Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 957 Crushing Your Flesh

"On the contrary." Si Huang said: "I really want to use violence against you."

After saying a word, Si Huang took a step back.

There was an inconspicuous bullet hole where she had been standing on one leg.

This is the bullet hole of the bullet, which means that when Si Huang was talking just now, someone shot her secretly.

To be able to shoot in such a dark place, the target was still her leg, which meant that the shooter had been prepared for a long time, either with night vision ability or wearing night vision goggles.

No matter which possibility it is, it means that the other party has ambushed in advance.

Si Huang lowered her face and looked at the pale man in front of her with deep eyes.

Qianye Bai looked calm and relaxed, and smiled unhurriedly: "This is country R after all, and your calculations are too young."

Si Huang said coldly: "Since you can understand Chinese, you should also be able to speak it. Maybe you are a native of country Z. Why do you have to use Japanese for every sentence?"

Qianye Bai rolled his eyes and thought, "Maybe it's because you've been in Country R for too long?"

This sentence is tantamount to acknowledging him as a native of country Z in disguise.

Si Huang's pupils constricted, and his complexion changed instantly. First it was red and then white, and suddenly he groaned in pain.

"Despicable." Si Huang bent down and squatted down, covering her left calf, cursing hoarsely.

Just now, the secret shooter took advantage of her moment of loss of consciousness and seized the opportunity to shoot her.

The most important thing is that the shooting direction is different this time, which means that there is more than one gunman hiding in the dark.

Qianye Bai shook her head, "K, are you afraid?"

Si Huang was about to refute, when he heard the other party say the next sentence without stopping, "Are you afraid of me?"

The words in Si Huang's throat got stuck in his throat, he suppressed the expression on his face, and looked directly at Qianye Bai fearlessly.

Chiba Bai snapped his fingers.

Si Huang keenly felt the sound of bullets coming from the wind.

She tried her best to roll over to avoid it, because one leg was injured, so her movements looked awkward.

Qianye Bai sighed, "Be good, I won't hurt you, and I will make you more perfect, trust me?"

This sentence made Sihuang's head explode, and there was a white light in front of his eyes. Something flashed in his mind in a trance. It was like a black and white picture of an inferior old TV with snowflakes and jamming. The most dazzling and clear thing was the white one above his head The operating light blinded my eyes and I couldn't see anything. There seemed to be such a gentle voice next to my ear, whispering some unclear words.

Obviously I can't see anything, I don't have a real and clear picture, but I feel the pain of being lingering all over my body.

Even if this pain disappears in a blink of an eye, the remaining mental pain still lingers for a long time.

If it wasn't for the sound of Wubao exploding in his mind that woke Sihuang up, Sihuang might really make a mistake at such a dangerous moment.

[Your Majesty is invincible! Your majesty is mighty and majestic! Your majesty is magnificent! Why is it possible to be afraid of a petite like you! 】

Si Huang was dumbfounded, suddenly felt that such five treasures were so cute and helpless, and replied to it consciously, "There is a wrong idiom."

【Ga? Is there anything? 】Five Treasures are confused.

Si Huang had already turned around and ran away, but before she could take two steps, she was trapped within an inch by the hidden gunman.

There was not one or two gunmen in ambush, but there were five in total.

This is still the hands that showed up to surround her, and no one can be sure if there will be more.

It seems that Qianye Bai is determined to capture her today.

Facing the five guns pointed at him, Si Huang was not afraid, just stared at Qianye Bai, and said mockingly: "Poor woman, I thought you were fascinated, but in fact you used it thoroughly. "

Who is this poor woman talking about, Qianye Bai will definitely know.

Qianye Bai looked at Si Huang helplessly, as if she was looking at a vexatious child, silently accusing Si Huang, obviously she was doing the same thing, but it was wrong to accuse others.

"Do you think I'm going to blame Mai for your disappearance? No, I thought you knew about Xiuyi's problem, otherwise how could he be counted?"

Shuichi Sato's question?

Si Huang really didn't know, but based on the information about Sato Hideichi investigated by the blood flag, he learned that he was an arrogant and domineering young man, and he was not as ruthless as the bastard in the daytime when dealing with those who offended him. Of course, it’s not surprising that some people are cruel and ruthless to their enemies no matter how bad they are to their friends. Maybe he is protected and spoiled so well that he doesn’t feel that what he is doing is cruel.

With these previous convictions, it is not surprising that Hideo Sato did something to his rival in love.

Sihuang is planning to throw this blame on Sato Hideichi or Muhishi Mai, and it is best to split the two alliances.

Qianye Bai said to himself, "Maybe I should take care of you quickly, or there will be a little trouble."

Si Huang felt that her IQ had been insulted, her expression was so cold that she stared at Qianye Bai.

Qianye Bai was neither angry nor satirized Si Huang, and beckoned a man with a gun to come to him, and handed over the syringe in his hand to him.

