Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 955 Become the Primary Target

Although he was a little caught off guard by Si Huang's resolute actions, the sika deer's ability to accept is still very good. After all, he has a leader who is almost as aggressive as Si Huang in terms of actions.

The only difference is that Sihuang is better at taking shortcuts, and knows how to use the world to complete one thing more quickly.

In comparison, it's not that Qin Fan's actions are wrong. You must know that Qin Fan's force value can indeed make people ignore certain strategies.

In this room, the sika deer helped the young man of Dongying College to sit on a chair, and then woke him up.

This is the first time that Sihuang and Sika Lu cooperate, but the cooperation between the two is exceptionally in tune.

The moment the school manager opened his eyes, Si Huang took the initiative to use his binocular powers to confuse the confused person who had just woken up, and then used his voice to soothe the school manager's emotions.

Next is the home court of the sika deer. The sika deer hypnotizes the school manager, without borrowing props, and successfully hinting to people with a pair of hands and a mouth.

This is also the first time Sihuang has seen the sika deer's hypnosis with her own eyes. In fact, she will come to the sika deer for help today, not just to give hints to the school manager, but also to see the ability of the sika deer with her own eyes. After all, she promised Qin Fan , I will find an opportunity to let the sika deer hypnotize myself.

After the hint was successful, the sika deer asked the school director a few questions, and the other party could answer them fluently without any flaws.

The sika deer let the school director fall asleep again, and said to Sihuang: "No one will notice anything unusual about this level of hint."

"Even if it's a psychologist or hypnotist who is on par with you?" Si Huang asked.

The sika deer said: "This hint is not harmful to him, so he won't be subconsciously rejected."

Si Huang understands it, and even the subconscious will not produce a trace of rejection, then it is like you have pierced ears, even if it is done on a whim, without this memory, you will not care about the specifics of this matter , anyway, there is no harm to itself.

When Sihuang retracted her thoughts, she found that the expression of the sika deer had changed slightly, which looked a little strange.

She raised her eyebrows slightly, and looked at the sika deer suspiciously.

The sika deer coughed awkwardly. In fact, he didn't know how to get along with Sihuang alone.

He had analyzed Sihuang's danger to Guo Chengxiong and the others, but he knew that as teammates, they would not hurt each other because of Qin Fan's relationship. However, as a psychologist and a hypnotist specializing in psychology, Sika Deer habitually speaks to pry into other people's privacy, but is Sihuang so easy to pry? He was worried that he would offend someone with a word he said inadvertently.

He has personally seen Sihuang's rejection of hypnosis and research.

"You..." The sika deer thought for a while, then thought of what he had guessed this morning, "Are you going to use yourself as a bait to focus everyone's attention on you?"

Although it was a question sentence, what Sihuang saw in the eyes of the sika deer was a look of affirmation. She never felt that her behavior could hide this person, and she said frankly: "When I was training in the army, I didn't hide my appearance. I don't think I can hide it. Since everyone is being watched, I don't mind more people staring at me, even if they don't want to stare, I will force them to stare at me."

"It's very dangerous for you to do this." The sika deer said.

Si Huang: "If I don't do this, it will be dangerous."

The email that Bai Ze sent to herself flashed through her mind.

Xueqi has not obtained relevant information yet, which means that what Bai Ze gave her is the internal information of immortality, the information obtained in exchange for Bai Ze's life.

From Qin Fan's point of view, she was targeted because of her special bloodline and her long-term exposure. Si Huang was also suspicious before, but after having the email information given by Bai Ze, she felt that things were not so simple.

Perhaps, she is not only being targeted, but also receiving heavy attention. The reason for this is not simply because she is a special bloodline supernatural power, but also because her bloodline is more familiar to the mysterious organization than other bloodlines. care?

Si Huang didn't tell Qin Fan about this, not because he didn't believe him. But I feel that if I say so, Qin Fan will definitely protect her. They are in the light, and the other is in the dark, and if they make a small move, they may startle the snake.

Si Huang is still confident about her own protection ability.

When thinking of the special bloodline, Si Huang naturally thought of his matriarchal line.

When Lilith met at Halson College in country Y, Sihuang focused on activities in China after receiving the other party's note. In fact, it was deliberately to whet the appetite of the other party, because Si Huang didn't fully trust what was said on the note.

If the other party had really protected her, why did Li Lisi die so easily and himself in his previous life die so miserably?

If there is no experience in the previous life, as an eighteen-year-old young man who suddenly encounters a mysterious relative who gave this note, he probably can't wait to pursue the truth.

Although Sihuang didn't seem to be doing anything here, he had secretly asked Ivan to focus on Lilith and investigate the family behind her.

"Be careful yourself." The sika deer's helpless voice sounded.

