Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 909 Love Is Not Fair (1)

Two years ago, Ruan Ni was still a forbearing girl, but she was already more mature and smarter than most of her peers.

Two years later, Ruan Ni has obviously experienced something, and has become more mature and calm, knowing how to pretend to calculate and use people's hearts.

It's just that at this level, there is no way to hide from Sihuang's eyes. It is impossible to use her compassion, or gain sympathy for profit.

Ruan Ni probably saw this, and changed her strategy very happily. She could afford it and let it go. She deserves to be a woman who can compete with the Zhou army in the domestic road in a few years.

Si Huang followed Ruan Ni into a room.

This is a special convenience provided in underground casinos.

After Ruan Ni let Sihuang come in, she closed the door, walked to the bedside of the room, and lifted the sheet on the bed.

A bound and charming woman appeared in Si Huang's sight, lying motionless on the bed as if in a coma.

Ruan Ni said, "This is Master Pierce's mistress."

Si Huang raised her eyebrows, "Are you prepared?"

Ruan Ni said seriously: "It was an accident to see you at the Mediterranean Pier. Later, I was indeed following you and knew that you were going to deal with Leo Pierce. It happened that I was working as a servant for this woman, so... this is my sincerity. "

She is indeed smart. Si Huang looked at Ruan Ni, at first he brought himself here with a condition, but he was not in a hurry to raise the condition, but gave him a surprise first.

In this way, even if Ruan Ni made an excessive request, he should agree to it without touching his bottom line, right?

Si Huang turned around and pulled a chair to sit down, first took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Dou Wenqing, then put the mobile phone on the table beside her.

This behavior made Ruan Ni's face darken, and he couldn't figure out what to do.

"You were working for Leo, right?"

In one sentence, Ruan Ni's expression changed, "What?"

Si Huang said: "You have only been in Country Y for two years at most. What allows you to know the secrets of the Pierce family? Not only do you know about Master Pierce's mistress, but you can also walk in these places?"

Ruan Ni argued: "After I came to country Y, I lived on Bojin Street. I did join a gang. My job is to dig information everywhere."

"I believe you have the ability and courage." Coming to Country Y alone, in the chaotic place of Berzin Street, you have the courage to join a gang and protect yourself, "But too many coincidences will always make people suspicious."

Ruan Ni was about to speak, but was stopped by Si Huang's raised hand, "Listen to my guess first."

Ruan Ni pursed her lips.

Si Huang: "I guess you are helping Leo by coincidence. You will be at the Mediterranean Sea Wharf before. You will be responsible for monitoring the situation of Brother Ang. You will become the servant of Master Pierce's mistress, which is also arranged by Leo. Talking to me here is also a move for Leo."

"A fellow countryman from country Z has met me once. She is still a young girl. If I make a small request, I should agree to it, right?" Si Huang looked at Ruan Ni's fair face, and then looked at her. The sexy girl tied up on the bed, "It's not certain whether this person is your sincerity or your trap."

"No, not necessarily." Ruan Ni's voice followed Si Huang's words, and she said helplessly: "You have already developed this kind of suspicion, and you will be prepared, so you have not become a trap. It’s possible. This can only be done in sincerity, otherwise I have to bear the whole consequences, which I can’t afford.”

After Ruan Ni finished speaking, she took a deep breath, stared at Si Huang again and said with gritted teeth, "Can't you save me some face? You have to be so fussy with me every time!"

Si Huang smiled and said: "You are admitting my guess by saying that, that is to say, you are one of the accomplices who tortured An Ge, and now you want to dig a hole for me, should I still feel pity?"

Ruan Ni's face changed again, she pursed her lips and remained silent for a long time, showing weakness: "I am only responsible for monitoring An Yiyuan, and I have never touched him. Besides, do you think it is easy for me? If I don't do this, the end will be worse. An Yiyuan is even worse!" She lowered her head, her bangs covered her eyes, and her voice was muffled.

Sihuang's understanding of Ruan Ni is limited to hearing about it, and the meeting two years ago, but she understands the difficulty of survival on Bojin Street.

"I accept your sincerity," she said, standing up.

Ruan Ni raised her head in surprise, and before she could be happy, she saw Si Huang about to leave, and said anxiously: "Wait a minute, you haven't agreed to my conditions yet."

Si Huang turned her head back, and the smile that immediately evoked was a bit rogue and narrow, but when put on her face, this smile became a kind of yuppie charm, "What you did today is already equivalent to betraying Leo and standing by my side. side, I will give you the help you want."

Ruan Ni didn't react in a daze, and heard the last words left by the other party when he left the room.

"It's not just a condition."

Then, another man walked in the door.

This man, Ruan Ni also knew, was the one that Second Young Master Dou always followed.

Chai Liang said to her, "Go change a dress and take this woman away with me."

"Okay." Ruan Ni laughed, and before going to change, she said to Chai Liang, "My name is Ruan Ni."

Chai Liang was caught by the girl's bright smile for a second, "Chai Liang."

Si Huang returned to the casino lobby, looked around and saw that Dou Wenqing was still in front of the slot machine, inserting coins with a blank expression.

She remembered that Dou Wenqing bought a stack of game coins, and now there are only a few left in her hand.

Unexpectedly... didn't even win?

Si Huang thought it was very interesting, and the snicker at the corner of his mouth was caught by Dou Wenqing who turned his head and looked over.

Dou Wenqing: "..."

Si Huang: "Cough."

Although Dou Ershao didn't show any expression, Si Huang felt that the other party must be upset.

Si Huang walked over calmly, casually selected a picture group with a big prize on the slot machine and pressed it.

Dou Wenqing: "Did you see Chai Liang?"

"Yeah." Sihuang pressed start, "It just so happens that the matter can be handed over to him."


The aperture in the slot machine is spinning.

Dou Wenqing didn't speak.

Si Huang glanced at the game coins in his hand, "Let's go after playing the coins."

Dou Wenqing had no objection, and he couldn't tell whether he liked to play slot machines or wasted his time just because he was bored.

Crash la la la——!

There was a sweet and childlike faint sound from the slot machine, and then there was the sound of countless game coins smashing on the iron sheet.

Si Huang was stunned for a second, then looked up at the slot machine, and saw that she had won a prize.

"Ha. Good luck." Si Huang immediately laughed, but felt that the air around her was a little cold.

She turned her head to meet Dou Wen's cool gaze, and couldn't guess his mood for a while.

Dou Wenqing said: "Go after playing the game coins?"

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