Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 922 Breaking up friendship (1)

Then he saw Si Huang's eyes that contained no extra emotion, and the force that bound his wrist suddenly loosened, and his body tilted even more because of his forceful pulling of his hands.

For a moment, Zong Haohao's mind was blank, only confused, why did Si Huang let go? How could he let go?

Immediately afterwards, there was a sense of body falling, unable to grasp anything anymore, and the powerless fear that life was really about to die.

"Ah..." Zong Haohao wanted to shout, but only the phantom of the roof that was getting farther and farther away remained in his sight.

Death, for real! Close again!

Life, only the last few seconds left!

Do not……!

Suddenly, his waist tightened, something imprisoned him, and the huge force almost made him gasp.

The last sight saw a cold and handsome face, and the eyes of the other party were even more cold and oppressive.

As soon as Zong Haohao's mind went blank, his vision became dark, and he passed out.

On the roof, Sihuang was surrounded by the police, Su Yueban and Yuan Liang also ran over.

Su Yueban's face was still in shock, she stared at Sihuang in disbelief, unable to even say a word.

Yuan Liang also looked at her, and then poked his head out to the railing to see Zong Haohao being carried into the balcony with one hand.

Yu Xi believed that Si Huang would not commit murder than they did. If Si Huang wanted Zong Haohao to die, he didn't need to do it himself, and he would be charged as a murderer, okay?

His courage has grown a lot since he experienced too many things with Sihuang.

When the police came to arrest Si Huang, Yu Xi directly said: "Zong Haohao is fine, you can go down and have a look to find out, we will not escape, we can leave by ourselves, so forget about the handcuffs."

The policeman had heard about Sihuang's famous background in the capital for a long time, so he agreed after thinking about it.

The girl named Xiao Yu'er was also rescued and followed them without saying a word.

When they went downstairs, Qin Fan had brought Zong Haohao who had passed out to the police.

Although Zong Haohao failed to commit suicide or murder, his behavior constituted a crime and he needed to be taken to the police station.

Of course, if Si Huang wanted to keep him, it was not impossible.

It's just that Si Huang is not in the mood to do so.

The police downstairs also began to close the team, and Si Huang and others took the elevator directly to the parking lot.

As soon as the elevator door opened, a group of reporters had already been waiting here.

When the reporters saw Si Huang and the others, their eyes glowed green, and they gave themselves a thumbs up in their hearts: How awesome it is to wait for a rabbit! ?

They don't care about the mood of Sihuang and the others, they use the camera and the camera together, and the questions are thrown up one by one.

"Hey! You...uh!" Su Yueban was the first to lose her composure, and was about to scold in a hissing voice, but was startled by Si Huang's eyes just halfway through her words.

Si Huang withdrew her gaze, calmly faced the camera and answered questions, with a neither humble nor overbearing tone, easily calming down the scene.

"I just returned to China today. I have been filming a new film abroad before. The name of the new work is "Mysterious Country". The reasons for my going abroad on the Internet are all fictitious."

"Fenghuang Entertainment will give an explanation to all fans about what happened today. In addition, Shen Hai and his female fans have no accidents. Don't worry."

"I sincerely hope that everyone can look at the problem rationally, and give more tolerance and understanding on the basis of morality. Don't blindly criticize, thank you." Sihuang faced the camera, bowed deeply, and when he raised his head again, he stood Zixiu stood up, "I've already answered all your questions, so please make way."

Her expressionless face could not be called cold, but her eyes made the reporters feel an unspeakable intimidation, and they stepped aside one by one.

Because of Zong Haohao's incident, Sihuang had to go back to Fenghuang Entertainment first and called a few people for a meeting.

On the way back to Fenghuang Entertainment, Sihuang first told Yuxi to call and inform the people looking for people to stop and rest.

Qin Fan waited for her to finish explaining, and then said: "I can suppress this matter."

"I'll handle it myself." Si Huang shook her head and refused.

"Don't you think it's troublesome?" Qin Fan could tell that she was in a bad mood, and she had to take this matter before she had a rest after taking a flight for a long time, and he was just as upset.

"You have to deal with the trouble yourself." Si Huang said, "You suppressed it this time, what about next time?"

Regardless of whether there will be a next time or not, Sihuang continued: "Besides, if you do something, you have to bear the consequences."

Qin Fan didn't say anything else, since Si Huang made up his mind, let her do it.

As soon as they arrived at Fenghuang Entertainment Company, everyone else had already arrived. Sihuang led the way to the meeting room, and everyone sat down one by one.

When everyone was seated, Si Huang glanced at everyone, his eyes didn't have much emotion, but everyone couldn't help but tense their bodies and tensed up.

Most of the people convened this time were the responsible personnel of ZZ. Si Huang looked away and said slowly: "You should all know what happened just now. Now let's talk about your thoughts."

The few people present looked at each other. Later, the people in the ZZ department mainly looked at Su Yueban and Yuan Liang. Compared with Yuan Liang who was calm and expressionless, Su Yueban's expression was much more vivid.

Feeling more and more gazes, Su Yueban stood up and said, "God Si, Haohao doesn't know what's going on now, we have to get him out first..." Under Si Huang's gaze, he The more I spoke, the softer my voice became, and I fell silent before I finished speaking.

Si Huang looked at him quietly for two seconds, and found that he still didn't continue, so she said calmly: "In the company, you should call me the chairman or the boss."

Su Yueban was taken aback, her expression a little surprised and uncertain.

"Is there anything else anyone else wants to say?" Si Huang looked at the others first, "If you have nothing to say, just listen to me first."

Everyone nodded.

Su Yueban was also dragged by Yuan Liang, and sat back on her chair.

Si Huang said: "First, terminate the contract with Zong Haohao tomorrow, and charge him a fine for breaking the contract according to the contract rules."

"What?!" Su Yueban exclaimed, this happened to Zong Haohao now, and if he terminates the contract with him and pays a fine, isn't it just rubbing salt on his wound?

This time, Si Huang didn't restrain his gaze any more, and pierced Su Yueban with a cold gaze, "Shut up."

Su Yueban froze, as if she had returned to the situation where she was pointed at by Si Huang with a gun in the dormitory that day.

Even though he knew that Si Huang was scaring him, he still couldn't control his timidity, and even the hairs on his body stood on end in fright.

When Su Yue was half quiet, Si Huang continued: "All this time, I have not interfered in the development of ZZ, which means I have given you absolute freedom, which is equivalent to an independent department. But this is the result you showed me? Just because I don't intervene doesn't mean I don't know, how many times have there been small problems in ZZ? Fraud? Sex selling? Hidden Star's resources are heavily biased towards Zong Haohao, creating false information and letting the internal fight!"

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