Si Huang nodded to him, then turned and left.

The sika deer sent her out, but on the way, he remembered that there was only one person left in his house, "What should he do?"

"I'll leave it to you." Si Huang said irresponsibly.

The sika deer was speechless again, and he thought to himself: Didn't Sihuang really come to embarrass himself on purpose?

In fact, Si Huang didn't realize it herself, she just had a bad intention to embarrass the sika deer a little bit.

As for the reason? The sika deer must have never imagined that it would not take long for Sihuang to fall into his hands. It's just that at that time, the sika deer, who had scruples about Sihuang, naturally didn't dare to probe into the depths of her heart casually.

As a core member of Blood Banner, Sika Deer naturally has his own set of methods. Instead of carefully transporting people out, he uses hypnotic hints to let the school manager go away by himself.

The next day, the students of Dong Ying College discovered a strange phenomenon - the two protagonists who were rumored to be fighting and gossiping yesterday, but today they are walking together.

The school manager's name is Sato Hideichi, he is 1.68 meters tall, with yellow hair dyed, his appearance is not bad, but the influence of temperament makes him look more like a street gangster - as himself, Sato Hideyoshi This street gangster's demeanor still feels good about himself, and he thinks he's so handsome!

Standing beside Si Huang, such a person is as uncoordinated as a yellow-haired monkey, but the other party can still jump around.

In just one night, Sato Hideo regarded Sihuang as a close friend, the kind who could exchange porn, talk dirty, and go to nightclubs together.

For Sato Hideichi's nagging, Sihuang was able to keep calm, which felt a bit perfunctory, but he didn't really ignore it. When Sato Hideichi asked her something, Sihuang would occasionally nod and shake his head, or say a few simple words The reply made Sato Hideichi and the other dogs around him feel that Sihuang was really listening.

As for perfunctory? From the outside, Si Huang just started to learn Japanese, so it's probably not bad if he can understand, not to mention he can answer a few sentences occasionally! That's enough genius!

This changed the surrounding dogs' impression of Sihuang, but it was impossible to hook up with Sihuang, not even Sato Hideichi.

Si Huang's eyes floated over, and he said with a smile: "I don't like to have excessive physical contact with people." So Sato Hideichi and his dog legs behaved.

Who made Si Huang Mingming smile, the smile is so beautiful and clean that even these boys can't help blushing and heartbeat, but it makes people feel that there seems to be a knife floating in those eyes, so gloomy that it makes people chill, unconsciously Be good.

At this moment, a message sounded on the phone.

Si Huang took out his mobile phone to look, and found that it was Mu Ling Mai's message again.

In the past two days, the other party invited her several times for various reasons.

Sato Hideichi leaned his head over to look.

If Sihuang didn't want him to see it, he would definitely not be able to see a word. On the contrary, if Sihuang wanted him to see it, Sato Hideichi would have to look at it if he didn't want to.

"Mu Ling Mai? Ah! Great beauty! You were invited to a date by Mai-chan!?" Sato Hideichi looked at Si Huang's face jealously.

Si Huang smiled and said in short words: "Not only is she a great beauty, but she is also very kind."

"That's right! That's right!" Sato Hideichi seemed to have a very good impression of Mai Kibishi, "She sponsored many poor top students!"

"You like her." Si Huang said.

"What?" Sato Hideichi didn't seem to be able to react, but his face turned red the next moment, "How is it possible? Mai-chan is older than me! No, I don't mean to dislike her, Mai-chan is the prettiest! Then... Ahhhh! Yes! That's right! I just like Mai-chan! I like her the most!"

In the end, this bastard shouted out loudly, making the passing students of Dongying College all look at him.

But everyone seems to know his personality. After taking a look at him, their eyes naturally fell on Sihuang.

Sihuang sized up Sato Hideichi. To be honest, it would be unbelievable for such a big boy of the second nature to participate in the human experiment.

Perhaps, Sato Hideichi is really a simple bastard, well protected by his school manager father.

Facing the expectant eyes that Sato Hideichi looked at, Si Huang used the translation function in his mobile phone to write a paragraph for Sato Hideichi to read alone.

After Sato Hideichi read it mysteriously, his eyes towards Sihuang became brighter, and he nodded hurriedly.

Mu Ling's house.

In a room, kimonos were scattered on the floor, and two white bodies were intertwined.

The message from the mobile phone came suddenly. The woman lying between the man and the ground stretched out an arm and looked at the mobile phone on the ground.

Then a light flashed in her eyes, and then she frowned again, put her hands around the neck of the man on her body, and said in a low hoarse voice, "Bai, in two days, um, accompany me to a place .”

"Okay." Chiba Bai glanced at her phone, and then returned to Mai Muling.

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