The man nodded and strode towards Sihuang.

This vigilance made Sihuang's eyes darker, and the color inside became darker and darker, like a cluster of dark green dots in the darkness, flashing fierce like a wolf.

Qianye Bai's eyes lit up, and a brighter smile appeared on his face, "I know that you are immune to ordinary drugs, but this is a model I personally designed for people like you."

After these words fell, Si Huang, who was still squatting quietly on the ground, struggled suddenly, but the next moment, a gun was pointed at the head.

Si Huang struggled and still didn't stop, she directly grabbed the muzzle of the gun with her hand, and said fiercely, "You dare not kill me."

Qianye Bai nodded, "I am reluctant to kill you."


Even with a silencer, shooting at such a short distance can still make some sounds clear.

"Ah!" Si Huang screamed, the hand holding the muzzle of the gun shook, and then fell down.

Blood fell from her palm, leaving a hideous hole in her palm.

Qianye Bai: "It's a pity, but don't worry, I will restore you to the original, after all, you look perfect now."

Not killing doesn't mean not being able to hurt.

The man who fired the gun acted very quickly, piercing the needle hole into Sihuang's neck, and injecting all the liquid into Sihuang's body.

"Let go of me! Stop!" Never before had she been passive like this, Si Huang's eyes widened, they were completely dark green, and the light was frightening. Like a trapped lone wolf, gnashing its teeth and struggling, the result is physical loss.

No matter how fierce Si Huang's eyes were, Qianye Bai's expression didn't change much, except for the eyes that looked at her quietly, gradually showing a hint of pleasure and enjoyment.

"Tell me, who are you!?" Si Huang shouted.

Qianye Bai didn't answer, and walked towards her slowly.

The man in the dark is as white as snowflakes, but chillingly cold.

The fragility emanating from him, in the eyes of everyone present at this time, I'm afraid no one can feel a little bit of pity.

"...Bai Guangxi, you are Bai Guangxi, right?" Sihuang's voice became hoarse, and his pupils kept shrinking.

Qianye Bai still didn't give a clear answer, but showed a very kind smile, "Good boy," he stopped one meter away from Sihuang, bent to look at Sihuang on the ground, "I knew when I was a child You will not let me down, my good brother, I have worked hard for you these years, and I will let my brother take good care of you in the future."

Si Huang was stunned.

The next moment, the hand of the man next to him holding the syringe was grabbed, and he slashed towards his neck with undeniable force.

The needle was not too long and very thin, but it still easily cut through the blood vessels in the man's neck.

Blood sprayed all over the ground, and also stained Si Huang's face who didn't avoid it in time.


There was a muffled gunshot.

Qianye Bai's chest exploded with blood one meter away.

He looked at Si Huang in a little astonishment.

In the blink of an eye, Si Huang had already come in front of him, reaching out to grab Qianye Bai's body as his shield.

Bang, bang, bang!

Four shots in a row without any pause.

In the darkness, the four gunmen who were also in a daze for a moment were shot and fell to the ground.

"You..." As soon as Qianye Bai spoke, blood came out of his mouth, and he turned to look at Sihuang, "Your legs are fine, your hands..."

Si Huang's hand was just scratched on the edge of the palm, and a little blood was flowing down.

Qianye Bai was full of thought, he clearly saw Si Huang's legs and hands were shot through with his own eyes, and the other party's pain didn't look like a fake.

"Ha...hahaha." Qianye Bai suddenly laughed happily, "As expected of an actor, your acting skills are really good. My eyes deceived me, so your special ability can not only resist drugs, but also It makes people hallucinate. It's so special, so good... In the notes, only the strong ancient blood can have so many abilities... Hiss."

Qianye Bai's words were interrupted, and a hole was punched in his forehead by the gun barrel.

Si Huang asked in his ear: "Are you desperate?"

Qianye Bai shook his head, "No, just as I won't kill you, you won't kill me either, I still have a chance."

"You said so much earlier, just to reveal a piece of information to me. You have a lot of precious information in your mind. These things are very important, so your life is also very important." Sihuang said.

Chiba smiled.

The next moment, his smile stopped, and he made a sound of "drinking" from his throat due to lack of oxygen.

In the end, he saw a pair of demonic dark green eyes in the darkness, and heard that low-mellow voice say: "Those are actually not as important as your life."

"After you die, I will release your blood to the land, feed your meat to animals, and grind your bones into powder for nutrition of flowers and plants. By the way, your most confident brain will also be separated. Maybe there is some technology that can directly What about extracting information from your brain? If not, feed it to the dog."

Si Huang laughed while talking, "Because I have seen people who can come back from the dead, so I have to be extra careful, so that if you can still come back to life..."

This assumption made Si Huang a little embarrassed, but she was embarrassed for only two seconds, and she said seriously: "If I can kill you once, I can kill you a second time, until you are really dead."

"My dear and terrible cousin."

"Good night."

Si Huang said softly.

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