Rebirth of the National Male God

935 Chapter 935 You are not polite to your rival (1)

The horizon of Jiangcheng is very wide, and it will brighten up very quickly at a certain time in the early morning.

The moist wind blows across the cheeks, accompanied by a ray of sunshine rising from the east, and then the sky slowly brightens, without suddenly bringing a warming power.

It turned out that the awkward atmosphere on the deck seemed to leave with the old day as the new day arrived.

Sihuang's state of mind is peaceful, and the shadows of the morning light are printed on his eyes, which also become sparkling and clear.

She didn't realize how soft the smile on the corner of her mouth was, which softened her facial features, which was amazing at a glance.

Both Qin Fan and Xia Qitong's eyes fell on her, and then they looked at each other as if they were aware of it. A cold and mysterious expressionless face, and a gentle and gentle smile formed a perfect contrast.

When Si Huang looked at them, the two naturally separated their eyes again.

No one can be vigilant all the time, especially around people who are familiar and trusted. At this time, Sihuang didn't feel that there was anything wrong with the atmosphere.

On the contrary, Cui Zhenghuan, who was a bystander, looked at them with more and more troubled eyes.

These three people are too outstanding, and their power is multiplied side by side, but because they are too outstanding, it makes people feel that their harmony is not normal. It's as if thunder, earth, fire and ice water are put together, each is an independent and self-contained individual, and it should explode when touched, why is it so harmonious that nothing happens?

It would be fine if it was really harmonious, but Choi Jung-hwan is sensitive to the oppressive force that the three of them give to others when they are together. If you are not careful, it will become a breakthrough for the explosion.

When the sun was fully up, someone immediately brought the breakfast prepared in the kitchen.

Cui Zhenghuan looked at the three people who were having breakfast peacefully, and couldn't help feeling frustrated.

Is this on vacation? Why did things develop like this?

After breakfast, Qin Fan asked Si Huang: "Did you sleep at night?"

"Well." With Sihuang's physique, it's okay to stay up all night, but it's also because her skin is too delicate and flawless, but she hasn't slept all night, and the light blue eyelids are more obvious.

"Go to sleep first, I'll call you when you get there," Qin Fan said.

Si Huang looked at the two of them, "You?"

Xia Qitong said, "I'll make a call."

Si Huangming understood that Xia Qitong hadn't reported his people's safety since they escaped from danger.

Now that it is close to Jiangcheng Wharf, if something happens at the wharf, it will be easily seen by ordinary people and cause even bigger troubles.

"Then I'll go to sleep first." Si Huang glanced at Qin Fan again, turned and walked into the boat.

She believed in Qin Fan and knew Xia Qitong's personality, so she was not worried about what would happen between the two. And with Qin Fan around, he wasn't afraid of other dangers on board.

This trust was not spoken, but a smart person could feel it. Qin Fan looked at her back, and the stern facial lines softened a bit.

Choi Jeong-hwan said: I have blinded a pair of dog eyes.

You must know that he used Sihuang's mobile phone to chat with the other party about ambiguous topics, and then cooperated with Qin Fan to look at Sihuang's eyes. Cui Zhenghuan, who is not the same but has friends who play with him, feels that the two must have an affair!

Now this man who has an affair with Sihuang is confronting another person.

Don't think he used the wrong word, Cui Zhenghuan believes that the word confrontation is very appropriate to describe the situation at hand. Because as soon as Sihuang left, the atmosphere between the two lost their sense of harmony, and there was a dangerous and oppressive feeling that the magnetic field naturally repelled each other—even if they didn't show obvious ferocious expressions.

The two didn't look at each other in silence for a long time, Xia Qitong went to get his personal mobile phone and made a call, the call was connected not long after, and he only heard some words on the phone in a gentle and measured tone.

Cui Zhenghuan could hear clearly, he was just saying that he was fine, so that they don't need to carry out rescue operations anymore, just wait for him in Jiangcheng.

Just by hearing what he said, he knew that the other party was not an ordinary person.

Cui Zhenghuan was still guessing Xia Qitong's identity, what Qin Fan said immediately solved his doubts.

"Is the young boss of the wildfire team free?"

Xia Qitong, who had just hung up the phone, looked back at Qin Fan, shook his head and said, "I'm not as busy as you."

This sentence revealed a message, just as Qin Fan already knew Xia Qitong's identity, Xia Qitong also knew Qin Fan's identity, at least on the surface, the identity of a soldier and the only son of the Qin family.

"Thank you for helping Huanghuang this time, but I'd better get close to her less in the future." Qin Fan didn't make any detours.

A strange light flashed in Xia Qitong's eyes. Qin Fan is Sihuang's lover, so there is nothing wrong with using this kind of words to put Sihuang under his control. Because there is nothing wrong, I shouldn't feel uncomfortable, so this The part is uncomfortable... the freedom from making friends is being interfered by the other party.

"We are friends." Xia Qitong smiled and said: "You think too much, if you can't bear Sihuang being close to friends, then you are not suitable."

Qin Fan's expression remained motionless, but his eyes were so dark that they couldn't see the light, full of undeniable oppression, "Your relationship is indeed friends, but I didn't think too much about it. Your intention for Huanghuang is not just a friend."

Xia Qitong showed doubts, "What is that?"

"You want more from Huanghuang, this desire exceeds the expectation of friends." Qin Fan stared into Xia Qitong's eyes, "I don't prevent Huanghuang from making friends, as long as she likes her, identity doesn't matter. It's just anyone Those who have plans for her are my rivals in love..."

Qin Fan pursed his lips, showing his thick white teeth, and smiled dangerously, "I won't be polite to my rival."

Xia Qitong was slightly stunned, he didn't expect Qin Fan to say so bluntly that his desire for monopoly and domineering towards Sihuang were all revealed, for fear that others would not know how important Sihuang was to him. What's more unexpected is that Qin Fan's evaluation of him, that he has more expectations for Si Huang than a friend?

Xia Qitong blinked his eyes, and then a chuckle emerged from his lips, like flower petals falling on the surface of a quiet lake, rippling in circles of shallow ripples.

"I won't take action against a friend who has a lover." Xia Qitong thought for a while, and said, "The expectation you said is probably because Si Huang is still my male god."

Qin Fan examined him.

Xia Qitong looked calm.

Qin Fan pouted.

Although Xia Qitong didn't seem to be lying, Qin Fan was still upset. He always felt that he didn't get rid of this wild man, and it was an eyesore if he left it alone.

Both of them said what they had to say, warned them all, and then kept silent without interfering with each other.

No one noticed that the face of the hostage Cui Zhenghuan next to him changed several times, maybe he just didn't bother to notice.

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