Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 898 Rules? Crush and rebuild! (2)

This group of pampered university elites would never have imagined that the opponent they faced was not only a high school master who skipped a grade, but also a fierce god trained in the elite special forces.

Even the national special elite soldiers have lost their temper because of Si Huang's abuse. This group of school students wanted to stop her...

Reality will make them understand what cruelty is!

Every figure was thrown by Si Huang, and someone deliberately hit her with his shoulder fiercely.

As a result, Sihuang didn't dodge when he found out, and collided with the object brazenly.

When the two collided together, the girl screamed in horror a few times, because the volume of the collision between the two was a little different.



The tall white youth screamed and fell to the ground.

Onlookers: "..."

There seems to be something wrong with this development?

What's wrong?

Never mind what's wrong.


Anyway, the ball went in!

There was a brief silence in the audience.

The only thing left in everyone's sight is the elegant and indifferent figure standing under the basketball hoop.

It's just that no one sees him as a cool and handsome little fresh meat now, but he is clearly a fierce little overlord.

It's a good group sport, you can play individual battles, why is this tall and thin figure smashing a strong man to the ground and screaming?

"Are you coming or not?" In such silence, Si Huang took the initiative to speak.

Come? Not coming?

If you don't come at this time, it will be more embarrassing than losing!

The physical education teacher whistled for Sbert and the others to continue.

Sibert passed by Sihuang with a dark face, glaring at her with angry eyes.

Si Huang raised his eyebrows and smiled, raising his fist to him.

Sibert was startled, debating whether to fist bump her.

Although he hates this kid, if he takes the initiative to give in, he can actually show his generosity.

Just when Sibert raised his hand to collide meaningfully with Sihuang, he saw the fist stretched out by Sihuang, and the originally crooked little finger straightened and pointed downward.

Spot: "..."

This beam! Knot, big, done!

Si Huang didn't care about the dark complexion of the white youth, and calmly withdrew his hand, and with a last sideways glance, he seemed to say silently: If you have the ability, let's fight!

Sbert returned to his team angrily, and said to his teammates: "Give me the ball! Give me all the balls!"

Everyone has no objection to this. After all, Spert has real skills and his shooting skills are really good.

At the beginning of the next game, the blue team continued to cooperate tacitly, but when they were about to throw the ball to Spert, they found that Sihuang was around Spert.

What to do?

Spert didn't care so much, and kept urging his teammates with his eyes.

The teammate struggled for a while, but still gritted his teeth and passed the ball to Sbert.

Spert squinted and wanted to show himself with a dunk when he caught the ball.

A hand stretched out cleverly, and hit the basketball with a "snap".

Spot: "..."

The ball has been intercepted by a sensitive figure.

"No!" Sibert chased after him angrily.

The previous warm-up and running scene reappeared. Even though Sihuang still had a basketball in his hand, and there were other blue team members blocking him, Spert couldn't catch up with him.

"Bang -" the ball went into the basket again.

"Oh oh oh oh!" This time, everyone's screams seemed to be followed by the previous ball.

All of this seemed to be the beginning of a demon to Sbert and the others. Sihuang was the most terrifying succubus, and he alone swept away the confidence and self-esteem of all the white students.

Especially for Spert, Sihuang was on the bar with him, and he couldn't get a ball, even if he got it, he would be intercepted by Sihuang.

Aggrieved! I've never felt aggrieved!

defeat! Indelible frustration!

Sbert's whole body was going to wilt.

Such Sbert, but his teammates still comfort him, and promise to continue to give him the ball, and let him make a successful shot!

Spert embraced them movedly, still full of enthusiasm for the second half.

On the red team side, Sihuang was rejected and complained by his teammates.

"Don't forget, you're a guard! Guard! Haven't you ever played basketball? Stay back!"

"That's right, do you think you're great? What else do you want besides showing off?"

"Defender! Don't be too arrogant!"

In the face of their complaints and reprimands, Sihuang didn't respond in any way, making the members of the red team think that she had compromised.

The second half begins.

The first ball is grabbed by the red team player.

The men and women onlookers kept screaming.

The members of the red team started to attack, but a sudden change occurred.

The red team members who were in control of the ball felt that they were empty, and were shocked to find that their ball had been intercepted.

Who! ?

"My goodness!"

"He's crazy!"

"This... this... is terrible!"

Amidst the screams of the crowd, Si Huang, who intercepted his teammate's basketball, rushed straight to the blue team's three-point line, jumped lightly, and shot.

Everything was so smooth and natural, and the ball scored without any accidents!

"Damn it!" The red team member who had just been robbed by Sihuang yelled angrily, rushed to Sihuang, and reached out to grab her by the collar.

However, he didn't catch it, and his hand was held by Si Huang halfway and then thrown away.

