Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 893 You Are Different (2)

Si Huang stood in front of the mirror and looked at herself, and opened the door after confirming that she was not very familiar with someone with special abilities and could never be associated with her.

Ivan turned his head and saw her, his expression paused, "Very beautiful, my eldest lady."

"Thank you." Si Huang nodded reservedly to him.

Regarding the etiquette of the nobles of country Y, during the half-month family class, Sihuang also learned, and then integrated her own memory, doing it very naturally and elegantly.

Ivan smiled, followed her, and accompanied her to the party.

The gala held at Jasper's manor was to announce to the elites of country Y that Jasper's family had changed in power.

Although the guests who have arrived already know that this Miss Jasper is impossible to be the real Miss Emily Jasper, but if Ivan wants to, they can't stop anything, as long as I can curse in my heart: This earl is really getting more and more neurotic!

When the lights in the hall suddenly changed, the guests present immediately understood and turned their heads to look in the direction of the stairs.

Under the light, Sihuang and Ivan walked down one after the other.

The gold silk mask and the hanging gauze concealed a fair face.

In the case of invisible appearance, a person's temperament is particularly prominent.

The guests couldn't deny that this fake Miss Jasper was really beautiful. Her beauty was not fragile, but full of nobility and sharpness. She was as generous, elegant and flamboyant as a bird of paradise flower.

This is no longer a fairy tale princess protected by the earl as a lint flower!

There was a brief silence in the hall, only soothing music was playing.

The guests who thought they would see a farce and jokes unconsciously became serious.

A woman with such an aura is definitely not a joke! Earl Ivan is controlled by such a woman. For the high society in country Y, it is not known whether it will be a blessing or a curse.

No matter what the guests thought, Ivan had personally announced that the Jasper family was officially inherited by Emily Jasper.

Amidst a burst of applause and congratulations, Si Huang remained silent the whole time, and had no intention of speaking in person.

This indifference caused the guests to have different thoughts, until an exclamation sounded: "Queen Eliza is here!"

Si Huang took the initiative to walk forward and saw that the crowd naturally parted a road, revealing the woman walking on the other side, or it is more accurate to call it a girl.

She is very young, about sixteen or seventeen years old, even if the appearance of foreigners generally looks a little more mature, it can't hide the delicateness between her eyebrows that are not fully opened.

Queen Eliza was not very beautiful, she had light blond hair, a pale face, and a pair of light green eyes, which made her look weak. However, her eyes are rich and full of tenacity and calmness, with a precise smile on her face, she is friendly and generous with the arrogance of the royal family.

For such a girl, if she walks on the street in casual clothes, people will think that she is not in good health, but now she is wearing a dress and walking at a banquet, and everyone present will cast respectful glances at her.

"Your Majesty, you are welcome." Si Huang said softly and saluted.

Eliza's smile was more genuine, but still reserved, "Emily, can I call you that?"

"Of course." Si Huang said.

Eliza smiled and said, "Emily, I'm glad you returned safely. I think Jasper will be even better under your leadership."

"As you wish." Si Huang replied.

Elisa nodded, then looked at Ivan behind her, "Ivan, come and talk to me."

Ivan saluted Elisa, then looked down at Sihuang, Sihuang nodded to him, and Ivan turned to follow Elisa.

Queen Elisa's arrival was unexpected by most of the guests, but after she arrived, they all understood the fact that Ivan really looked for this 'Miss Jasper', for the sake of She did not hesitate to ask Queen Elisa to come forward.

Queen Elisa's appearance and a few words on the scene are equivalent to confirming the identity of Miss Jasper. In other words, regardless of whether this Miss Jasper is real or not, from today she is Emily Jasper, the new head of the Jasper family.

There were also female guests present, who cast envious and jealous eyes on Si Huang.

This is completely a great thing that the ugly duckling turns into a swan and soars into the sky!

Under the gazes of different people, Si Huang suddenly turned around and left the hall, ignoring the person who wanted to keep her talking, walked all the way to an empty corridor, entered a room, and lifted up the skirt of the dress .

She had a buckle strap on her leg, her mobile phone on her left leg and a pistol on her right leg.

The reason for this is just in case, after all, there is a lot of information hidden in her mobile phone that cannot be known by others.

At this time, the phone vibrated, Si Huang picked it up and looked, and found that the call was from an unfamiliar number, which did not belong to country Y.

