The second dimension is popular in country R, ​​and the education method in the college is also different from other countries. While paying attention to extracurricular activities, there will always be some interesting 'legends' popular in the school. Most of these "legends" exist in various old teaching buildings or old places that are vacant and useless.

As a famous institution in Tokyo, Dongying Academy has a long history belonging to her, so such legends are naturally indispensable.

On Sunday, a rare holiday, after the afternoon class ended, the sky was getting darker and darker. Except for the students who were on duty or those who stayed in the teaching building late in the arrangement of club activities, there were no longer any students in the vast Dongying College. During the day, it is lively and people can be seen everywhere.

A black car drove into the parking lot of Dongying College unobtrusively.

A man stepped out from the front passenger seat. He wore a white shirt and beige trousers, making him tall and elegant.

Chiba Bai walked to the back seat and opened the car door, and took out Muhibi who was also wearing everyday clothes.

Although it is a daily wear, the long skirt for autumn is light pink. Both the shape and the overall feeling are very good, making Mu Ling Mai look like a girl who is not yet 20 years old.

She has delicate light makeup on her face, and rhinestone jewelry on her neck and wrists, which are not too expensive and not too casual, obviously dressed in meditation.

Mai Muling took out her phone, opened the location she had just received, greeted Chiba Bai, followed the location navigation, and walked to the destination.

The two came here in a low-key manner, but they were not afraid of being discovered, and they would not avoid the cameras passing by the school.

When he got to the place, Mu Ling Mai found that there was no one around, and it was so dark that even the buildings looked extraordinarily blurred.

This is the west corner of Dongying College, which belongs to the land of Dongying College. It is just a very old dormitory building, which can be traced back to the emperor's era, so even the buildings are mostly made of wood, and the floors are not high. Because of its historical significance, even if it occupied a place, Dongying College did not tear it down, but kept it, and did not intend to renovate it.

Now Muling Mai is standing in front of this old dormitory building, and after not seeing Sihuang, she called her.

The phone rang once and was hung up.

Mu Ling Mai's brows could not help but wrinkle, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

She was already very face-saving when she came here at Sihuang's invitation, but the other party hung up on her phone, which made Muling Mai have to wonder if Sihuang was playing tricks on purpose.

It's just that this trace of anger disappeared completely after seeing a figure walking out of the dormitory building.

There are no street lights here, and it is almost completely dark after eight o'clock. The dormitory building is located in the west, and there are a few particularly old and strong trees next to it, making the light and shadow even darker and mottled. In such dimness, the whiteness of Sihuang's skin at the door is even more prominent. It is different from Qianye Bai's snow white, delicate and vivid, full of collagen and rosyness of young people.

If Qianyebai's fairness makes people feel cold and fragile, Sihuang's fairness is full of vitality and warmth.

This vitality appears in this cold and dark night, and it can inadvertently touch the softest place in the depths of people's hearts. It is an indescribable and real touch.

Muling Maiyi is very satisfied with Sihuang, especially when she sees the other party's youthful appearance like a little Baiyang, it reminds her of Sihuang's wild and bad appearance, which is very different from the current image, and it is unexpectedly unremarkable. Feeling strange, it became a little secret in her heart, a secret that no one else knew.

Just thinking about it makes people feel happy and excited.

Sihuang greeted the two of them, "Ms. Muling, Mr. Qianye, good evening."

Qianye Bai nodded to her, and seemed to have no interest in talking, most of his eyes fell on Mai Muling.

Mai Muling said, "You can just call me Mai." She was a little surprised and praised: "K has only learned Japanese for a few days, and he can speak such a standard, really amazing! He is indeed a genius!"

Si Huang smiled, but still called Mu Ling Mai Miss Mu Ling, which made Mu Ling Mai unhappy, and scratched his heart and lungs, and wanted to get closer to Si Huang alone, and wanted to see if this changeable man was When the two of them were alone, they were still acting like this!

[Did Ms. Muling try to play the game of courage when she was studying at Dongying College? ] Sihuang typed on her mobile phone to express her doubts to Mai Muling.

When Mu Ling Mai was also planning to use the mobile phone to translate and type, Si Huang had already said: "You don't need to bother, I understand more or less."

Mu Ling Mai glanced at the hand that was pressing her, and let go of it within a second after touching her, but Mu Ling Mai felt that the other's little finger seemed to inadvertently swipe across the back of her hand, bringing up A tingling itch that doesn't go away.

Mai Muling showed a sweet smile. After entering this ancient house, there was no light and no extra outsiders around. She didn't worry that her undignified appearance would be seen by outsiders and cause unnecessary trouble, so she looked at Sihuang There was already traces of temptation in his eyes, and his voice was sweeter and softer, "No, I have a lot of homework. After finishing school homework, I still have to study when I go home."

