Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 944 Conquering all the people

Although the process was a bit uneasy, the result was good. It can be seen that Grandma Yu accepted the relationship between the two, and everyone felt at ease.

In fact, it stands to reason that Grandma Yu's acting skills have not reached the level of perfection, and the reason why everyone can't see it is because they care too much.

Especially Tie Lao, after so many years of companionship, how could he not understand his wife? It's just that he understands how much his wife loves Sihuang more than he understands it. Every day, he hears from Grandma Yu that she wants to find a beautiful wife for Sihuang and depends on her great-grandson. If Qin Fan gets involved, he will get sick with anger.

Speaking of onset, this is another misunderstanding. Tie Lao was still living in the past, thinking that Grandma Yu's body would be broken like a piece of paper, but in fact, with the nurturing these days, she has already recovered a lot.

The two grandmas went to have a private conversation. Grandpa Qin looked at Sihuang and Qin Fan from left to right, and immediately chased them away, "You guys caused this matter, and you should solve it yourself."

It's a problem on the network.

Tie Lao nodded.

Then the two old people went to play chess and drink tea together, leaving time and space for the two grandchildren.

Si Huang didn't stay in the living room, but was dragged to the room by Qin Fan.

With the four old people under the same roof, the two of them can't do anything disharmonious, that is, pure kisses to relieve greed, and then deal with online problems.

Whoever thought of seeing this made Si Huang roll on the bed and laugh out of joy.

It turned out that when Si Huang and Qin Fan faced the four old men, the development on the Internet would not stop because of their temporary disappearance.

After the ID of "Your Majesty the Little Emperor's Big Sun" was complained and envied by countless people, following the nickname of "The Indus Waiting for You to Live" Tong Ye, another god gave Qin Fan's new ID a nickname, called Ri Lord.

Do you understand? Let me popularize science for you, you can understand it as, begging for the sun, come to the sun, the sun of the little emperor!

This malicious nickname instantly won the approval of all the netizens. They thought it was a great name to be named Shenren. This nickname is well-chosen, and it is much hotter than Master Tong!

Big sun? hum! Return Your Majesty's Great Sun! How long have you secretly seduced His Majesty? Isn't it just asking for the sun! Even if he is a master, he is destined to be overwhelmed by our majesty!

What? Why don't you say that His Majesty was overwhelmed by Lord Sun? What an international joke, His Majesty will be crushed! ? Didn't you see the big sun of His Majesty the Little Emperor? It shows that this Lord of the Sun is owned by His Majesty, and he has to show this himself!

The fans said, Your Majesty will conquer the world forever, no matter what kind of enchanting little bitch you are, or a domineering man, you have to lie down obediently in front of Your Majesty!

Wait, are you focusing on the wrong thing? Why do you care whether His Majesty is suppressed or suppressed? Shouldn't it be sad that His Majesty has a lover, not single, but a male lover?

When someone raised this question, the netizens became sad again after realizing it, but it was just sad. As for the emotion of surprise, there were very few emotions!

"I don't think it's strange why Your Majesty has a boyfriend!? I'm absolutely sure I'm not a rotten girl!"

"Do you still remember how His Majesty mentioned the lover of his dreams in the first issue of "Infinite Collapse". Now that you think about it, you think it's a man. It's terrifying to think about it!"

"She's not a rotten girl, she's probably brainwashed! I've heard about His Majesty's CP for a long time, and I think it's cute! Which woman does Ni Meng think can calm His Majesty?"

"...I can't hold back!"

"Can't hold back 1"

"Can't Hold It 2"

"Your Majesty has abused me thousands of times, and I have treated His Majesty like first love! Ever since the last illegitimate child incident, I have decided that no matter what Your Majesty does, I will support His Majesty!"

It was a good Valentine's Day, just like this, Sihuang, Jisen, and Riye swiped the screen. After Sihuang and Jisen, 'Riye', 'Flower Rain in Beijing', 'Central Confession', etc. also quickly became hot topics.

How could it be possible for such a big news event without the participation of the media?

When some sunspots and colleagues who gloated at other people's misfortunes thought that they would see Sihuang being besieged by the media, beaten into a mess by cyber violence, and fell off the altar.

The result was far beyond everyone's expectations!

The media did seize this opportunity to publicize what happened on Valentine's Day, and did not let go of writing about Sihuang.

It's just that the news gossip compiled here is wrong no matter how you look at it! What about the promised ruthless entertainment media? What about the fear that the world will not be chaotic? You write like this, are you really not afraid that no one will click?

"Si Huang Bravely Shows Her Love, Breaking the Outdated Rules of the Entertainment Industry"

"Who is the most romantic person this Valentine's Day?" "

"He told us with his actions that love has no distinction between gender and identity, and the king can also be devoted to one person"

"Sihuang and his lover's high-profile confession: I want the whole world to know that you have been contracted by me!" "

What about suppression? What about sarcasm? What about moral education? When did homosexuality become a kind of bravery? She obviously fell in love a long time ago, and she kept it hidden from everyone for so long before announcing it. Can this also be called bravery?

