Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 894 Drinking Arthur's Blood (2)

Under this kind of temptation, Arthur's cheeks also turned bright red, his breathing gradually became short of breath, and the breath of hormonal bursts all over his body was enough to make any man or woman go into heat.

Si Huang clearly felt that his blood was flowing faster, and accompanied by the rapid heartbeat, it became boiling and hot.

But she sneered coldly in her heart. Yuen once described her as a humanoid aphrodisiac, so he should really let him see Arthur's true face.

Only when this idea came up, Arthur in front of him said in a wet and sexy voice: "No, you are very interesting. I am interested in this appearance and outstanding talent."

"You mean that you, who don't like men, are only in love with me?" Si Huang's voice trembled slightly.

If it was Arthur who deliberately hid something before, he might follow the trend, but at this time, the words of this cold and cruel man exuding sweetness are also sweet poison, "No," he said like a wandering chant Poet-like tone, revealing a bit of sexy and charming irony, "It's just an interest."

Si Huang understands this interest.

An interest in a beautiful piece of art, an interesting toy, an interest in a precious pet...

Only, not love.

"However, you want me to fall in love with you." Si Huang looked at the charming young man in front of him, "Do you think it's fair?"

"Love can be great or humble, but it's not fair." Arthur suddenly reached out and grabbed Sihuang's chin with such a force that it hurt people's bones.

"If I fell in love with you, what would you do?" Si Huang didn't struggle, and ignored the pain in his jaw, looking deeply at Arthur.

Arthur smiled, and forcibly lifted Sihuang's chin, allowing her to expose the most fragile and deadly neck of human beings in the air again, and it was also in Arthur's sight.

He said, "I want your body and mind to belong to me."

These words are so gentle that they are cruel.

"Haha..." Sihuang laughed, "Good idea."

This time, Arthur's action was much more vicious and direct than last time, he was about to pierce Sihuang's neck with his canine teeth, and touch the blood that made him so intoxicated. He thought, after Xiangtian had his mouth, he could inject his venom into K's body, let him...


Gunshots rang out without warning.

Arthur's shoulder shook, and a mouthful of blood came out of his mouth.

Si Huang calmly removed the hand that was pinching his chin, and then bowed his knees to withstand the place where Arthur had just been shot.

"Oh!" Rao Arthur hummed in pain.

Si Huang took a step back, and he could see Arthur's expression face to face.

At the same time, she reached out and took off the mask on her face, revealing her face.

"Strange that I dared to shoot, or that I wasn't confused by you?" Si Huang smiled slightly with a ruddy face from a physiological reaction.

Compared with Arthur's dark appearance, Si Huang's demeanor is not much better. The dark green eyes are evil, and the arc of the red lips is frightening.

Si Huang took another step forward abruptly, pushing Arthur to the ground.

A head of jet-black hair bent down along Sihuang and fell on Arthur's face.

Arthur narrowed his eyes, "You really look like a woman."

Si Huang smiled and slapped him.


The five finger prints swelled up quickly.

Arthur's eyes flickered, but his expression didn't change.

"Last time I said that I wanted to try the feeling of making you suck blood, but I didn't want to waste my own blood." At this time, Sihuang looked more like a mysterious vampire than Arthur, "Then I thought of a Good idea, if I try your blood instead, maybe the effect will be the same."

She stared at Arthur without moving, but her hand was in vain pressing on the gunshot wound on his waist and abdomen, and when she lifted it up again, her hand was already stained.

Then, while Arthur watched, licked his own blood into his mouth.

The pupils of Arthur's eyes shrank, and they turned out to be almost animal-like narrow pupils like a cat.

The next moment, before Si Huang could react, he felt knocked away by a huge force, and his back hit the wall hard.

She coughed in pain, and heard footsteps in her ears, so she picked up the mask on the ground and put it on again.

The door of the room was pushed open from the outside again, and it was Ivan who walked in first, and Arthur's manager Jason was in the crowd behind him.

