Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 888 My words are the highest order (2)

Although he knew that Ivan would not install extra equipment such as cameras in the fitting room, Si Huang checked it out of caution before starting to change clothes.

Wu Bao squatted on the table, scratching his face in dissatisfaction: 【Your Majesty, Xiao Fanzi is too ignorant! Where should I hide such a skirt? 】

"Find a place to stay by yourself." Si Huang put the wig on her head.

Although hamsters all look similar, people who are really familiar with her will definitely recognize her at a glance.

Wu Bao felt that he had been tricked by Ivan.

Originally, it had a bad impression of Ivan when it was caught on board the Dream, and it is even worse now.

Could this be the legendary eunuch in charge of the imperial court? The most likely existence to become a big celebrity around His Majesty? So you are here to threaten the position of Lord Wubao's number one favorite?

Wubao's mung bean eyes widened. At first, it thought that the person who could threaten its status the most was Xiaoyu, but now it seems that it is about to change.

Si Huang didn't know what Xiaokenghuo was thinking, she had already bent over to put on her shoes, but she didn't put on the accessories.

She knew that Emily's young lady of Jasper, although her dress was always exquisite and magnificent, she seldom wore accessories. Ivan even lamented about this in his diary.

After everything was ready, Si Huang looked up at the full-length mirror in front of her, and the people inside also looked at her.

Judging from the figure alone, there is not much sense of disobedience, but when the eyes are as a man, they are sharp and reasonable. As a woman, such eyes are too existential and oppressive.

Si Huang took a deep breath, closed his eyes for a few seconds, and when he opened them again, his eyes were like the sky after the rain, and the temperament around him changed completely.

She is an actress, it only depends on whether she wants to act or not, there is no role that she cannot play.

It's just that it's been too long as a man, and I'm used to it. Now to completely play the role of a woman is no longer an on-the-spot performance, but to complete a long script that does not know the time. Sihuang needs to take it seriously.

She looked at the mirror for a while, and then her eyes fixed on the thin rope around her neck.

Taking out the animal tooth pendant that had been hanging for a long time, Sihuang took a look at it, put it in the pocket of the clothes he took off, and walked out of the fitting room.

Outside, the man standing upright raised his head as if feeling something, looked at her with eyes like water, and then smiled, genuine and gentle.

Si Huang didn't say anything, walked to the cabinet next to the fitting room, opened it and saw the neatly placed masks.

He chose a peacock blue mask and put it on. After covering his face, Sihuang turned to Ivan and said, "Ivan, from today onwards, don't let other people know what I look like. Millie's face has been ruined in the Dream incident."

Ivan's smile froze, and his pupils tightened, as if remembering something extremely terrifying.

Before his mental breakdown, Si Huang had already lifted half of his mask, looked directly at this overly strong and overly fragile man, raised the corners of his mouth, and said to him in a rewarding tone: "Ivan, you remember this face All right."

Ivan stared closely, as if wanting to engrave this face into his mind, "Yes, my eldest lady."

Si Huang put on the mask again, her tone cooled down, "Let's go, they should be waiting impatiently."

As soon as the two went out, they saw Stanley standing outside waiting. He raised his head and was about to say something, but when he saw Si Huang, he was stunned and forgot what he wanted to say at the beginning.

Ivan introduced to Sihuang: "Miss, he is Jasper's housekeeper and my assistant, Stanley."

Stanley came back to his senses, and had already bent down to Sihuang, "Miss."

Although he tried very hard to be natural, Si Huang could still hear the stiffness in his tone.

"Hmm." Si Huang met Stanley, whether it was in the previous life or in this life, he knew that this man was really loyal to Ivan.

Her attitude seemed disinterested in Stanley, and she didn't want to punish him for his initial gaffe.

Ivan let Stanley follow behind.

In the meeting room, both sides of a long table were full of people, most of them were men, only two women.

They are all collateral members of the Jasper family, somewhat related to the Jasper family by blood.

As soon as the door of the conference room was opened, everyone's gazes were naturally cast there. When they saw the tall figure walking in front, everyone was stunned.

However, compared to their astonishment, Sihuang's behavior was much calmer, as if he was really the master of Jasper's family. Ivan personally pulled the chair away, and then sat on the main seat, just looking at the people on both sides in front of him. men and women.

After a brief silence, a group of people chattered.

"who is she?"

"Ivan, are you confused?"

"Why let her sit in this position? Ivan, don't forget, this is Jasper!"

"Joke! What a joke! Ivan, the reason you asked us to come is to decide the head of the Jasper family. Don't tell me, the person you decide is this bitch?"

"Stanley." Ivan's still gentle but emotionless voice sounded when he was calm, "Please Mr. Cliff go out and entertain him well."

"Okay, Lord Earl." Stanley already understood what Ivan meant.

The man called Cliff hasn't realized his danger yet. He is used to being supported by Ivan. As long as his surname is Jasper, then no matter how high his status is, this man named Ivan will be One of his dogs, the one under every Jasper's feet.

The life experience of being praised all the year round has made him forget the danger of this man. After all, Ivan is a loyal dog who can even forgive Jasper for his assassination.

"Ivan, answer my question!" Cliff stood up and asked arrogantly.

Ivan raised his head, his dark blue eyes had turned ice blue.

This look surprised everyone present, and what happened next made them even more astonished.

A small silver teaspoon passed across Cliff's cheek, and the force left a red mark on his rough face, which was bloodshot.

This makes one wonder, what if this is not a teaspoon, but a knife...or, instead of a face, it cut something fatal...

Everyone looked at the person who threw the teaspoon, that is, the masked woman who they deliberately ignored and thought was a puppet doll.

"I can answer your questions." Si Huang said softly.

Her voice changed, more mellow and clear than usual, "I am Emily Jasper, the sole heir of the Jasper family, and I am here today to inform you of this fact. From today onwards, Jasper I will be in charge of the Spars, and what I say is Jasper's highest order."

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