The peers were jealous to death, Heizi was scratching his heart and lungs with chest tightness, the fans were dejected and excited, and the older generation could only sigh slightly.

No one is a fool, just think about it for a while.

Why is the media so positive? People can even operate CCTV, do these small entertainment media dare to be presumptuous?

Flower Rain is certainly beautiful, but if you dare to do it in a place like the capital city where hitting someone with a brick can result in a prince, it shows that you are not afraid of punishment.

These two people are rich, powerful, powerful, and have a large number of people's fan clubs. They are so powerful, who would dare to target them in China? It's not a fool, no one wants to be a leader!

Most of the people are also listening to the wind and the rain. Everyone thinks this is good, so naturally they follow the trend and say it is good.

There are many fans who love Sihuang, but most of them know in their hearts that they can't be Sihuang's lover, and they don't have the confidence to become Sihuang's lover.

Now there is a man who is outstanding and mysterious, and who obviously loves Sihuang, becomes Sihuang's lover. Think about it from another angle, it’s actually very interesting, okay?

Female fans: Compared with letting a same-sex get Your Majesty, it is actually good for Your Majesty to have a man in love! At least I didn't get it, and neither can you!

Male fans: Congratulations! Si Huang turned out to be gay! My girlfriend will never compare herself with Sihuang again!

The facts in the future will make this group of happy male fans understand that their joy at this moment is completely overthinking. When a certain wayward couple shows off their affection on the Internet in the future, they will know what is happening now. How gentle the comparison you suffered, and how cruel the criticism you got later-you see, the two men know what to come you don't know this and that? Are you still a man?

These are all things to say later, so I don't care if I don't mention them carefully. The most important incident on Valentine's Day, under such strong pressure, allowed Sihuang and Qin Fan not only conquered the elders in the family, but also conquered a large number of fans.

The next day, Sihuang published another V blog statement, explaining the situation of the relationship in the form of a video self-report.

"He was my first love and the man of my dreams."

Whether it is past life or present life.

"In terms of feelings, I am just an ordinary person, and I have the right to choose and the way I fall in love. Someone asked me to hold a press conference, but I don't think it is necessary. I don't want my love to become a business. Here, I just want to talk to everyone and hope to get your blessings."

In the video, Sihuang has a gentle expression, a peaceful smile, and squints his eyes slightly. A wave of light is crushed into gentleness and fills the entire pupil of the eye, drowning all the people watching the video.

"He is my sunshine."

What about us? Then what are we yours? ——The girls who watched the video still shed a lot of sad tears, feeling that the love in their hearts has been snatched away and will never come back.

In the video, Si Huang raised her eyelids and stared ahead, making everyone who watched the video feel that she was looking at herself.

Then, I saw Sihuang in the video bursting into a brighter smile, and then said: "You are my starlight."

The sun makes people warm, and the stars make people bright.

She seemed to be standing among the stars, surrounded by stars, and the stars were so bright.

Even though my heart was still a little sad, countless girls were healed by Si Huang's acknowledgment.

If you are destined not to be your lover, then it is also good to be your knights, your golden glitter, and the stars around you.

When someone asked a fan of Sihuang: "Aren't you angry? He obviously concealed his relationship and still likes a man! He is gay, why do you continue to support him?"

The fan girl shook her head, "I'm more afraid of not seeing Your Majesty than angry! Anyway, I can't be His Majesty's girlfriend. It's great that Your Majesty can find someone you like. The point is that that person looks good! What’s wrong with homosexuality? It’s bothering you, I’m still eating your food and drinking yours? If you dare to insult His Majesty, if you let His Majesty disappoint the fans and leave the entertainment circle, I’ll beat you to death!”

This kind of mentality is the same in the hearts of most fans, one infects the other, and finally forms a front, vowing to support His Majesty to the death.

Even later, some people think that the love between Sihuang and Riye is brave and beautiful, and not everyone dares to expose their relationship like this, especially in the entertainment circle.

Si Huang is different from other stars. Most of the fans who watched Si Huang along the way know that Si Huang is far from the little star he used to be. There is no problem with the boss behind the scenes, and life can be more relaxed and happy.

However, for the fans, it's too cruel not to see His Majesty's beautiful face and works with refined acting skills, okay? So, sunspots! Go as far as you go, don't come to harass our great majesty!

This development of the situation once again shocked the people in the circle. However, after careful analysis, everyone found that the situation would develop like this. It seems that it is not a coincidence. We have a step-by-step buffer time, and our receptivity is getting better and better.

It's just... frightening to think about!

Sihuang! Never offend! ——The insiders thought.

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