"You fucking want to be beaten!" The red team member who was thrown away angrily clenched his fists and wanted to hit him.

The team members behind ran up and quickly grabbed him, "Don't mess around! Calm down, Hum!"

"No! He's too arrogant! I want to teach him a lesson!"

"calm down!"

In the short-term confusion, Hamm finally stopped being impulsive, and just hummed coldly to Sihuang: "People from country Z, you are not my teammate! You can't do anything alone! Just wait and see!"

This time Sihuang had a reaction, she raised her head, and smiled at Hamm, just like a cold mockery.

Ham met her dark eyes and trembled all over.

The game continued, and everyone felt that the atmosphere on the court was not right. The players of the red team did not guard against the blue team, but guarded against Si Huang.

Under the watchful eye of the two red team members, Si Huang had no intention of moving.

Then the result is that the blue team finally scored.

The ball went in, and the audience was silent, without any cheers.

The latter situation is still similar, the blue team scores! Blue team in! Still a basketball goal!

Si Huang didn't move, Si Huang still didn't move, seeing that the score was almost even, Si Huang still didn't move.

In the second half of this game, the blue team was the only show. The red team played extremely aggrieved. During the final break, Hamm's roar was heard by everyone.

"It's all his fault! This damn Z countryman! If he hadn't made trouble, how could we have become like this?"

This accusation was obviously unreasonable, but the red team members needed an outlet to vent their emotions, so most of them really turned their anger on Sihuang, waiting for her with angry and dissatisfied eyes.

In the last ten seconds, the blue team has already led the red team by two points, and now the red team kicks off.

In the eyes of everyone, even the eyes of both teams, the outcome is already clear.

The kick-off player coped and threw the ball to Hamm casually.

Hamm reaches for the ball.

One hand is faster than him.

Before everyone could react.

Si Huang just caught the ball with one hand, then turned around and shook his hand.


This sound was astonishing.

The basketball hoop on the blue team's side shook violently.

Everyone stared blankly at the caught basketball hitting the ground, then bouncing up and down, rolling, once... twice... three times...

"Ah? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh—!"

"What happened ah ah ah?"

"My God! My God!"

Screaming, crazy, unbelievable.

Hamm trembled all over, and slowly turned his gaze to Sihuang next to him.

Even though they were about the same height, Ham felt that the one in front of him was completely looking down on him.

"Boring." Si Huang pouted.

The volume of this sentence was not loud, but it made everyone quiet.

Only then did the onlookers realize that Sihuang's action not only slapped everyone in the face on the basketball court, but also the group of them—anyone who looked down on Sihuang before would now feel the wonder of being ashamed Taste.

At the end of the game, the red team won by one point. However, most of the red team members lost their minds and did not feel the excitement of winning.

The physical education teacher walked up to Sihuang and said sternly: "This is a team sport. They are your teammates. Even if you are better than them, you should learn to cooperate instead of being alone."

Si Huang responded, "Are they my teammates?"

The physical education teacher had a meal.

Si Huang didn't stop, and asked him instead, "Didn't the teacher see that I was rejected from the beginning?"

P.E. teacher:"……"

Si Huang asked again: "I won, is there something wrong?"

The physical education teacher moved his lips, unable to answer Sihuang's question.

Si Huang smiled lightly, "Sorry, if you think this is a mistake, I will continue to be wrong, just as I will always win."

Although he said sorry, the physical education teacher didn't feel a trace of apology.

He found a reason to teach Sihuang a lesson, "Correct your attitude! You shouldn't talk to the teacher like this! Also, you won this basketball game, but with your personality, there will always be a day when you will suffer. Lose your life!"

"Teacher, don't make a conclusion so early." Si Huang retorted with a smile: "I think, just based on my current life, I am already more successful than you."

The physical education teacher stared at Si Huang with wide eyes and disbelief, and soon his face turned red with anger.

"You will be punished!" he yelled.

Si Huang held his waving hand, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get rid of it.

A trace of panic gradually appeared in the physical education teacher's eyes.

"The teacher who intends to beat the students should be punished." Si Huang let go of the teacher's hand after finishing speaking.

The physical education teacher said coldly: "Halson doesn't need a problem student like you!"

Si Huang said: "You can report me."

The physical education teacher is gone.

He was walking in the teacher's building.

Others on the playground did not leave, they all stared at Sihuang, they couldn't believe how a person who had kept a low profile for more than half a month could suddenly be so arrogant, rebellious and elegant.

At this time, Sihuang seemed to have exposed her dangerous side, and no matter how beautiful her appearance was, she couldn't hide her frightening edge.

Starting today, Sihuang has become a well-known problem student of Halson!

When I gently adapt to the environment, the environment is still against me.

Then don't blame me for letting the environment adapt to me.

rule? Crush and rebuild! ——

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