A thought suddenly flashed through his mind, and Si Huang pressed the answer button.


As soon as the voice sounded, the corners of Si Huang's mouth rose.

"Qin Fan." She teased and said, "Did you have a miserable life recently?"

"..." There was silence for a second, and Qin Fan's lowered voice was more magnetic and abstinent, "You just want to tell me this?"

"Otherwise what do you think?" Si Huang asked.

There was a sigh over there, followed by a deep voice that seemed to come from deep in the throat, "I miss you, I miss you so much."

"It wasn't long before we separated." Si Huang leaned against the wall and lifted the mask on his face.

"...It seems to be, haha." The man smiled lowly, pretending to be relaxed, "but I can't help thinking about you."

Si Huang was silent.

Qin Fan said, "Honey, do you miss me?"

Si Huang still didn't speak.

"Isn't it easy to speak dirty words usually? Why did you become dumb when it was time to speak?"

Si Huang finally said, "You usually talk less."

"You are different." Qin Fan said, "You are my wife."

Si Huang laughed lowly, thinking of Qin Fan's face of aloof and abstinent emperor Fan Er, who said seriously 'you are my daughter-in-law', he found it amusing. I don't mind, the words used by the daughter-in-law are not daughter-in-law.

"Qin Fan." She smiled, but the dark light in her eyes settled, "If you hadn't taken the first step bravely, maybe I would have fallen in love with someone else."

"..." On the other side of the phone, there was a harsh gasp, and then Qin Fan's soft voice faded away, leaving a hoarse and cold voice, "What did you say?"

Si Huang whispered, "I can clearly feel that I am attracted by him, and my heartbeat, cells, and blood all respond."

"Si! Huang!" The voice seemed to be squeezed out from between the teeth, and the suppressed rage could be felt through the phone, "Are you kidding me?"

Under such rage, Si Huang laughed out loud, "If I hadn't met you, I would have fallen in love with him, and fell in love with him with all my heart."

"Are you trying to drive me crazy?" Qin Fan's voice trembled, "Just because you've been missing for a while?"

"No, I know you're on a mission, and you shouldn't even call me now." Sihuang took his words and said gently: "But I'm still very glad you made this call."

"Your happiness is telling me that you will fall in love with someone else?!" Qin Fan was about to explode.

Si Huang said: "Because I want you to know."

"Hehe." Qin Fan laughed angrily, "You're making sense!"

Si Huang didn't speak, and Qin Fan was also silent, only his heavy breathing echoed in his ears.

After a while, Sihuang heard Qin Fan whisper, "Huanghuang, you can be willful about other things, but this is the only one you can't do."

"I'm going crazy, I won't lie to you." Qin Fan's tone could no longer hide the pain, "So, be good? Wait until I get back, okay?"

"I love you." Si Huang said suddenly.


"I love you."


Si Huang looked at the furnishings in the room with dark eyes, "I love you, because of you, I know that physical stimulation is different from emotional stimulation, but too much physical stimulation will affect people's senses, It even deceives people's senses. Qin Fan, I love you."

"What happened? What do you want to do?"

"Send the person I might fall in love with to hell."

"...Are you fucking crazy, or are you crazy about me!"

Qin Fan did not expect to make this call and get such a result. But he doesn't regret it, at least he can know Sihuang's attitude now, which is better than not knowing anything.

"Sorry." Si Huang lowered her eyelids.

Maybe Qin Fan was right, she was crazy.

The confrontation with Arthur half a month ago made her feel something, but she didn't want to admit it.

However, the sense of familiarity that gradually emerged made her unable to deceive herself.

She endured and considered for half a month, and originally wanted to let this matter go, but today, half a month later, she got the news from Yu Xi that the filming of "Mysterious Kingdom" was officially completed.

When she was in the hall, she noticed at a glance that Arthur appeared in this party.

When that handsome man with blond hair and purple eyes looked at her this time, the sharp and bloody look that was bound to arouse countless messy fragments in Sihuang's mind. The purple eyes here definitely belong to Arthur.

Afterwards, the conversation with Elisa was all supported by her tenacious willpower and acting skills. However, this strangely calm rationality and the surging madness hidden in the depths became chaotic after receiving Qin Fan's call.

Si Huang felt that she had to tell Qin Fan, otherwise she would definitely do something terrible.

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