"It's a pity." Si Huang sighed, and made another text on her mobile phone, [But it's no wonder you are so good. ]

Mai Muling had heard this kind of praise many times, so she didn't care much about such words, and gave Sihuang a reserved smile, then thought of something, and asked Sihuang: "Where is Sato Shuichi? Didn't you say that he is also there?" here?"

Si Huang did not answer, pointing to the front left.

Muling Mai looked over instinctively, and then felt that her foot was empty, and grabbed her foot with one hand.

Mu Ling Mai's eyes flickered, and he lowered his head to take a look, resisting not kicking the wretched man who dared to grab her feet, but let out a startled cry.

"Mai?" Qianye Bai reached out to support her.

It's just that someone took a step faster than him. Sihuang had already supported Mu Ling Mai's shoulders, and Mu Ling Mai Yi grabbed her hand tightly, leaning half of her body, without speaking, but vividly interpreting the tension and fright.

"Haha." The mellow laughter was in the dark, and the uncontrolled tone made the heart tremble with the syllable.

Si Huang seemed to be belatedly aware that her laughter was not kind, and stopped it in time, sighing: "Miss Mu Ling is a coward."

Mu Ling Mai raised his eyes, stared at Si Huang with a round stare, and let out a low protesting hum from his nose.

Si Huang's eyes instantly became dark and deep.

This kind of gaze is too familiar to Mai Muling, it is a dangerous gaze belonging to men, representing their rising lust.

It is said that the eyes are the window to the soul, which is true, not only the soul, but even the body's reactions can be exposed through the eyes.

A person can cover up the changes in his body through external objects and patience, but the eyes are the most direct and cannot be concealed by external objects.

In contrast, the emotions deduced from the eyes are also the easiest to be discovered and believed.

Muling Maiyi's hairs stood on end under such stares, if she was an ordinary introverted girl, she would be too ashamed to raise her head when she was stared at with such deep eyes.

On the contrary, Muling Maiyi stared at Sihuang more, responding to "men's lust" with watery eyes.

The two stared at each other for only a second or two, Si Huang turned his eyes to other places, and said: "Miss Mu Ling, please be more careful."

Mu Ling Mai frowned slightly, and this time the snort brought out real dissatisfaction.

She felt that if Si Huang didn't even have the guts to...

As soon as this thought came up, a mobile phone appeared in front of my eyes, with a paragraph on the screen.

Si Huang deliberately blocked Qianye Bai's sight by lowering his head to help her see the way.

In this way, Muling Mai was the only one who saw this passage.

[Run quickly at the next turn, I will catch you. Also, I don't like the way Mr. Chiba looks at you. ]

Mu Lingmai smiled openly, let go of Sihuang's hand pretending to be angry, turned her head and said coldly: "Don't follow me."

Qianye Bai, who was behind, took two steps forward, wanting to read the words in the phone, but Si Huang had already deleted it.

Chiba Bai said: "K, don't give Mai a bad idea, it's dangerous here."

A legendary haunted house on campus is nothing more than a group of students pretending to be ghosts, what dangers can there be?

Is this danger defined by the fact that Mai Muling tripped, or was she mentally frightened?

For Sihuang who can see things in the dark, Chiba Bai couldn't hide his expression and eyes. The other party's concern for Muhishi Mai seemed to be real, as if he regarded Muhihi Mai as an ignorant little girl, and his eyes were on her. When she is on her body, she will be gentle and tolerant with a hint of helplessness.

Si Huang replied: "Okay."

This sentence was only promised for two minutes, and it was broken when it came to the next turn.

Muling Maiyi suddenly said to run and ran, Qianye Bai reacted and wanted to chase, but was blocked by Sihuang.

Qianye Bai looked at Si Huang, and Si Huang smiled at him, but his eyes were cold and emotionless.

While blocking Chiba Bai, her knees were already bent, ready to attack the opponent's abdomen.

According to Chiba Bai's wholehearted pursuit of Kihishi Mai, his body must not be able to react.

Just unexpectedly, Si Huang found that a tiny needle had already touched the skin of her wrist.

Si Huang was surprised, then squinted his eyes, had to give up the leg that attacked Qianye Bai, and twisted his wrist to avoid the inadvertent needle.

At the same time, Wubao's voice also sounded in his mind: [Your Majesty, there is a conspiracy! Get out of the way! 】

In that instant, the distance between Qianye Bai and her was half a meter.

The two looked at each other.

Si Huang realized instantly.

Chiba Bai just pretended to go after Mu Ling Mai, the real purpose was that shot.

"The acting is good." Si Huang smiled.

Qianye Bai smiled softly, and flexibly swung the small syringe held by the fingertips, "Thank you. Actually, I don't want to use violence against you."

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