Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 886 Moved to tears (2)

There are still a lot of comments and messages in the back, and the private messages have already been full.

Every item is the concern of the fans, and there are also some who love and hate the fans who openly curse and threaten, and some fans cry bitterly. All the stars in the Aite circle who have something to do with An Yiyuan want to know about An Yiyuan. information.

An Yiyuan's fingers gradually trembled, and he flipped through the pages until there were water drops on the keyboard of the notebook.

"Drink... um!" The suppressed choked sound from the man's throat still couldn't be concealed.

Si Huang sat on the side without saying a word, quietly watching An Yiyuan from being depressed at the beginning to bursting into tears.

Who said that a man bleeds but does not shed tears, too much depression and pain, it is not impossible to resist, but under the sincere care of such a group of people, all the strength collapsed in the blink of an eye.

The grievances and touches came out all at once, and the pain that was suppressed in my heart finally wanted to vent. At least I understood that this venting was no longer a joke in the eyes of others. Someone really cared about you, waited for you, and needed you.

"Woo-!" The twenty-seven or eight-year-old man cried like a child, and then the complex emotions were beyond the comprehension and comparison of the child.

This crying lasted for several minutes, and Si Huang sat quietly on the side during the whole process, without saying a word.

When she left An Yiyuan's room with the notebook in her arms, the last words An Yiyuan said to herself still appeared in her mind.

He said: "Sihuang, you are right, my heart is not dead yet."

Those red and swollen peach blossom eyes were slightly curved, still hard to lose the charm of evil and coquettish.

He said: "I don't know how to go in the future, but I still want to go on, let me think about it, think about it."

"Okay." Si Huang said.

After returning to her room, Sihuang contacted Lei Qie.

"I want you to be the first heir to the Pierce family."

Lei Qi, who was in the bar during the day, spit out a sip of wine, ignored the inquiries from friends around him, went out alone, and found a quiet place to talk on the phone.

"are you kidding me?"

Si Huang said: "I have had this idea for a long time, but you are too restless."

"Hehe." Lei Xie smiled strangely: "Master, are you doubting my loyalty?"

"I will stay abroad during this time, you should be prepared." Si Huang confessed.

This time Lei Qi heard that she was serious, and said in surprise: "Wait, can I ask, what made you make such a decision? Even if you have already had this idea, why did you say it at this time?" ?”

"Leo moved my friend." Si Huang said.

Lei Qi suddenly realized, "When you say it this way, I have a little impression. It seems that there is a person from country Z who was played badly by Leo. But, let me tell you, it doesn't take so much trouble for you to take revenge on Leo, as long as you talk to Ivan Tell me, don’t they help you with everything?”

Si Huang smiled lowly.

"I was wrong." Without waiting for Sihuang to speak, Lei Xie immediately said first: "I will pay attention to what you said, just ask for anything."

Si Huang threatened unabashedly: "You can do whatever you want on small things, but if it ruins my big things, I won't show mercy."

Lei Xie laughed out loud, "No problem, it's really done, and it's my greatest benefit."

He was even happier that this incident made him feel that Sihuang recognized him. Before Sihuang hung up the phone, he said in a low voice, "There is a word in Z country called Conglong Zhigong, you Give me the title, I will return your loyalty, it is fair to advance and retreat with you, MyLord."

Si Huang sneered, "No, your life is already mine."

Lei Qi wanted to say something back, but found that the phone had been hung up, so he could only touch his nose, feeling a little upset and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth inexplicably.

Now that he has decided to stay abroad, Si Huang went to Yu Xi's place again, and explained to him the future plan.

As for Sihuang's decision to continue to stay abroad, Yuchen was a bit puzzled, "Although the foreign market is very broad, at present, it is not a good thing to develop in a foreign country for a long time. After all, you have established a good foundation in China. Of course. , I don’t doubt your strength, I just think it’s too wasteful to give up the domestic market now, not to mention you don’t have to go to school anymore?”

"It's not that I won't go back to China, it's just that the focus is on foreign countries." Si Huang explained that she also had a headache when she thought about going to school.

No matter how special her situation was, it would be too much if she didn't show up for a semester.

Fortunately, she had persuaded Su Yueban and the others to go to school more, no wonder Su Yueban didn't care, after all, she herself was the biggest 'truant' who said this!

In addition to the problem of going to school, Si Huang also found it difficult to deal with Grandma Yu and the others.

Before filming, Grandma Yu would call her every once in a while, or she would call to chat with the old man and express condolences to each other.

Grandma Yu was counting the time, knowing that the filming of her new movie was almost over, so she called her to ask when she would come back, and she must go to see grandma or something.

Si Huang saw and remembered the old man's sincere love for her. Thinking that if she didn't go back, Grandma Yu probably wouldn't really blame her, but she must be disappointed and sad in her heart.

Therefore, one must go back to one's home country, even if one does not work, one should just go back to see the elderly, but the length of time and frequency of returning to one's home country will vary.

Yu Xi said: "I see, you must have your reasons for doing this. Now Lingling is almost out of the teacher, time is not a problem, but Su Su and Guo Nai, let them stay here?"

Si Huang didn't think long and said, "If you need manpower for your work, let them stay."

Yuene opened his mouth and closed it again, and nodded to Sihuang.

What he thought in his heart was, is this the assistant you invited, or my assistant?

After explaining Yuene, Sihuang had to call Grandma Yu to explain her current situation and plans.

Just as she thought, Grandma Yu would not hinder her progress, but she still couldn't hide her disappointment when the old man told her to take good care of herself.

Sihuang can only promise that as soon as she has time, she will definitely go back to China to see her.

Grandma Yu was happy when she heard it, but she said: "Why come back? Sometimes I take more rest, and let those ignorant young people know that our little Phoenix is ​​not easy to bully, but also has a temper! Let them Wait! Don't let them see you! Do you think we care about their fans? Hmph!"

"Haha, okay, when I come back, I'll just go to see grandma secretly." Si Huang burst out laughing.

When Grandma Yu heard it, it was like eating honey, "Okay, okay." She said yes three times in a row, which shows that she is really happy.

When the two hung up the phone, Si Huang saw that there was still a call to make in the phone book, sighed and called.

What Sihuang didn't expect was that Feng Manzhu didn't complain to herself as before, but seemed to have guessed that this would happen a long time ago and had already prepared for her.

"It just so happens that Jinghua University and Halson University in country Y are going to exchange students. I have reserved a special spot. Since you have stayed abroad for a long time, I will report your name."

"Thank you, teacher."

"Don't come here with such nonsense, and if you want to thank me, come to something practical, such as giving us Jinghua a good face, and stepping down all the top students of Halson College!"

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