Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 897 Rules? Crush and rebuild! (1)

None of the people present were fools, not to mention that Si Huang's words and deeds all morning had no intention of concealing his purpose.

He is provoking, provoking everyone's psychology and challenging everyone's dignity.

From the knowledge of culture class to the current physical education class.

He wanted to step on them all at once!

The students of Halson College were all alarmed, and some of them who were free even went to the playground to watch the fun.

As for the students who happened to be in the same physical education class as Sihuang, their eyes were more explicit, with anger, interest and eagerness to try.

To be honest, rather than being angry, they were more surprised that an exchange student from country Z had the guts to challenge the entire Halson!

Why is it the whole of Halson? Because Si Huang's behavior was too foolish, he didn't even give face to the professor, and directly slapped him with knowledge.

Is this the arrogance of a genius?

No matter what the guesses of the people around are, Si Huang can't be imagined.

In the physical education class of the university, it is the running warm-up at the beginning, and then the sports are assigned.

Everyone lined up, the physical education teacher blew his whistle, and one by one ran out.

Normally, few people will take the warm-up run seriously at the beginning, and it is enough to finish it on weekdays.

But today is different, Si Huang is clearly going to step on Halson's classmates, girls don't care, and as a boy, there is no way to turn a blind eye.

Isn't it? As soon as the whistle sounded, all the tall and healthy young people put forth all their energy and rushed out from the very beginning.

The spectators around him also booed, and the physical education teacher let them see if they weren't causing trouble.

"Haha, Spot is serious! Who can compare to him?"

"This time, we should let that Z countryman know how powerful he is!"

"Great! oh~"

"Wait! Look—! He's overtaking! My God!"

What caught up? Who caught up! ?

There is no need for the screaming people behind to explain, everyone's eyes are sharp, and their eyeballs are staring at the figure running like the wind.

quick! too fast! A pair of long legs run with wind, the important thing is that he seems to be running quite easily, his expression does not show any ferocity, the whole person feels flying and vivid, that handsome score, listening to the unstoppable screams of girls understood.

Spotter, who had been favored by everyone before, was running at the front. He heard some screams in his ears and couldn't help looking back.

At this glance, he saw a figure passing by him, and the black-haired young man was no longer visible in the stunned sight, and it took a few seconds to react——

wipe! Go ahead of me!

Sibert's complexion changed drastically, and he desperately chased after him without saying a word.

It's just that the sports that he has always been proud of actually have a day of defeat. No matter how hard he sprints, he can't catch up with the figure in front of him.

Obviously the back of the other party is not strong, but in the eyes of foreigners, he is tall and thin.

The booing and cheering around also gradually weakened as time passed, but Spert did not catch up with Sihuang.

Everyone watched as Sihuang was the first to complete the warm-up task of the physical education teacher. At first, they thought: Running at full speed like this, won't it look ugly later?

As a result, Si Huang, who had completed the warm-up task, kicked his legs indifferently, as if there was no major problem, and when he turned his eyes, he saw the students who were still struggling on the playground and the group of onlookers, their eyes were clearly not showing much Hostility, but it makes everyone feel superior.

Nima! with your's! Everyone wait and see! ——Boys are on fire.

As for girls? Um! In fact, when a handsome guy is arrogant, especially a super handsome guy, if he uses his strength to be arrogant, he will only become more handsome, making people scream, and his heart, liver, spleen and kidney will be crisp!

The physical education teacher was more able to see the doorway, so he walked up to Si Huang to look at her, "Sports student?"

"No," Si Huang said with a smile, "Art students."

P.E. teacher:"……"

It looks really artistic.

He can only think so.

It's just you, an art student, is it really okay to crush the school's promising sports students in terms of physical fitness and explosive power? okay? ok...?

Regardless of whether it is good or not, after the warm-up is over, Spert asked the physical education teacher to talk aside.

Sibert thought that the distance was enough, and what he said to the teacher would not be heard by Sihuang, but he still underestimated Sihuang's five senses that had been strengthened several times.

After the two of them finished speaking, the physical education teacher announced the upcoming sports, and asked the boys to organize teams to play basketball, while the girls could choose by themselves.

At this time, who else would be interested in doing sports seriously? It must be to watch Sihuang and Spert's future development.

As expected, Si Huang was assigned to the first batch of basketball teams.

Originally, as a boy, he knew how to play basketball, especially a sports student like Spert, who has his own basketball club, and has long developed a tacit understanding with the boys around him.

What about the red team on Sihuang's side? All of them looked tall and big, but they obviously meant to reject Sihuang, and arranged for her to be a defender.

You want to show off? Then it depends on whether someone will give it to you!

Faced with this situation, Si Huang didn't see anything unusual on the surface, as if he didn't notice it at all.

After everyone stood in the team, the physical education teacher acted as the judge, and one person from the two teams was sent to kick-off.

The first ball was grabbed by the blue team. As soon as they took the shot, it could be seen that they really had a tacit understanding, comparable to professional players. The passing and positioning made people scream.

The basketball people had already discussed that this first goal had to be scored by Spert, which was not only to give him face, but also to make him feel ashamed of losing to Sihuang in the warm-up run before Yixue.

Spert had confidence in his teammates, so he ran to the position to shoot and score early.

Everything went according to plan, and Spert saw his teammates close to the line of sight, and then passed the ball to himself.

The corner of Sbert's mouth curled up, and he could already imagine the screams and cheers that would be heard for him later.

And then... nothing more.

Spot's smile froze in the middle of the shot, his eyes wide open as he watched the figure jumping out of nowhere, and temporarily intercepted the ball that was supposed to be in his hands.

"Sbert——!" The shouts of his teammates brought him back to his senses, and he quickly looked to find that the black-haired youth had already controlled the ball and ran away.

The scream hit his eardrums, making Sibert's face hot and painful, and he shouted: "Stop him!"

In fact, there is no need for Spert to remind, everyone in basketball knows to stop Sihuang.

It's just that you can't stop it just by saying it!

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