Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 915 My lover (2)

Compared with Yolanda's nervousness, Qin Fan's attitude was much calmer. Needless to say, Yolanda was sitting on the sofa outside the venue, looking at Sihuang who was sitting in the shooting scene and preparing to broadcast the interview without blinking.

Today, Sihuang is wearing a warm-colored autumn dress with long sleeves. The exquisite tailoring and style make her look extremely handsome, especially the white color not only does not make her skin lose color, but also brings out her moist and flawless skin. When the lights came down, it was covered with a halo.

A head of natural black hair, with clear and white hair. The neat short hair has not been meticulously taken care of. It feels a bit of comforting softness. After the hair, there is a delicate eyebrow and facial features that can be painted. Those eyes are not pure black. It is not as bright as the eyes of foreign people, but when you look at it, you will be attracted by the clarity and mystery inside, and you will be drowned with a simple smile.

As the male host in charge of this live broadcast, when he saw Si Huang himself, he was amazed for a moment, and felt that this special invitation was right!

This face alone can guarantee the ratings of the live broadcast!

After confirming that there was no problem with Si Huang, the male host put the notebook on the table and said that it was ready to start.

As soon as we arrive on time, the number of people in the live broadcast room is already very objective. This is also thanks to the fact that the promotional video of "Mysterious Nation" is really well done. Stirred on the popular street car accident, the clips about Sihuang's unruffled rescue were all recorded by roadside people and posted on these platforms.

The male host first made a series of opening remarks, and then the interview mainly focused on Sihuang.

"Hello, K, how about saying hello to everyone watching the live broadcast and introducing yourself?"

Si Huang nodded and smiled, and looked at the live camera as soon as he turned his eyes.

At this moment, all the people watching the live broadcast felt that they were the lucky one being looked at affectionately by Sihuang on the screen.

"Ahhh! Susu Susu! K is definitely the most handsome Z countryman I have ever seen!"

"Damn it—! He speaks good English, so kind! I seem to be falling in love with him!"

"Male god, do you mind transnational love!?"

When Sihuang spoke, not only did the audience who were watching the live broadcast yell, but even the male host was surprised.

Because Sihuang speaks English with a standard and natural accent, and she can't hear the accent at all. People who don't know the real situation will definitely think that she has lived abroad since she was a child.

Language is a wonderful thing. Familiar language will make people feel friendly, and it will naturally shorten the relationship between people.

Especially Sihuang is very adaptable to the camera, she can always catch everyone's eyes invisibly, every inadvertent move can just inadvertently amaze people, everything is so smooth and natural.

Just as many people in China like foreign male gods and beauties, foreign people are actually curious and respectful of Z country people, but most Z country people look the same in their eyes, and it is difficult to distinguish them.

Sihuang's appearance is actually not considered as the standard for foreigners to appreciate the people of country Z, but some beauty knows no borders, especially temperament.

Black and white is clearly a style that is difficult for foreigners to wear, it combines elegance and nobility, coupled with the smile on the corner of Sihuang's mouth, its lethality is unknown, and it has killed many foreign men and women in seconds.

The male host secretly glanced at the number of people watching the live broadcast online displayed in the notebook, and was shocked to find that the number had exploded to one million in a short period of time!

This is definitely a rare data, not to mention that this data is still growing, and there are countless comments below.

The male host swallowed his saliva, suddenly became more motivated, and threw the planned questions to Sihuang one by one.

These questions are not only about "Mysterious Kingdom", but also about Arthur, whom Yolanda cares about. Si Huang answered them one by one, and handled them very properly. Landa was completely relieved, and when she turned her head, she saw Qin Fan who was still sitting on the sofa.

He didn't even seem to change his movements, whether he was sitting or looking at Sihuang.

When Yolanda saw Qin Fan sitting upright without losing his posture, exuding a strong sense of security, and that cool and handsome face, even Yolanda, who was used to seeing handsome guys in the entertainment industry, couldn't help but feel moved.

Just thinking back to what happened yesterday, Yolanda no longer dared to sway her mind.

Suddenly, a hint of doubt flickered in Yolanda's eyes, followed by suspicion and surprise brewing a little bit.

She looked at Qin Fan's black clothes, the brand and style were the same as that of Si Huang who was recording the live interview! It's because she didn't think about it before, so she didn't pay attention to this, and the two wear completely different feelings.

Looking at it now, Yolanda felt a sense of weirdness in his heart, and as time passed, this weirdness became more and more indelible.

Arnold and K...why do they seem to be wearing couple outfits?

Yolanda was taken aback by her own thoughts, and quickly withdrew her gaze, but she didn't notice that Qin Fan glanced at her, and then continued to look at Sihuang.

At this time, the live broadcast was at the end, and the male host mentioned, "K hasn't opened Facebook or Twitter abroad, right? It's similar to the V blog in country Z. I think everyone wants to interact with you."

"I will open it." Si Huang gave a confirmed answer.

The male host already knew the answer, and he still said it nicely, so the audience watching the live broadcast should not miss the opportunity, remember to be the first to pay attention.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a few words about Sihuang's dress in the crazy comments. The male host was moved and deliberately sold a chance to Sihuang, "Is K wearing JK's men's clothing brand? Everyone Everyone says you look great."

"Well," Si Huang chuckled, "Thank you."

Even knowing that Sihuang can't see or hear, the comments below are crazy.

"No thanks! No thanks! King is so handsome!"

"I used to think that JK's style is not easy to wear, but the male god wears it so well! I decided to buy a set and try it out!"

"Hello LS local tyrant, goodbye LS local tyrant!"

In the end, the male host specially asked Si Huang to read everyone's comments.

Si Huang laughed, and found that the cuteness of fans is actually regardless of national boundaries.

After the interview, Yolanda originally wanted to ask Si Huang about Arthur, but she shut up when she saw Qin Fan coming over and pulling Si Huang away.

Watching the direction in which the two were leaving, especially after staring blankly at the hands they held for a while, Yolanda told herself not to think too much about it, she shouldn't explore this matter, together with Arthur's matter, she I shouldn't ask K any more. If I ask K once, twice or three times, it will lead to misunderstanding.

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