Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 892 You Are Different (1)


Si Huang looked at the name of the coffee shop, went inside and went up to the second floor, and then in a quiet place behind a shelf of potted plants, she saw the person she made an appointment to meet today.

To be more precise, the other party suddenly asked her to meet.

The appearance of oriental people is always particularly eye-catching in foreign countries. A head of black hair can be seen at a glance, not to mention that this person has an unforgettable cool temperament.

Si Huang walked to the seat opposite him and sat down, looked around him, "Didn't your little follower accompany you today?"

"He shouldn't listen to some content." A cool voice with the same temperament sounded, and Dou Wenqing continued: "What would you like to drink?"

Si Huang rang the table bell and asked the waiter to come over. After ordering a drink at random, she said to Er Shao Dou: "This is not a good place to talk, and I'm in a hurry. Let's have a short chat."

If Chai Liang, known as the little follower, was here, he would definitely slander Si Huang for being too rude to Second Young Master Dou.

Dou Wenqing glanced at her, "Yes."

"Since everyone is a collaborator, we will share half of the cake on Bojin Street. I will contribute the site and you will contribute." Sihuang said: "Lei Qie's mother's family's property, so you don't want to move it anymore. I will share the rest of the land with you." It can be convenient for you, and once you do business, I don’t know if you are interested.”

"Tell me." Dou Wenqing didn't change his expression.

Sihuang said: "I want to deal with Leo."

"Which Leo?"

"Leo Pierce."

Dou Wenqing's eyes fluctuated, "For Lei Qi?"

"No." Si Huang said: "Personal grievances, and he touched my friend."

"Of course, after Leiola steps down, I hope to promote Lei Qie. He will reward you accordingly."

Dou Wen said calmly: "You are good to your friends."

Si Huang glanced at him, and was about to say something when the waiter brought her the coffee she ordered and the change.

Si Huang didn't accept the change, and after giving it to the waiter, he told him, "Please try to keep our side as quiet as possible."

"Okay, sir." The waiter responded with a smile, then turned and left.

Si Huang turned her attention to Dou Wenqing again, "I'm talking about business with you."

Dou Wenqing's attitude was as if what he said before was talking about business, and he said indifferently: "It will be more convenient for you to contribute to the problem of Bojin Street."

The president of a large group actually said that a college student's contribution would make things more convenient. If other people heard this, they would definitely think it was a joke.

But Si Huang understood that Dou Wenqing must have guessed that Miss Jasper, who is now widely rumored in Italy, has something to do with her.

On this point, she never thought that she could hide it from Dou Wenqing and the others. After all, on the Dream that day, Dou Wenqing, like Qin Fan, had seen her pretending to be the "Earl's Princess".

"Okay, but in this case, I will take 70%." Si Huang said.

Dou Wenqing: "We are the people of one country."

"Business knows no borders." Si Huang smiled.

Dou Wenqing said, "I am your friend?"

Si Huang smiled unchanged, "Brothers still settle accounts."

Dou Ershao, who was rejected continuously, was not angry, and came to a conclusion, "In your heart, I am different from your ordinary friends."

When he said this sentence, it seemed that he was so special.

Si Huang was dumb and didn't bother to explain, but just reminded Dou Ershao with his eyes, please don't always talk nonsense when doing business, this is not like your Dou Ershao style.

"Yes." Dou Wenqing followed Si Huang's words.

Sihuang raised her eyebrows, "I thought you would bargain."

Dou Wenqing took a sip of coffee, "You are different."

He put down the coffee cup, and said in the same calm tone as always: "I can afford this, as long as you ask."

Si Huang pursed her lips and smiled, but she didn't take Er Shao's words seriously, or it could be said that she deliberately ignored them, and didn't want to delve into how much of it was true or false.

The good news is that the business of this coffee shop is average this afternoon, and there are not many people on the second floor, so no one affects their conversation.

After discussing the plan for a period of time, Si Huang glanced at the time on his watch, then stood up and prepared to leave.

Dou Wenqing said suddenly: "I thought you would ask about Master Qin."

Si Huang smiled and said, "I trust him."

Then he said: "Also, I feel that I may know more than you, and you may not necessarily tell me the situation."

After finishing speaking, Si Huang walked by his side, remembered something halfway, stopped and turned back to Dou Wenqing and said: "I'm very busy recently, unfortunately I don't have time to go shopping with you. If you are interested in this area If so, I can recommend a few good places to you, and I will send them to your message when the time comes."

Dou Wenqing frowned slightly looking at her back.

As soon as the driver waiting outside saw Si Huang, he quickly opened the car door for her.

Sihuang got into the car, called Ivan, told him about the time to go back, and hung up the phone.

It will take a while to get to Jasper Manor from here, Si Huang was staring at his phone in the car in a daze, after a while he opened the Blood Flag chat room with his phone, and sent Qin Fan a message.

half an hour later.

The car stopped at Jasper Manor.

The person who came out to meet Si Huang was Stanley.

He said, "I'm sorry, sir. Because there are other guests now."

"I understand." Sihuang knew that everything Ivan did was for her sake, and she also considered her concerns.

After arriving at the room, Sihuang saw Ivan who had been waiting at the door for a long time, and Stanley left consciously to greet other guests who had already arrived.

"The dress is ready for you." Ivan opened the door and invited Sihuang to enter, and said softly in a gentle and magnetic voice: "You will be the most shining existence tonight."

Si Huang looked at the gift box on the table, "Where is Queen Elisa?"

Ivan said: "The queen represents authority."

Si Huang had already opened the gift box, and saw the pure white gown embroidered with gold thread and fine diamonds inside. The brilliance shone under the light was enough to amaze every woman.

"Ivan, I'm not a princess." Sihuang turned her head and said coldly to Ivan.

Ivan lowered his head, "You are the master of the Jasper family."

Si Huang raised the corners of her mouth, "But I still like you to call me Miss."

"Yes, my eldest lady." Ivan also smiled.

Afterwards, Si Huang did all the dressing up by herself. She put on a gorgeous dress, the size was designed to be close to her figure, and with the data given by Si Huang herself, it fit just right. Then put on the side wig and the mask that matched the dress, and put on high heels.

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