Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 908 Slap in the face without discussion (2)

This taste seems to be a mixture of many kinds of wine, not strong but lingering. The dazed woman felt that the smell became a kind of charm, and she wished she could fall drunk in the arms of this oriental youth. Only a few people felt their hearts tremble after smelling this smell, and they knew how cruel the quiet and lazy beautiful young man had done not long ago.

This underground casino does not belong to Leo, but it has a lot to do with him.

Sihuang came here to relax and take a break, and after the rest, he can do other things by the way.

She is not afraid of being recognized by others, let alone being heard by Leo.

Just like when she encountered a car accident, the first person she thought of was Leo. I believe that what she did today, Leo would definitely think of her.

It's not that you can't blame others, it's just that Si Huang doesn't intend to blame others.

She just wanted Leo to know that she would dare to touch anyone who dared to touch her! If she dared to take her life, she would dare to take his life!

These high-class people who play with human life and take the edge of the law seem to be used to arrogance, and they have developed an instinct for double standards. Do they really think that if they can move others, others will not dare to judge themselves?

"Hi, are you thirsty?" A blond beauty walked up to Si Huang and handed her a glass of wine.

Si Huang took the goblet she handed over, and raised the corners of her mouth at the blonde beauty, "Thank you."

While drinking, her eyes were still on the blonde beauty's face, and she could clearly capture the uncontrollable excitement on the woman's face.

This glass of wine seemed to be a signal, making the blonde beauty approach Sihuang a little closer, almost clinging to Sihuang, the beauty's low voice was very sexy, "You're welcome, it's too boring to be alone, maybe you need Play alone with you?"

When the beauty stretched out her hand to grab her hand, Si Huang put the wine glass back into her hand and stood up.

The beauty couldn't tell whether it was a coincidence or on purpose for a while, until Si Huang bent down and approached her ear, with a light laugh in her tone, "Excuse me, you help me play first." The hot and humid breath is more slippery and intoxicating than red wine, "Play casually, if you lose, I will win back."

"Hmph." The blond beauty seemed dissatisfied with what she said, and turned to stare at her.

It's just that the blue eyes are wet with water, and even the smile can't hide the sweetness. Anyone with a discerning eye can tell that she must be excited and delighted in her heart.

Si Huang smiled, pulled away and left here.

Not far away, Chai Liang looked at Si Huang's leaving figure, and then at Er Shao who was playing the slot machine alone, feeling a little indescribably delicate.

Today he has made a decision, no matter what Young Master Si does in the future, he will not be shocked again. However, things like emotions and thoughts cannot be controlled artificially.

He felt that today's Young Master Si really impressed him. Although the Second Young Master didn't say anything, Chai Liang knew that the Second Young Master must have something in his heart.

When playing games and beating people, Young Master Si was not at all gentler than Young Master Er. After seeing the blood, Chai Liang felt numb when he thought about it now.

Although he already knew that Young Master Si was a murderous person, but seeing him become fierce with his own eyes, the visual impact was always different from what he imagined.

After seeing the ferocious Young Master Si, the Second Young Master can still get along with Young Master Si like a normal person, which shows that Young Master Si is in the same position as Master Qin—knowing that it is a dangerous creature, he is still close, and there is no separation for safety. Discreet distance.

However, it is such a murderous man who can transform into a noble young man in a blink of an eye, walking in a luxurious environment, fascinated by women, and his romantic but not obscene freehand gesture, not only makes people look disgusted, Chai Liang Also find it pleasing to the eye.

A big boy who is only eighteen or nineteen years old...

Every time Chai Liang thought about it, he felt that Si Huang was both strange and amazing.


His family's second son's status, age, and appearance are more suitable for making secret gestures, okay?

Why is Young Master Si so romantic and surrounded by beauties, but his Second Young Master is quietly playing slot machines! ?

At this moment, Dou Wenqing glanced at Chai Liang.

Chai Liang was immediately woken up by Dou Er Shao's eyes.

Under Dou Ershao's nonchalant eyes, he didn't have the guts to continue thinking about these things.

Dou Wenqing stretched out his hand, and Chai Liang obediently put the game coins into his hand.

After solving the physical problems in the private room, Sihuang walked out of the bathroom and passed the corner of the corridor.

A slender figure came hurriedly, and when he turned a corner, he was pressed against the wall by a sudden force.

"Ah." The woman cried out in pain.

Si Huang's strength on the opponent's shoulders did not weaken, one hand pinched the woman's chin, and raised her drooping head with irresistible strength.

Seeing the woman's face clearly, Si Huang's cold eyes paused for a while, and then the pressure on her shoulders also loosened.

"People from country Z?" Said to herself, Sihuang turned and left, seeming to have lost interest in her.

It's just that her clothes were pulled, and the voice of a woman leaning against the wall behind her sounded, "Si Huang."

Si Huang stopped and looked back at her, "Let go."

