Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 936 - You're not welcome to your rival (2)

When Qin Fan said that Xia Qitong was the boss of Wildfire Team, Cui Zhenghuan's face froze.

The conversation between the two of them later made him unable to even brew his sadness. Apart from being unbelievable, it was still unbelievable. His expression had already been distorted beyond recognition, and he no longer even had the handsomeness that he usually paid attention to.

A big guy who can mobilize helicopters and machine guns in country Z, and call people Huanghuang with a serious and cold expression, but even blatantly warns the same sex, do you think all good-looking men are the same! ?

It's not surprising that a young boss of the wild fire group is suspected of being the same, but he still calmly communicates with others about this aspect of his feelings, and says that a man is your male god, is it really okay?

Bosses are abnormal, especially good-looking bosses are even more abnormal.

My bottom line is too high? Or is this world too bottomless?

I offended two or three abnormal bosses, swollen?

Choi Jung-hwan's mind was filled with all kinds of hot topics that could explode.

River City Wharf.

Cheng Hong stood in front of the car, and occasionally glanced at a car not far away.

He knew that the person in the car was Yuene, Sihuang's manager. In addition to Yuene, there was also a popular female singer in country Z.

Compared to him being able to stand outside at will, Yule and the others are public figures, which would cause unnecessary trouble, so they could only wait in the car first.

When he saw a ship berthed at the pier and a group of people came down from it, Cheng Hong immediately went up to meet him, his eyes paused on Qin Fan.

Qin Fan didn't look at him, and walked side by side with Sihuang to Yuxi's car.

"Ouba." Jiang Yajing, who got out of the car, immediately saw Cui Zhenghuan following behind.

Cui Zhenghuan raised his head and looked at her, wanting to give his sister a handsome smile, but when he pulled the corner of his mouth, he unconsciously turned into a wry smile of embarrassment.

Jiang Yajing pursed her lips, unable to hide her worry, she looked at Si Huang who was already approaching.

Si Huang said: "Let's go together."

Jiang Yajing nodded slightly, and let Cui Zhenghuan get into her car.

Although it was morning, there were no other people at the pier, but they were startled by the momentum of Sihuang and the others at first, and only after they had left did anyone react.

"That was Sihuang just now, right? There's also Little Crystal, the goddess of vitality!"

"Damn it! I actually forgot to take a photo. What kind of event is this? Is it a private party? A handsome guy in full body!"

"I didn't shoot either! Otherwise, it must be popular! I'll go!"

They couldn't catch up with Sihuang's car, and when people put their targets on the boat that Sihuang and the others got off just now, and then realized that they regretted screaming, their boat also left long ago.

More than half an hour later, in the presidential suite of a hotel.

A group of people gathered in the hall, and Cui Zhenghuan was placed under the eyes of everyone.

At this time, Cui Zhenghuan, who had calmed down, bent down to Sihuang, Xia Qitong and the others without hesitation, and sincerely admitted his mistake.

"Young Master Si, and this fourth master, everything that happened today is because I misunderstood the meaning of my adoptive father, and my own selfishness caused it, so I neglected you." Cui Zhenghuan raised his head after speaking clearly, His gaze was like a torch, "According to the rules of the Tao, I don't care whether you lose a pair of hands or take my life. I just hope that the two of you can respect my humble life and let this grievance come to an end."

Both Yu Se and Yu Ling were ordinary people present, but Yu Ling was startled by Cui Zhenghuan's resolute aura, and her expression changed slightly.

Yuene secretly held his sister's hand to calm her down.

Si Huang looked at Xia Qitong, who was also looking at her, and his eyes expressed a meaning, which was to leave it to her to handle it.

Sihuang also gave him a grateful look, because of Jiang Yajing's relationship, she will not kill Cui Zhenghuan, this is a certainty. In detail, she did not suffer any harm in this oolong kidnapping, but Xia Qitong was the real victim.

"Sihuang, I want to talk to you alone." Jiang Yajing stood up and said.

Si Huang noticed her clasped hands, glanced at her strong face, and then met her pair of bright and shining eyes.

"it is good."

