Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 889 My words are the highest order (3)

After a while of silence, the first sneer sounded, followed by more and more matching laughter.

They laughed deliberately and exaggeratedly, thinking that they could force Sihuang back with the number of people and their identities, but they were disappointed in the end. The woman in front of her, who seemed to be young, was still sitting there calmly, without any embarrassment or embarrassment of restlessness. At a loss.

This forced them to use words to attack, trying to hit Sihuang's self-confidence.

"Where did you come from, madman! Do you think that Jasper is yours when you say it's yours?"

"Emily died a long time ago, you can't be her! Even if she really came back to life, she wouldn't be your age!"

"Who are you? Take off the mask if you have the guts!"

"Heh." Amidst all the denunciations, Si Huang sneered in a low voice, making them shut up one by one.

In the silence, Si Huang propped his chin with both hands, and said with a smile: "If I were you, you should first think about how to please me."

"Are you kidding me!?" One person instinctively sarcastically.

Si Huang said: "Of course it's not a joke, because of your attitude, I decided to drive you out of Jasper's business."

These words hit the heads of everyone present like a bolt from the blue.

Most of them are raised by Jasper's main family, that is, the current Ivan, and they have been raised long ago.

It's not that he can't live without the property income of Jasper's main family, but he certainly won't be able to live as comfortably as he is now.

No one would be willing to spit out such a big piece of fat from his mouth.

"Ivan, what do you think?" Sihuang asked the man behind him.

The man with the attitude of a deacon smiled and said: "Yes, my eldest lady, what you say is the highest order."



The sound of chairs rubbing against the floor, and the sound of slapping the table sounded one after another.

Everyone present stared at Ivan in disbelief.

"Ivan, look clearly, this woman is not Emily at all!" The caller glared at Sihuang angrily.

Si Huang still said indifferently: "If we leave them here today, will there be any impact?"

"No, I will explain everything to Queen Eliza." Ivan replied.

Si Huang raised her head, her eyes behind the mask scanned the men and women with different expressions in front of her, showing ugly faces in front of her interests.

After all, the Jasper family started from a dark path. Apart from the main family, there are not many promising offshoots, and they have always relied on the support of the main family.

Since the collapse of the Jasper family, they also kept a low profile and kept a low profile. Later, it was all supported by Ivan.

In this comparison, this group of collateral people is not even comparable to Ivan, and it is no wonder that Emily Jasper has never had a good impression of them.

Sihuang's eyes are fierce, and that kind of awe-inspiring aura is not pretending to be fierce on the outside, but exuding an aura from the inside out.

This kind of aura has not really seen blood. People who have experienced it will never be able to affect people deeply like this.

For a moment, everyone present couldn't help but have a thought, that is why Ivan treats the 'princess' differently this time.

Because she is indeed different from ordinary people.

Especially those who have met Emily before feel that the two are very similar, except for their age and skin color, the arrogance, calmness, calmness, calmness, and members of the Sopranos family, the fierceness exuding in their bones, are almost exactly the same .

The most unexpected thing is that her attitude towards Ivan and the tone of her speech are so natural that it seems outrageous, as if everything should be like this.

This time no one dared to be presumptuous anymore. They could not believe that the woman in front of them really dared to touch them, but they would not doubt Ivan's pathology and unconditional obedience to what 'Emily' said.

"Ivan, look clearly, she's not the real Emily, she's just a substitute." Someone was trying to persuade him unwillingly: "Have you forgotten? Jasper is Emily's home, you Do you want an outsider to defile this place? Jasper who belongs to Emily?"

This sentence is very sincere, and everyone else is also looking forward to the result.

As a result, Ivan helped Sihuang refill a cup of black tea, put a new teaspoon on the edge of the cup, then raised his head and smiled at the persuading person: "It's really rude to slander the owner of this family like this."

"..." They all underestimated Ivan's madness and Sihuang's acting skills too much.

They never imagined how important the salvation of the soul is to a walking dead.

They cannot understand a paranoid man who is already insane.

But Sihuang can understand and go deep into his heart. In this regard, how can they expect Ivan to stand on their side.

In the end, this group of people had no choice but to leave in a daze, and those who had insulted Sihuang were forced to stay. The few people left behind guessed their fate belatedly, struggling and screaming involuntarily. The voice made the person who left walk faster, with a little more fear on his face.