The woman is not released. In fact, judging by her appearance, she can be described as a girl, because the woman in country Z wearing a bunny girl costume in front of her looks young, maybe not more than twenty years old, with delicate facial features and fair skin. It looks even younger.

It's just that the heroism in her brows and the firm and clear eyes make it clear at a glance that she is an independent girl, not a flower in a greenhouse.

"Young Master." The girl didn't let go, but she called her again. She stared at Sihuang, "Your acting is very good."

Under her gaze, Si Huang chuckled, "You have been following me for so long, trying to get close to me, just to tell me this?"

The girl's complexion changed, "You know?"

Si Huang shook her head, "You were there when I met Ange at the Mediterranean Pier, right? Later in Halson College, I felt being spied on." Looking at the girl with gentle eyes, "I just didn't expect it to be you, Little Nizi."

Ruan Ni, who was called to reveal her identity, was slightly at a loss, but felt relieved.

Because Sihuang still remembers her and treats her well.

"It's normal for you not to think too much, and I never thought that I would have this day." Ruan Ni said.

There is no shortage of people passing by this turn, and several people have already looked at them.

"Come with me." Ruan Ni pulled Sihuang to go to a place where no one was around, but he didn't pull.

Si Huang looked at her calmly.

Ruan Ni bit her lower lip and said in a deep voice, "You owe me a favor!"

"No, it's just a small favor." Si Huang corrected her.

Ruan Ni glared at her, "Why are you so fussy!" Then she became depressed and looked very vulnerable, "Do you know how much trouble I have encountered because of you? My family thought that I was taken by the young master, but the young master There is no news at all, I have become a joke, and the Ruan family has become a joke in Taoism, as many people fall into trouble, I will suffer as much."

The voice was low, like the tide on the moss, with the fragility and astringent lament of a young girl, which made people feel guilty and pity.

Si Huang didn't respond.

After a few seconds, the sadness in Ruan Ni's eyes faded, and she frowned.

Si Huangcai said: "Tell me, what do you want me to do for you?"

Ruan Ni blinked her eyes, exuding a girlish innocence.

Just when she was about to speak, she touched her head with one hand, and as soon as she raised her head, she met her boss's clear and deep eyes, with a little softness in them.

Si Huang said: "Don't play tricks with me, I still like that little girl who will bargain with me."

Ruan Ni's heart stopped, and her chest felt astringent and stuffy.

It's been two years, it's not a long time, but for her, too many things have happened, and things have changed.

Two years ago, Si Huang had to pretend to be someone else to save his friend, but two years later, he is already alone.

What about herself? Two years ago, I was under the control of others, and then fled the country like a bereaved dog. Today, I can hardly remember what I look like in front of me, and I don't want to remember.

But a person who has only met once still remembers her and tells her that she likes her before.

Ruan Ni found it ironic and ridiculous, but she couldn't laugh, but she understood Si Huang's meaning in her heart.

People have seen through themselves a long time ago, and it is useless to show weakness and pretend to be pitiful.

"Come with me!" Ruan Ni's expression was calm, as if she were the same fragile and innocent person just now.

Si Huang thought for a while: "My time is limited."

"It won't take long." Ruan Ni glared at her again, and muttered, "Aren't you a gentleman and gentle to women? Why are you so stingy to me!"

Si Huang didn't explain that Dou Wenqing was still in the casino, so it's not easy to leave for too long. If she planned to take a long time, she would send a message to Dou Wenqing first.

Besides, Ruan Ni is not a simple woman.

When meeting Ruan Ni for the first time, Si Huang knew who she was.

Speaking of which, in the era that Sihuang knew, the most legendary rising stars in the underworld were Zhou Jun and Ruan Ni.

It's just that these two didn't end well like her.

The army of Zhou passed away after a period of glory, and so did Ruan Ni. Since Sihuang lived a little longer than them, he had heard about them.

The reason why Ruan Ni is remembered is because Ruan Ni was in a similar situation to her at first. At the beginning, she was controlled by her brother and forced her to marry. Si Huang didn't know what happened in the middle. Anyway, it was Ruan Ni and his brother Ruan Feihan. The relationship between her and her is already incompatible, to the point where she can't wait for the other party to die without a place to bury her.

According to what Si Huang heard, Ruan Ni was a man of scheming, and he was a stubborn and terrifying ruthless person. He was ruthless not only to others, but also to himself. He spent the rest of his life struggling with swords and swords, and finally died with the entire Ruan family. Gotta be a sensation.

When I first heard about this, I was very touched by Sihuang.

They didn't know each other, but they were all struggling. Ruan Ni lived a dark, hard and dazzling life for the rest of her life. In the end, she sacrificed her life and brought the entire Ruan family into hell.

She is also struggling, trying her best not to let go of any chance, thinking that one day she can send Si Zhihan and the others to hell, even if it means paying her own life, so she can't give up until she achieves her goal , cannot be easily tortured to death.

It's just that she failed in her previous life.

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