Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 914 My lover (1)

Qin Fan scoffed at the old man Dels' evaluation.

He is very sober now, otherwise he would not have come to negotiate terms with Dels.

"Leo Pierce's life is beyond our control." Dels said coldly, extremely dissatisfied with Qin Fan's attitude, and didn't want everything to be as he wanted.

Qin Fan said: "Pierce and Stoke have always been at odds."

"Even so," Dels remained uncompromising, "I won't..."

Qin Fan didn't wait for him to finish speaking, "I will provide assistance."

Dels' face tensed.

Qin Fan: "Whether it's putting pressure on Pierce or standing up to Pierce, this is a good opportunity for Stoke, and you shouldn't let it go."

"This kind of opportunity is not rare, and it is not worth cherishing." Dels said arrogantly.

Qin Fan's eyes were deep, "This is not cooperation, but one of the conditions to offset my anger. I said it at the beginning, and I don't accept bargaining."

"Arnold!" Dels couldn't hold back his anger, and said coldly, "I'm not afraid of you."

"Yes, but you know the consequences of angering me." Qin Fan said calmly, "If you don't accept my cooperation, I will cooperate with Stoke, or the same with Mephisold."

Dels was so angry that his breathing became heavy.

A little red light locked on Qin Fan's eyebrows.

Qin Fan didn't seem to feel it, and stood up and extended his hand to Dels.

Dels was silent for two seconds, then slowly stood up and shook hands with Qin Fan.

The two shook hands for only a second, and Dels withdrew his hand, looking as if he had been burned by something.

Qin Fan said: "Since you are here, you must have someone with you, so act as soon as possible."

Dels' skin trembled, as if there were two more wrinkles, "Have you designed it?!"

Qin Fan didn't answer, turned around and left the villa, not paying attention to the red dot locked between his eyebrows.

When his figure disappeared at the door, Jason hurriedly untied the sack to reveal Arthur inside.

Arthur looked terrible, but his expression was indifferent and calm, only a pair of dark purple eyes exuded a strong aura, making people aware of his emotional ups and downs.

"Grandfather," Arthur called to Dels.

Dels looked at him with complex expressions of anger and pain.

Arthur's expression paused, Jason understood something, and exclaimed: "My lord, can't we go back on our word?"

Dels said coldly: "This blood must be drained." Regardless of Jason's shock, looking at his grandson who stood taller than himself, Dels said: "You should be able to feel that man is ours. Nemesis."

"Yes, grandfather." Arthur lowered his eyelids, his emotions hidden in the shadows.

Dels sighed, deeply resentful and frustrated, "He is a lunatic, and a smart lunatic. I thought he would hide until he destroyed himself. I didn't expect that one day, he would use this way wake up."

"Arthur, you awakened a beast, so you must bear the consequences of being torn apart by the beast."

Arthur moved his lips, and still said in his beautiful troubadour-like voice, "Yes, I understand."

Dels looked at his most beloved grandson, couldn't help letting out a soft breath, and sighed: "I hope this failure will allow you to learn more things, instead of simply resenting and decadent."

Arthur nodded silently.


After waking up, Si Huang ate breakfast in the bookstore, maybe it's not bad to describe it as lunch.

She turned on her phone and saw a message from Yuene, saying that they had boarded the plane back home.

"Be self-reliant." Si Huang sighed with a smile, and asked the old man in the bookstore to give him a computer, so he could look up what he was going to do today.

After checking, she found that it was almost too late, so she immediately put away the computer, turned around and walked out.

Before leaving, he said to the old man, "Please tell Qin Fan, I'm off to work."

"...Okay." The old man replied, watching Sihuang's back disappearing outside the shop door, the bell of the shop door was shaking.

He suddenly had a strange mood of sympathy and gloating, recalling the words and deeds of Qin Fan and Si Huang before they left, and smacked his dark lips: the unicorn born in Dugu has found a partner, but he is a free bird who is restless in the room, It is destined that Qilin is busy.

At this time, Sihuang was still wearing yesterday's clothes, which smelled of alcohol and tobacco, let alone Sihuang's uncomfortable clothes, let alone going to an interview.

She was wearing a hat and was about to call when her cell phone rang. It was an unfamiliar number.

As soon as it was connected, Qin Fan's voice sounded, "Are you awake?"

"Yeah." Si Huang replied.

Qin Fan heard the voice of people flowing outside, "You are outside, where are you now?"

"Just off the road from the bookstore, there are really few cars in this area." Si Huang complained.

"Wait, we'll be there soon." Qin Fan didn't hang up the phone after speaking.

Si Huang raised her eyebrows and stopped, counting the time silently, until she heard Qin Fan's voice on the phone and in reality, "Get in the car."

Si Huang smiled and opened the door of the car parked in front of her, hung up the phone and said, "Go to the clothing store."

Qin Fan listened to her and glanced at her, remembering that in the future, clothes should be prepared, his baby is a person who loves to be clean, and his job must always be well-dressed.

After spending more than half an hour, Si Huang not only changed his clothes, but also Qin Fan, and bought some clothes and put them in the car.

On the way to the interview site, Qin Fan asked her, "Where's your assistant?"

"Let them all go back to the country, so as not to implicate them or delay them." Si Huang said rationally.

Qin Fan: "In other words, during this period of time, I have to take care of both the driver and the assistant."

Si Huang laughed, "No, you just have to be responsible for being my lover."

Qin Fan's eyes lit up, and his expression showed signs of wanting to smile, and then he saw Si Huang's narrow smile, "So you should do all of these willingly."

Qin Fan turned his head and continued driving without saying anything.

However, he knew in his heart that what Sihuang said was right, he did these things willingly, and he was watching to see what mad bees and butterflies could get close to Sihuang.

The forwarding was arranged in a warmly decorated scene, and Yolanda came earlier than Sihuang. It seemed that the successive accidents made her worry, so she personally supervised.

When she saw Qin Fan, the woman who had been interested in him couldn't help froze her face, and called Qin Fan: "Mr. Arnold."

Yolanda called Sihuang directly as 'K', but she looked more in awe of Qin Fan.

Si Huang noticed this and pretended not to notice.

As early as Qin Fan walked with her and her sense of existence no longer restrained, she understood the changes in Qin Fan, Yolanda and others.

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