Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 887 My words are the highest order (1)

Halson University is a well-known key college in country Y, comparable to Meifu University in country M, or Jinghua University in country Z.

After all, Si Huang is an art student himself, and he is going to compete with the masters of other key colleges. If such a request is heard by other art students, he will probably vomit blood.

Si Huang was dumb for a while, then laughed and said: "Teacher, I'm a little stressed."

Feng Manzhu: "Anyway, the teacher has already put it down, you can figure it out yourself."

After saying this, Feng Manzhu didn't give Sihuang a chance to refuse, and hung up the phone directly.

Si Huang shrugged and took Feng Manzhu's words to heart, but it was uncertain whether it could be done.

After all, the teaching methods and content of the two countries are different. Si Huang has confidence in her IQ and memory, but she never feels that she is a learning genius.

Especially when she doesn't have a lot of time, things have to be prioritized. She still prefers work and other aspects of study and the problem at hand.

However, in many cases, reality will tell us that it is a wise saying that plans cannot keep up with changes.

Si Huang just decided to stay abroad. He originally wanted to focus his work on the foreign market first, and at the same time continue to observe Arthur, Mi Lu and others, looking for an opportunity to crack the truth, and at the same time solve the problem of the Pierce family. thing.

However, with one action by Ivan, the order of Sihuang's plans had to be changed.

He arranged a family meeting and invited Sihuang to attend.

Faced with Ivan's request, Sihuang was not surprised, because he had already prepared for it, so he accepted it calmly.

It's just that Ivan's anxiety made Sihuang see the man's fragility and lack of security.

When I got into the car heading to Jasper's residence, Ivan, who was sitting opposite Sihuang, lowered his head, "Please forgive me."

Si Huang looked out of the window, and turned back after a while, seeing that the meticulous man was still maintaining the action just now.

She just said, "I should have gone back and had a look, shouldn't I?"

Ivan raised his head, his dark blue eyes were full of tenderness.

"Or those moths really think they are the master." Si Huang smiled mockingly.

Ivan said: "Please rest assured, Jasper will always belong to the eldest lady." After a pause, he continued: "As long as you need it."

"That's our home." Si Huang said softly.

These words made the man who had always been steady and self-restraining shake his shoulders violently, and the soft lip line that only the young lady who faced him trembled uncontrollably.

Poor sad man.

However, this man's expression at this time was full of happiness.

One sentence can satisfy all his needs, revive his soul, and nourish his dry heart.

"Yes, my eldest lady." After a while, Ivan said in a gentle and respectful tone: "Jasper has never changed, and will always be there waiting for your return."

Si Huang knew little about the Jasper family. When he arrived at the destination, he saw a palace-style mansion occupying a large area of ​​land. The car drove directly onto the spacious road, passing the rose gardens on both sides, until the middle ages. Stop in front of the villa.

There were already servants waiting outside, and when the car stopped, they reached out to open the door for them.

After Ivan got out of the car first, he went around the car to the other side, opened the car door for Sihuang himself, and welcomed her out.

Si Huang stepped out of the car with long legs, scanned the surrounding area, and saw that most of the people had their heads half down, with respectful attitudes.

When Ivan and Sihuang walked into the mansion, the people behind followed quietly.

After entering the gate, Si Huang saw an acquaintance.

Stanley also saw her, especially when he noticed that Ivan was standing half a step behind Sihuang, which made this middle-aged man who had learned to hide his emotions a long time ago change color.

"Stanley, is everyone else here?" Ivan asked.

Stanley lowered his head, suppressing the horror in his heart, "Yes, Lord Earl. Everyone is already waiting in the meeting room."

"En." Ivan nodded, and there was no further text.

Stanley couldn't help raising his eyelids, and saw Ivan guiding Sihuang in a gentle and respectful manner.

If he hadn't guessed, the direction that the Earl had given this young man from the east would be the Missy's room!

how can that be! ?

Stanley couldn't imagine.

However, everything was as he thought, and Ivan was guiding Sihuang to her room.

The style of the room is also palace style, but it is not as prosperous as the real palace, with bright colors. On the contrary, it is dominated by dark green, dark red, white and other colors, which seems to have a low-key sense of luxury.

This is the first time Sihuang saw this room, but it was no stranger to her, because in her previous life, Stanley, who provided the script for the movie "Mad Demon", also arranged the room himself, even if the scene was not as good as here A tenth as luxurious, but with a similar style.

The description of some fragments in Ivan's diary also appeared in Sihuang's mind.

[Missy occasionally stays in bed, and whenever I draw the curtains, I can hear her lovely complaints. At this time, she makes me feel very soft. ]

[In the second cabinet next to the fitting room, there are Missy's favorite masks, which are all Missy's collections. ]

[Today the young lady hid the extra-curricular books in the hidden compartment under the desk. Let me see, in addition to the extra-curricular books, there are also young lady's music works. I think this hidden compartment is probably not enough for the young lady. ]

Si Huang walked to the desk, knelt down and reached out to explore, and sure enough, he found the so-called hidden compartment.

She thought, this might not be the desk in the diary, but Ivan restored everything according to his memory.

The drawer of the hidden compartment was opened, and Si Huang took out a stack of papers, on which were staves.

When Sihuang stood up, she saw that Ivan had walked to her side at some point, and his expression was a little distorted like joy or sadness.

Si Huang put the score on the desk and asked him calmly, "When did you make an appointment with those people?"

Ivan's voice was hoarse, "Everything is arranged according to Missy's schedule."

"Help me prepare clothes." Si Huang said.

Ivan nodded slightly, then turned and walked towards the fitting room.

It didn't take long to come out and invite Sihuang to go in.

Si Huang asked him to wait outside, and when he entered the fitting room alone, he saw the gray-blue dress on the table, as well as matching accessories and shoes.

These are all normal, and a long black wig seems redundant. However, Sihuang knew that this was the most important thing, which proved how crazy and sober Ivan was.

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