As soon as they saw the situation in the room, their colors changed.

Ivan took out the gun without hesitation, and Jason quickly stood in front of Arthur, the skin on his face was tight and his expression was cold.



The voices of Sihuang and Arthur sounded almost simultaneously.

Ivan and Jason also responded at the same time.

"Yes, miss."

"Master Arthur."

Si Huang stood up, her voice was slightly hoarse, "Put the gun away."

Ivan paused for a moment, then under Sihuang's gaze, he put down his gun-holding hand.

Si Huang walked out.

Jason suddenly asked: "Miss Jasper, is this just an explanation?"

Si Huang stopped, looked sideways at the middle-aged manager, and said indifferently: "You can take him out of here."

Jason supported Arthur, his eyes could kill, "Your behavior is equivalent to breaking the law."

Si Huang sneered, "I was just defending myself."

Her current identity is Miss Jasper, a woman.

In a room, a man and a woman.

Sihuang's chin still had Arthur's finger marks, and the dress on her body was slightly messy.

Looking at the slap marks on Arthur's face and the gunshot wounds.

Anyone who saw this scene would definitely think of coercion, offense, resistance, and self-defense.

Compared with Miss Jasper forcing Arthur, it is obvious that Arthur forced Miss Jasper, and then she beat her hard, this explanation is more convincing.

Before Jason could continue to say anything, Arthur pushed away his support and walked out alone.

There is only one door here, and you must pass through Sihuang to leave.

When passing by Sihuang, Arthur's look was indescribably piercing.

Si Huang watched him leave indifferently.

How about the banquet later, Si Huang didn't go to attend again.

Ivan will deal with the sound of gunshots and Arthur's problems.

Before dealing with it, Ivan was more concerned about the eldest lady's body. He took the trauma medicine to Sihuang's room and planned to rub the medicine on Sihuang himself, but Sihuang refused.

"I can do it myself, you go out."

Ivan stood there without moving, nor did he force himself to serve Sihuang himself.

When Si Huang looked up at him, the most loyal eagle dog said softly and lowly, "Miss can kill him."

"Who?" Si Huang asked lightly.

Ivan knelt down and landed on one knee, looking up at Sihuang who was sitting on the chair from bottom to top, "All the sinners who offended the eldest lady."

"At the banquet, with all the guests and Queen Elisa present?" Si Huang's expression remained unchanged.

Ivan said: "I will take care of everything for Missy."

"No, you can't handle this well." Si Huang said sternly, "Unless you take your life to do it."

Ivan didn't bow his head, his dark blue eyes were like the sea, which was Sihuang's favorite color, but at the moment, he felt that there were too many vicissitudes and pain buried deep in these sea-like eyes.

He was looking at her, but not her.

This concern is real.

Sihuang shook her head, "Ivan, I have nothing to lose."

She closed her eyes, and stated calmly: "I can indeed kill him, and then you will take the blame for me, and the entire Jasper will be punished for my actions, and bear the anger of the family behind Stoke."

In this way, she really has nothing to lose.

"On a night like this, the night I just announced that I would inherit the Jasper family, ruin you, Jasper, don't you think it's ironic?"

Would she have done such a thing without Qin Fan's phone call?

"Ivan, I can't do this."

So vile and so nasty.

She doesn't think she is a good person. But at least, she didn't want to do it unless she was desperate and had to choose between the two.

"You go out, I need to be alone."

She had to sort out the extra things in her mind now.

"Yes, my eldest lady." Ivan whispered.

However, he didn't leave immediately, but suddenly took Sihuang's hand.

This behavior made Si Huang open his eyelids.

Ivan's kiss landed on the back of her hand, without any profane meaning, only devout seriousness.

"Please believe that I am always with you."

No matter what you do, I am the sharpest sword and shield in your hand.

After Ivan's figure disappeared behind the door, the door was slowly closed.

Si Huang laughed silently.

It is because you are so kind to me that some things cannot be done.

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