Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 923 Breaking up friendship (2)


The slap on the table made the people in the ZZ department feel as if they had slapped themselves in the face, and they couldn't stand Si Huang's sarcastic gaze that seemed to see through everything.

"What do you want to do? Create a super hidden star and kill me?"

Everyone wanted to deny it, but under invisible pressure, no one dared to deny it first.

"ZZ is under the banner of Fenghuang Entertainment. You can take advantage of the situation, but you don't allow infighting." Si Huang turned his eyes to Su Yueban and Yuan Liang, "My tolerance is limited."

Su Yueban moved her lips, revealing an ugly smile.

Si Huang withdrew his gaze, "How to rectify and clean up the mess, think for yourself, if you can't achieve the results I want, pack up and go."

After finishing speaking, Sihuang stood up and asked Yuen to come with him, and explained to him alone.

Outside the meeting room, there was a living room in a corridor, Qin Fan was sitting on the sofa waiting there, when he saw Si Huang coming out, he stood up, and was about to ask her if she could go.

A fat man from behind caught up, "Sihuang, do you really ignore Haohao?"

Si Huang looked back at Su Yueban who was chasing after him, "Your words are really interesting."

"What do you mean?" Su Yue was half puzzled.

Si Huang said: "Why should I take care of Zong Haohao? He is already an adult, and he should be responsible for everything he does and says."

"No, I know this truth, but Haohao is too stimulated to do stupid things. Now is the time when he needs help the most. We are brothers!" Su Yueban explained.

Not only was Si Huang not touched, but she showed a slight smile, which was cold and without warmth, "Su Xiaopang, whether it is a brother or a friend, when one of them is in distress, it is friendship for others to help, and it is duty not to help. The former should Be grateful, and the latter should not be resentful. I helped him, and what did I get in the end?"

"...He just didn't think clearly for a while." Su Yueban still defended Zong Haohao.

"Okay, even if he doesn't think clearly, then he should walk the next road by himself, and I don't want to help." Si Huang said.

Su Yueban was furious in distress, "Don't, I know you're upset, then get Haohao out first and beat him up! I'll beat him up for you!"

Si Huang suddenly found it funny, and she really laughed, but her voice became colder a few degrees, making her voice clearer, a bit like Zong Haohao's voice, "You just want to get Zong Haohao out, I think he was stimulated, then have you thought about how bad he did it?"

Obviously Sihuang didn't do anything, but Su Yueban felt like being stabbed in the heart by something, so she took a step back involuntarily.

"Have you ever thought about the impact of this incident on other people's little girls? Being kidnapped and almost being tied up and jumping off a building together, how exciting is it? If this incident is not handled well, it will not only be the shadow of Zong Haohao's life, but also It is also the shadow of that girl's life." Si Huang sneered, "Su Xiaopang, only caring about his own people is also a kind of selfishness."

Su Yueban retorted in a low voice, "But brother and a woman I don't know, shouldn't I be on the brother's side?"

"There is no should or should not, only whether you want to or not." Sihuang said: "You just do what you want to do, but I don't want to help Zong Haohao now, but I want to remind you that I am not only your friend, but also your boss."

"You..." Su Yue half-opened her round eyes, a little dazed.

Si Huang raised her head and looked at Yuan Liang who had been standing behind Su Yueban and didn't come forward.

"Deal with the termination of the contract with Zong Haohao as soon as possible."

"Okay." Yuan Liang replied.

Si Huang felt that everything that should be said had been said, and she glanced at Qin Fan, who left with her without saying a word.

Su Yueban watched their backs disappear, and it took a while before she came back to her senses. She turned to Yuan Liang and asked, "Xiao Liangzi, what do you mean by Si Huang? Is he going to break up with us?"

"It's not with us, it's with Zong Haohao." Yuan Liang said.

Su Yueban couldn't tell what was going on in her heart, she was a little angry and at a loss, "I still don't understand, is it my fault? Or is Sihuang too strict? Is Haohao's problem so big? Isn't our relationship a bad relationship? Do you know any girls? Or is it the company that he cares more about?"

"If you say this in front of Sihuang, maybe he will break up with you." Yuan Liang said calmly.

Su Yueban was even more sad, and the next moment he was slapped on the head by Yuan Liang, "Who are you doing this for? I think Si Huang's words are right, Zong Hao is really wrong this time, But he still doesn't admit his mistakes, if he can't figure it out and just blames others blindly, don't think that Sihuang will still be his friend."

"Then you don't even have to give Haohao a chance, right?" Su Yueban muttered, "You still say it so seriously, it feels like I was also warned."

"Why do you want Sihuang to give you the opportunity instead of letting Zong Hao fight for it?" Yuan Liang said, "This is the company, and Sihuang is the boss, but he never really cares about us, whether it's the authority or Welfare, you are already enough friends. Fatty, to be honest, you treat Zong Hao much better than Si Huang, because you have met Si Huang too few times after leaving school, so your feelings for him are not as good as Zong Hao Shen is sure, but you are blindly asking Sihuang to pay, haven't you noticed?"

Su Yueban stayed where she was.

Yuan Liang reminded: "What I can see, it is impossible for Si Huang not to see it. Friendship needs to be maintained with each other. Si Huang doesn't owe us. It really means that we have always owed him, so you want to help Zong Hao Just use your own ability to help, don't keep pulling Sihuang, and tie him up with morality, or you will only regret it yourself."

Yuan Liang told Su Yueban all the words that had been brewing in his heart before leaving alone, leaving a last sentence.

"Don't forget, Sihuang really has the means to deal with people, so don't question his friendship anymore."

Su Yueban's face turned pale, and she suddenly realized what a stupid thing she had done.

Obviously when he was in school before, he was not like this. Why did you ask to sue Sihuang?

Su Yue squatted on the ground half-stretched, hugged her head with her hands, and let out a meaningless roar.

He figured it out, it was all because he was jealous of Sihuang deep in his heart, and wanted to find some stains on Sihuang's body-this idea was not out of malice, nor did he want to harm him, Just for self gratification.

What a ridiculous reason, it is obviously the darkness in my heart, but I want to use other people's darkness to whiten myself. Obviously I have changed, but I question others to prove myself.

Su Yueban grabbed her hair with both hands, feeling sad for a while, staring at the ground with dry eyes, and suddenly missed the innocent time in school.

Perhaps, he was so disregarding other helpers Zong Haohao, subconsciously justifying himself?

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