Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 945 One Year (1)

Although the opposing party failed to suppress Sihuang, this incident still attracted a lot of black spots to Sihuang.

The most direct data was conveyed from Wubao to Sihuang. Wubao told Sihuang in a tone of joy and worry that Jin Shining had risen a lot, but it was a pity that Jin Shining couldn't offset the influence of Heizi's bad luck. So what Sihuang should have to suffer is still to suffer.

Si Huang, who has experienced the bad luck of sunspot once, is also considered prepared this time, and his ability to accept is better than the first time.

When eating a piece of fish, I accidentally got caught by a fishbone, which frightened Grandma Yu and made Qin Fan's face turn black, but she calmly coughed out the fishbone and wiped the blood from her mouth.

Grandma Yu's heart ached, she had to know that Si Huang's voice was so cute, and she had always wanted to let her develop in the music scene. If a singer had a problem with his voice, his career would be cut short.

Qin Fan didn't say a word, and later the fish that entered Sihuang's mouth had been removed by him first, and Nanny Xiang Zhen and Grandpa Qin's eyes twitched, feeling that they didn't know their grandson anymore.

On the contrary, Grandma Yu seemed very satisfied, and praised Qin Fan for his good study, and she will continue to work hard in the future, giving a sweet date and hitting another stick.

Grandma Xiang Zhen was most speechless because her grandson was obedient.

Generally speaking, during the few days spent in Qin's house, except for being scared by Grandma Yu when she came here on the first day, the next few days were very warm and relaxed. Si Huang enjoyed the feeling of being from the family.

It's just that people don't live in a relaxed and warm environment forever. After the third day in Qin's house, Si Huang will continue to work.

One is that the promotion of "Mysterious Kingdom" has officially entered the domestic market, and the response is even hotter than expected. Apart from the stunning sea monster appearance of Sihuang, there are countless people who are distorting the relationship between her and Arthur .

Although His Majesty just confessed his love to his lover, it would be a waste of resources for a man of the highest quality like Arthur if he doesn't make a fuss about it.

As a result, as soon as someone twisted Arthur's face, "The Great Sun of His Majesty the Little Emperor" posted a photo on Vbo, which was a half-naked photo.

With honey-colored sexy skin and a golden-ratio figure, let alone a woman, even a man should be amazed.

Although this V blog post didn't say anything, it just posted Sihuang and posted an extra photo of Arthur, but netizens who have been on the Internet for a long time, how can they not understand what this means.

face? Hehe, how can the man whose majesty likes him have such a bad face! As for the figure, just looking at this upper body is enough to make people drool, so what are you crooked Arthur doing? This is the real one!

Netizens and fans shouted that Master Ri is really jealous. Last time, he just made a fuss about Ji Sen and Si Huang, and he immediately confessed in a high-profile manner. Now tilt Arthur a bit, and he will show off his figure, this trick! This is boring! This courage! No wonder he was able to calm down His Majesty, and secretly abducted His Majesty.

Just why do you think it's so cute? Oh, as expected of His Majesty, even such a manly man was subdued into a little daughter-in-law.

Si Huang, who was participating in a promotional program today, received two messages, one from Dou Wenqing and one from Xia Qitong.

The former made a complaint about how Master Qin became so coquettish and thick-skinned.

Si Huang just smiled after reading it, and replied that what she likes is Qin Fan's anger.

Dou Wenqing didn't reply to the letter for a long time, and when he replied later, it was also about the situation abroad.

As for Xia Qitong's message, it was farewell, saying that the vacation was over, and that she would have time to go to country R to find him.

Si Huang looked at the R country, smiled and wrote back to tell him that he would have a chance.

That's right, there will be a chance. The matter she wants to investigate has not yet come to fruition, and the rare promise she made has not yet been fulfilled. Country R must go there.

It's just that before going to country R, ​​Sihuang still has to settle the domestic work, the promotion of "Mysterious Kingdom" and the filming of "Dragon City".

"Dragon City" is a movie adapted from a best-selling oriental fantasy novel. As a hot IP, it already has a group of loyal fans, which makes this drama already have enough popularity before filming starts.

However, this has both advantages and disadvantages, that is, the character described in words, a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people, the more they like this character imagined by words, the harder it is for them to accept the differences in reality.

Zhao Jingxuan, the male protagonist of "Dragon City", is a typical example of a rebel's counterattack. He was originally a gangster, but accidentally broke into the turmoil of winning treasures. After having a good fortune, he achieved hegemony and was surrounded by beauties.

This kind of novel belongs to the dog's blood, but if it can write out the characteristics of the dog's blood and catch people's attention, it is a success.

As the performer of Zhao Jingxuan, Si Huang not only analyzed the lines and characters of Zhao Jingxuan's character, but also read the original and adapted script of the novel "Dragon City".

Originally, her favorite character was a mysterious male supporting role in this play. This male supporting role looked very gloomy and cold when he first appeared on the scene. With the hero.

A tragic male supporting role who was extremely powerful and perverted at the beginning, making people fear and love, and then suddenly whitewashed in the later stage, the degree of fan attraction can be imagined.

Si Huang first went to take a makeup photo, and made thorough preparations during the period, but he didn't get into too much trouble due to the influence of bad luck brought by Heizi.

With the promotional video of "Mysterious Kingdom" leading the way, this time when the makeup photos of "Dragon City" came out, the reaction was not as big as expected, but it was still enough to make the producers excited.

He was very glad that Sihuang chose "Dragon City". With Sihuang's influence, after the filming of "Dragon City" was completed, it would be a simple matter to win the award?

Although he had such thoughts in his heart, the producers of "Dragon City" did not relax, but became more serious, just to succeed in one fell swoop.

Currently in China, Sihuang has just accepted a work of "Dragon City", and spends more time on participating in event parties and award-winning conferences.

The conferences held by the Vbo platform and the awards ceremonies held by major authoritative organizations are the most indispensable in the country. As long as Sihuang thinks it is necessary to participate, they have attended, and some conferences have even accompanied Grandma Yu.

During this period of time, Sihuang has been in the limelight, winning prizes and being soft-handed, which made his colleagues feel envious, jealous and helpless.

A week later, "Mysterious Country" officially premiered abroad, and Sihuang was invited to country M.

Before she boarded the plane, she received calls from several people, and finally Si Huang smiled and sent each of them a message back.

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