Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 899 Lesson to Leo (1)

The physical education teacher left until the bell rang after school, but he still didn't come back.

At noon, Sihuang didn't waste time to go back to Jasper Manor, and had lunch directly in the cafeteria of Halson College.

Although the time is very short, the news about everything that happened today has spread throughout Halson's academy.

Regardless of men and women in the cafeteria, when they looked at Si Huang again, their eyes became different.

In general, what happened this morning is enough to make most of the students understand that Si Huang is not easy to provoke, and they will definitely not take the initiative to provoke her.

However, there are always some weirdos in this world who can't understand the situation, so Forrell led his thorns to the cafeteria to find Sihuang.

Ferrell: "I approved your application for membership! Don't leave after school this afternoon!"

Si Huang glanced at him and nodded. Then continue with your own lunch.

Ferrell stood there not knowing what to do, he snorted coldly for a long time, turned around and went to cook.

In the afternoon, it was an art class, and Sihuang still swept the audience with a high-profile attitude.

Even the teacher who taught the class couldn't blame her. After all, other than being a bit arrogant, she didn't make any other mistakes.

At this moment, both the teachers, the professors and the students had a surprisingly unified idea: what about the agreed-upon native learners? Everyone came to the door with provocations, but they came out to support the facade!

As a result, someone stood up, but the reality made everyone understand a truth.

It's not that one's side is too useless, it's just that the opponent is too perverted.

Thinking back to the insult to Sihuang more than half a month ago, and the questioning of Sihuang's status as a scholar in the college forum, who would have thought that he would be beaten so hard in the face half a month later!

Compared with the depressed students in Halson College, the Jinghua University students who came to Halson College as exchange students were happy.

They left messages under several hot posts on campus forums.

"There are inherent differences in education between two countries. No matter the way of teaching education is different, the knowledge students learn is also relatively different. The exchange students are originally exchanged for the purpose of learning from each other. On the first day of K's arrival, there was no It is normal to find a way to adapt to the teaching of Halson College. I believe that Halson University exchange students who go to Jinghua University will definitely not be able to adapt to the teaching content of Jinghua University on the same day. However, K was criticized by the professor on the first day , and the doubts of his classmates, regardless of his career and self-esteem, to announce this doubt! Now that K has proved himself with his own strength, what else do you have to say?"

Although the words of this message were not intense, it made the local students of Halson University feel ashamed.

The reality was before our eyes, and the exchange students' messages seemed reasonable, which made it all the more obvious that their previous behavior was not graceful.

"This is just the beginning, and I don't know how long he can keep it? Is it too early to say anything?" Some people still expressed dissatisfaction.

What some people think is that Sihuang's performance can be maintained for a period of time, but can it be maintained forever? You must know that he is still working, and he does not have time to study in class every day. Even if he does study in class every day, the local academic masters can go crazy and try their best, and they will definitely be able to press him back by then!

Jinghua exchange students were not happy after reading it, especially a woman who had a good impression of Sihuang and was his fan, "It's so funny! You guys have the nerve to refute, and you have to compete with an art student? Ming Knowing that King not only has to study but also work, but seize this point as a bargaining chip and use this point to win, it is too shameless!"

When the reality is put on the bright side, many people feel even more ashamed.

Regarding the debates that took place on the forum, Sihuang knew something about it, but didn't care about it.

After school in the afternoon, she received calls from Yu Xi and Dou Wenqing one after another. After hearing what they said, Si Huang asked the driver to take her to the place where she was going temporarily after leaving school.

"What do I really want to forget?" Si Huang, who got into the car and worked on the tablet for a while, put down his eyes to rest, vaguely remembered something that he seemed to have forgotten.

It's just that things that can be forgotten by her are usually not a big deal, so Si Huang didn't think about it more carefully.

Halson University.

Ferrell arranged everything, gathered the manpower, and waited for the fish to take the bait.

As a result, after waiting for more than an hour, the thorny man realized that something was wrong, and called someone to inquire about the news. It took a long time to get the news——

"K left in the car as soon as school was over!"

Forel felt the deep malice from the world, as well as a strong aggrieved feeling of being teased.


"You wait for me!"

Sihuang, who was missed by others, had already joined Yuene, and greeted the driver who brought her over, "Go back first."

This sentence is about you, the driver immediately understood that Si Huang was not only talking about himself but also the bodyguards who followed him.

"But Your Excellency..."

"Just say it's my order." Sihuang knew what he was going to say, "Ivan won't blame you."

"Yes, sir." The driver could only respond.

Sihuang got into Yuxi's car.

There are only two people in the car, Yuxi and An Yiyuan.

This time Yuxi called Sihuang not for work, but about An Yiyuan.

Originally, I planned to ask Si Huang to come to the place where I lived to talk when I had time, but Si Huang invited me out.

"Go to Bojin Street." Sihuang said to Yuxi as soon as he got in the car.

Yuene responded, turned on the navigation, and drove seriously.

Si Huang and An Yiyuan were in the back seat. Si Huang looked at the man sitting beside him, and found that An Yiyuan looked good, and the most important thing was that he was in good spirits, and he was no longer decadent and confused.

"Have you figured it out?" Si Huang asked.

An Yiyuan nodded, "I've made up my mind."

Si Huang waited for his answer.

An Yiyuan: "I can't continue to be an actor."

When he said this, An Yiyuan observed Sihuang's face and saw that she didn't react too aggressively, and then said: "But with my experience, I can cultivate more excellent seedlings for Fenghuang."

"You want to go behind the scenes?" Si Huang asked.

An Yiyuan smiled: "Yes."

"Since you've thought it over, it's settled." Sihuang stretched out his hand to An Yiyuan, "Fenghuang welcomes you."

An Yiyuan reached out to hold her, took a deep breath, and sighed: "It still fell into your hands in the end."

Si Huang joked, "I think your fans will be happy to see it."

An Yiyuan laughed dumbfounded.

The conversation between the two of them was heard by the driver in front of him, and he didn't know whether to regret or be happy about An Yiyuan's choice.

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