Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 885 Moved to tears (1)

An Yiyuan didn't expect Sihuang to know so many things.

He obviously hasn't said anything yet, but he can't hide anything from this young man.

This made An Yiyuan feel frustrated and ashamed, but also moved unavoidably.

Having been in the mixed circle of dragon and fish in the entertainment industry for a long time, he is too clear about the reality between people, so he understands how precious Si Huang's concern is.

His self-esteem made him try the bitter fruit. At this time, he will not foolishly hurt the people who care about him, but sincerely appreciate Si Huang's care, and know how to be grateful.

"The Pierce family is not as simple as you think." Because of gratitude, An Yiyuan couldn't let Sihuang get too deeply involved in this matter.

Sihuang raised her eyelids, looked at An Yiyuan quietly, "Brother An, I'm not as simple as you think."

She knew what An Yiyuan was worried about, shaking the milk tea in the porcelain cup with a small teaspoon, Si Huang explained: "I don't know if you have watched "Tooth of Time", the hero in this movie is called Lei Qi, He is the third young master of the Pierce family."

An Yiyuan really watched it, but he didn't know Lei Qi's identity and background.

Looking at his expression, Si Huang knew the answer, "Pierce's family has been mainly engaged in the entertainment industry in recent years, and Leo is the first in line to succeed, but Lei Qi still has a chance."

"You want to help him?" An Yiyuan frowned, "This kind of wealthy family is the most chaotic, I advise you not to get involved."

In fact, what he wanted to say was, what can you do for that Lei Qi? After all, this is a foreign country. There is a good saying that a strong dragon can't overwhelm a local snake. Even if Si Huang has a background force that he can't imagine in China, he can't do anything abroad.

"But I have already participated in it." Si Huang said a certain sentence.

An Yiyuan was dumbfounded.

After a brief silence between the two, Si Huang reminded that if they didn't eat, the food on the table would be wasted.

An Yiyuan followed her words, put his mind down temporarily, and used the meal time to relieve his emotions.

After the two finished their lunch, An Yiyuan seemed to have made up his mind, and told Si Huang about his experiences during the past few days.

After An Yiyuan's narration, Si Huang realized that the wound on An Yiyuan's face was actually done by himself.

The reason is that after forcibly detaining his ID card, passport and other documents by means, Leo not only tortured him physically, but also wanted to destroy his self-esteem and soul, forcing him to sell his body to please some nobles. Women, even women engaged in prostitution.

An Yiyuan's appearance is good in the first place, his handsomeness is not purely handsome, but a very characteristic evil charm, his pair of peach blossom eyes can seduce the hearts of women of different grades.

Such a man is loved by countless women even in foreign countries, and can even be said to be one of their favorite types.

After all, this kind of bad-looking man is the most suitable for a one-night stand, and they feel that they don't have to be responsible for each other.

It's rare for An Yiyuan, who has such a bad face, to have a dedicated heart and arrogance in his bones.

Facing the coercion and temptation of the women, An Yiyuan chose to disfigure himself when he had nowhere to escape.

In fact, judging from his appearance, even if he had this scar, he would still be ugly, so Si Huang guessed that it was not the face destroyed by An Yiyuan that really shocked the group of women, but the face he showed. Bloody, I am worried that he will do more extreme things, and if he fails to hunt and be killed by crazy beautiful beasts after he gets it, then the loss outweighs the gain.

The days when I bumped into walls everywhere and was often embarrassed and beaten by others only got a little better not long ago.

It was probably because Leo himself was not as interested in this matter as he was at the beginning, and it was expected that An Yiyuan would not be able to make any troubles, so when he occasionally thought of him, he would ask someone to teach him a lesson.

"I didn't expect to meet you at the Mediterranean pier." An Yiyuan sighed: "You are worthy of being the number one counselor of His Highness, excellent! Excellent!"

Si Huang glanced at him, then followed with a smile and said, "I'll give you another Huangtu hegemony, how about a piece of land?"

An Yiyuan was taken aback, shook his head and said, "It's a pity that I'm old and I don't have that ambition anymore."

"Your eyes can't fool me." Si Huang exposed his lie, "It's still alive."

"What?" An Yiyuan was dull.

Si Huang spit out two words softly, "Ambition."

This time, An Yiyuan was silent.

The two left the restaurant on the roof and went back to their rooms.

After Sihuang returned to the room, she took her laptop to An Yiyuan's place.

When he was about to knock on the door, he found that An Yiyuan's door was not closed tightly. From this detail, Si Huang understood that An Yiyuan's mood was not as calm as he appeared on the surface.

She was silent for a second, then pushed open the door and walked in, closing the door behind her.

As soon as he entered the room and passed the aisle, Si Huang saw a silent man sitting on the carpet, leaning against the edge of the bed.

Probably feeling the change of light, An Yiyuan raised his head from his arms, his eyes were dim.

This dark time in his life still hit this radiant man.

Si Huang didn't look down on him, because she knew what kind of experience it was, and that kind of powerlessness and struggle were incomprehensible to those who hadn't experienced it.

"Ha..." An Yiyuan opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but he fell silent as soon as the dry laughter came out.

Si Huang casually sat on the floor like him, and turned on the laptop, "Overseas hotels generally don't install other systems. Without special settings, domestic websites cannot be opened."

Tapping her fingers on the laptop, she quickly opened the domestic V blog, and she clicked on An Yiyuan's V blog homepage, and then handed the computer to An Yiyuan to let him read it by himself.

An Yiyuan instinctively took it and put it on his lap, looking at the long-lost page. After so long, his V blog address has not been updated with new updates, nor has it been canceled by the company.

On the V blog address page, the top post was still the one he posted after he left, and the subsequent comments had already exceeded 10,000.

An Yiyuan watched without blinking, without moving.

Si Huang reached out and clicked on the comment below.

The latest comment was even a minute ago today.

"My lord, when are you coming back? The Yin family is about to suffer from lovesickness!"

"Master! You have been flirting long enough, come back soon!"

"Where did you go? Where did you go? Where did you go? You can take me with you. I can bring you tea and water, and I will serve you personally!"

"Master, no matter what happens, we are still there! We are always behind you, and we are your most loyal disciples! Mmmm!... So come back quickly, even if you post a message, let me know that you are still alive." All right. As long as I know you're all right, I can rest assured!"

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