Everyone else present looked at her, seeing Si Huang standing up and letting Jiang Yajing go to a room together, even Qin Fan frowned slightly and said nothing.

Five minutes later, Sihuang and Jiang Yajing came out one after the other. Nothing could be seen from Sihuang's face. On the other hand, Jiang Yajing's eyes were reddish as if she had cried, but she looked more energetic than before, her eyes were full of tears. Vitality and hope, as if there is a flame burning inside, as long as the spark is not extinguished, hope and persistence will never be lost.

"Brother, let's go." Jiang Yajing walked to Cui Zhenghuan's side.

Cui Zhenghuan frowned, looked at Jiang Yajing and then at Sihuang, "Yajing, you..." He wanted to ask if Jiang Yajing had paid something bad, but then he remembered that Sihuang had shown a disrespect to Jiang Yajing when he was on the boat. Yajing's disinterest dispels this guess.

He hesitated to speak, but Jiang Yajing didn't bother to ask, turned around and bowed down to Xia Qitong to apologize and also thanked them, regardless of whether he didn't care about them for Sihuang's sake, in short, he let them go once.

When she stood up, Jiang Yajing whispered to Si Huang: "I will say goodbye to everyone online."

"Farewell? Why?" Yu Ling couldn't help but look at Jiang Yajing in surprise.

In Fenghuang Entertainment, the two of them are similar in age and have a connection with Sihuang, so they have a very good relationship, even if they are best friends.

Jiang Yajing said: "I'm going home, and I will develop in country H for a period of time." Before Yu Ling could ask more, she took a breath, and then said: "For more details, I will discuss it later." Call and tell you."

Yu Ling said sadly: "Are you going to be in such a hurry? Don't even have time to meet and say goodbye to everyone?"

"Yeah." Jiang Yajing nodded, "something happened at home, otherwise no one would have sent someone to pick me up."

Yu Ling opened her mouth, but didn't try to persuade her anymore.

Now is the era of the Internet, even if they are separated in two countries, they can still connect with each other.

Jiang Yajing called Cui Zhenghuan again, then waved to everyone and walked outside.

It's not that there is no time to meet and say goodbye to everyone.

I'm just afraid that I won't be able to help but cry when we meet.

She hopes that the impression of those lovely people on her will always be optimistic, positive, energetic and hopeful.

She hoped that she would have the chance to see them next time, and not let this farewell be the last.

she wishes...


One watermark left on the ground, and another.

"Little Crystal?" Cui Zhenghuan suddenly reached out and hugged Jiang Yajing.

They were already in the VIP elevator, and no one else was there.

Cui Zhenghuan said sadly: "Do you really like Sihuang so much?"

"Well, I like him." Jiang Yajing buried her head in his arms, her voice hoarse.

Cui Zhenghuan hugged her even more tightly, stroking the back of her head with one hand to comfort her, his voice was full of gentleness and tolerance, "If you like it, stay here, stay here, do what you like, like whoever you like. There is a brother for everything. You know, I’m Little Crystal’s older brother, how can I let Little Crystal protect her?” After finishing speaking, she let go of Jiang Yajing, took a step back and looked at Jiang Yajing’s face that was already covered with tears, Cui Zhenghuan’s face twitched. , as if the pain had also been conveyed to his body, making him more uncomfortable than the injuries on his body.

"Go back." Cui Zhenghuan said with a smile: "I can see that Sihuang also values ​​you, and so do the people around him. They will not hurt you."

However, Jiang Yajing grabbed his hand, which he was pretending to be cool and handsome, shook her head lightly, with a bright smile, "Brother, I like you too, I like Dad, I came here for Sihuang, to give him the rest of the time , But a lot of things happened in the middle, I got more things I didn't think about, I want to cherish and have a longer time, I will tell you on the road."

Cui Zhenghuan looked at Jiang Yajing, who was shedding tears but smiling more purely than anyone else, and replied in a daze, "Okay."

Jiang Yajing wiped away her tears with her hand, and said quietly: "I promised Sihuang, we will meet next time."

Choi Jung-hwan still said, "Okay."

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