Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 916: Leo Cannon Fodder

In the car, Si Huang first applied for a Facebook account with her mobile phone, and then performed real-name authentication.

When she was done, she found that the car had already driven to a street she was not familiar with.

"Where are you going?" Si Huang put down the phone and decided to give Qin Fan some time, even if it was just for a casual chat.

Qin Fan glanced at the small backpack she was carrying, "Did you bring everything for your ID card?"

"Huh? Huh." Should have opened Facebook and other things yesterday, Si Huang carried the ID with him.

After Qin Fan asked this question, there was no next sentence.

Si Huang was puzzled, poking Wu Bao's soft belly with her slender and fair fingers.

Wu Bao said that this is all love, and he was quite happy to accept it, and would hug her and rub his fingers.

Qin Fan's eyes that drifted over occasionally were chilly and full of meaning.

When passing a commercial street, Qin Fan stopped the car suddenly and said to Si Huang, "Sit here and wait for me."

After finishing a sentence, before Si Huang could ask, Qin Fan hurriedly got out of the car.

Si Huang looked out through the car window, only to see him striding into a shopping mall, and the figure disappeared.

After about a few minutes, Qin Fan returned to the car and continued driving.

Si Huang looked at Qin Fan's expression, but he couldn't see his thoughts, he didn't seem to be unhappy, but if he was happy, it didn't seem to be the case.

"What did you go shopping for?"

Qin Fan's response was to look at her, but did not answer Si Huang's question.

Mysterious. Si Huang muttered in her heart, but became even more curious.

It's just that Qin Fan's stubbornness is more like a hard rock. If he doesn't say anything, don't expect him to say it.

The car was a bit far away, and Si Huang was bored sitting on it. Seeing that Qin Fan really didn't want to speak, he put his hands on his chin to watch the passing scenery outside.

She seldom does such time-wasting things. Obviously, she can take advantage of the time to read the news and domestic situations, or use her mobile phone to attend classes.

However, Sihuang enjoys the peaceful time spent with Qin Fan at this moment. She has always known how to choose, and now she feels that even if she spends time doing nothing, it is more worthwhile than doing something.

While Sihuang was enjoying the rare peace and tranquility, there was a person on the other side who was in various troubles because of her.

This man is Leo Pierce.

Originally, he was still lying in the hospital, but was suddenly called by the police to the bureau for investigation.

Facing the police officer who has absolute power in some aspects, even Leo had to obey.

I thought that in my own capacity, going to the police station was just a formality, but I don't know what happened, and I actually spent a day in the prison cell!

One night, Leo didn't sleep well at all, his leg, which was fixed in plaster, hurt all night, and his uneasy and dissatisfied responsible mood also tossed him all night.

Early this morning, he saw Lei Xie's face that he hated so much, and he said hypocritical words in a triumphant tone, "Brother, I'm here to release you on bail."

Leo laughed and said, "Don't stain my clothes with your hands."

Lei Qi laughed, looked him up and down, "Is there any clean place on your body?"

Leo glared at the younger brother whom he had always looked down upon and had to worry about, and cursed in a low voice: "A bastard licking a monkey's ass!"

Lei Qi narrowed his dark golden eyes, looked at him with a half-smile, and didn't respond to his words.

What Leo hates the most is Lei Xie's eyes, which look purer than his own blood. In the past, if he said such things, Lei Xie would have lost his temper long ago, but the Lei Xie he saw recently was so calm that he felt a little uneasy.

This unease became even more apparent when two people picked him up, "What are you going to do?"

"Father wants to see you." Lei Xie said, and went out early.

Lei Ou didn't doubt it, but Lei Xie wouldn't dare to use this matter to fool him. If Lei Xie really dared to frame him in the name of his father, it would definitely be Lei Xie who was unlucky in the end.

As a result, as soon as he got in the car, Leo saw his father on the computer video, and the conversation between the two of them reached Lei Xie's ears through the voice.

"You have to deal with this trouble yourself." Old Pierce's stern voice made the air in the car stagnate.

Leo understood his temper, "Of course, I will handle it myself." He didn't want to lose face in front of Lei Xie, "Please rest assured, I'm not like some waste who only relies on others."

Old Pierce: "I'll wait to see your results."

Leo was surprised by his father's indifference. In the past, his father would at least give him some advice and encouragement. Today's indifferent attitude made Leo feel more uneasy.

He asked the bodyguard in the car to give him the mobile phone, and after making a call, he got an answer that made him angry——

When I was suffering in the bureau, the Asian named K not only had nothing to do, but also appeared on the live broadcast and the XX channel program, and was rewarded!

It's not fair! What's more, it's not normal!

This is Country Y, how could an Asian from Country Z beat him!

He made a few more phone calls, asking others to find out who was helping Sihuang, and who was helping this Asian against himself.

The speed of getting the answer is not slow, or it should be said that the other party has no hidden intentions at all, it is Ivan Jasper.

Leo's first thought was: Jasper's new eldest lady must be from Sihuang's side.

"This damned bastard!" Leo roared angrily, thinking that Sihuang was really despicable and shameless, and the most hateful thing was going against him everywhere, much more annoying than An Yiyuan.

At this moment, the car came to an emergency brake.

Leo raised his head in astonishment, and saw a familiar picture that made him shudder in his confused vision.

The truck in front came ferociously, like a mad beast that would choose someone to devour.

"Damn!" Lei Xie broke through the door immediately.

Leo's reaction was also quick, but his legs didn't heal at all during the day, and the bodyguard sitting beside him blocked his way even motionless.

"You!" Leo was frightened and angry, and there were inhuman changes on his face, and the pupils of his yellow glass eyes shrank violently, like animal pupils.

Then he saw the bloodless face of the bodyguard beside him, and there was a faint red light in the depths of the eyes behind the sunglasses.

"Blood... slave!" Leo gritted his teeth and roared.


The car double-hit, causing a lot of chaos.

Lei Qi saw a figure rolling out, the ripped clothes, and the inhuman change on his face, which made him twitch his lips coldly.

When he was a child, he would still think that turning into a werewolf was mighty and handsome, but now he thinks it's a curse, worse than the changes on him. You must know that in a legal society, 99% of the people are ordinary people. Everyone knows nothing about people with special bloodline abilities. When they suddenly see this inhuman creature, they will only be repelled, frightened, and curious.

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