Ivan said: "It is announced that the eldest lady will inherit the banquet of the Jasper family, and the few of you will not be able to participate."

The people who left were annoyed and relieved for a while, thinking to themselves: We don't care to participate in this kind of role-playing farce!

Everything that happened today was spread by those small-bellied people in the side line not long after, but neither Sihuang nor Ivan cared about all this.

Si Huang never thought of being able to deceive other people. After all, Emily is really dead, and her age is not the same as Alice. No matter how outsiders spread it, it will not affect her, and Jasper has already entered her hands.

As for Ivan, he didn't care about the rumors that he was absurd, crazy, and changed from one 'princess' to another. This time he passed it on even crazier. In his opinion, as long as his young lady doesn't care, then he has nothing to care about.

The next day, Sihuang woke up in the morning light, and when she opened her eyes, she saw that someone had already been busy preparing clothes for her to wear in the morning, as well as putting in hot water, squeezing out toothpaste, and serving her. drinking glass.

He even brought her slippers, and when she got up from the quilt, he knelt down beside the bed and put the slippers on her feet.

Sihuang didn't have any thoughts yet, Wubao had already sensed a deep crisis, and rushed over to bite Ivan's hand.

[Doggie! Too legit! outrageous! It's outrageous! Your Majesty, you must not be fooled by him, his loyalty is foolish! Only Lord Wubao is the real good minister! 】In order to defend his position, Wubao spared no effort to discredit Ivan.

Ivan took a look at the hamster who had only met a few times, and gently lifted it up.

Si Huang said favorably: "It tends to be hungry when it wakes up in the morning."

Ivan smiled, "Maybe it should take a bath."

"Take it with you." Sihuang walked to the bathroom by herself.

【His Majesty--! ? 】 Wubao stared wide-eyed.

Ivan thought for a while, and followed Sihuang's instructions.

When Sihuang put on her clothes and came out, she saw a five treasures that had been blown so fluffy and chubby, with a bow tied around its neck.

"This is?" Si Huang asked, pointing to Wubao.

Ivan noticed that she had returned to her masculine attire, and said gently, "Your pet."

"I know, but why is it dressed up like this?" Si Huang could not fail to recognize Wubao.

Ivan bowed his head, "Isn't it a mother's?"

"...Probably from the company." Si Huang would not say, she has never paid attention to this issue.

Ivan: "Sorry..."

"No." Si Huang didn't wait for him to finish speaking, "Actually, this is also very cute."

【…】The five treasures that have withered.

This time when I went out, I ran into Stanley again while having breakfast in the restaurant.

Stanley's reaction was much better than yesterday. When he saw Sihuang dressed in men's clothes, he naturally lowered his head and shouted: "Good day, Your Excellency K."

"Your Excellency" is an honorary title, which shows Stanley's respect for her.

Si Huang also nodded to him, then naturally sat on the chair and enjoyed the breakfast that Ivan personally prepared for her.

After breakfast, Sihuang thought that he had nothing else to do today, so he went to report to Harrison University and arranged for Yuxi and the others to live. Since they have decided to live abroad, it is still inconvenient to stay in a hotel for a long time.

However, before Sihuang spoke about it, Ivan took him to a living room with a living room and met several foreign men and women.

After a brief conversation, Sihuang realized that this was actually the tutor Ivan had prepared for her!

"You shouldn't refuse to study." Ivan said gently: "Knowledge can enrich you."

Well, the perfect deacon is not just to meet your life needs, but also to manage your education as well.

Si Huang recalled that Miss Emily of Jasper is a top student herself, even though she doesn't like heavy schoolwork, but as the only daughter of the Jasper family, she will still seriously study what she thinks she should study. everything.

Sometimes, even if Ivan persuaded her to rest, she would frown and insist on finishing her homework.

"You're right." Si Huang restrained her thoughts and sighed, "I really need it."

Free tutors.

Originally, she thought that after going to Harrison University, she could not be said to be unable to keep up with her studies, but she was still a little overwhelmed compared with the top students in the entire college.

Now Ivan created the conditions for her to make up lessons first.

Whether it's for role-playing or her own needs, she shouldn't refuse.

It is conceivable how busy she will be in the days ahead.

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