si Huang narrowed her eyes dangerously, and said sinisterly: "I remember telling someone to call if you need help, but that person disappeared completely and engaged in smuggling? Is it in your eyes that I am unreliable?" , or do you think you don't want to drag me down?"

An Yiyuan said awkwardly, "This...cough! I didn't say you were that serious."

"It's not as serious as I said?" Si Huang sneered, "If I'm right, you're not only penniless, you've lost your passport, you're also being watched, and you're running around."

The smile on An Yiyuan's face faded, and his tone became low, "How do you know?"

Si Huang said: "The tricks that torture people's body and mind are nothing more than these."

An Yiyuan couldn't help laughing, "That's right, I'm an idiot who can't even see this clearly after acting in so many plays."

Si Huang looked at him and said nothing.

An Yiyuan also fell silent.

The two remained silent for several seconds.

Si Huang sighed, "Brother An, it's still the same sentence, the door of my Fenghuang is open for you."

An Yiyuan raised his head, opened his mouth, but failed to say the high-spirited words before.

Si Huang calmly continued: "As a businessman in the entertainment industry, I appreciate your talent and am willing to pay a corresponding price to hire you. It is up to you to decide whether to accept the deal. However, as a friend, looking at my friend Being bullied, it is up to me to decide whether to teach the other party a lesson or not."

"Leo Pierce, I won't let him go."

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