Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 965 Fascinating the audience! (3)

The previous performance group on the stage had already retreated happily, and then a sea appeared behind the background of the big special effects on the whole stage. The field of vision is also widened.

Drops of water fell from above and landed on the surface of the sea water, creating a circle of ripples. Just when the circle of ripples opened, a light piano sounded.

This is the first beginning, and as more and more water drops fall, the piano sound can be perfectly matched, and the tacit understanding is perfect, making people wonder if the rain is controlled by the piano sound?

When the audience's minds were all aroused, the center of the stage was empty for a long time, and then slowly rose.

Everyone can see the whole picture of the ascending things, and the beautiful piano sound in their ears becomes more and more clear.

When the black piano and the person sitting on the chair playing the piano appeared in sight, many audience members showed amazed and astonished expressions.

Sihuang's stage makeup was really beyond people's expectations, especially those who watched it on the Internet and TV, couldn't help but complain about it.

"Is King's stylist an idiot? Did he make a mistake by letting King appear on stage like this!?"

"Baga—! K's hair is still dripping! Does the stylist have any grudge against K?"

"Hehe! Is this a provocative way for country Z to express dissatisfaction with its own country? It's too disrespectful to the concert, and I will never be confused by appearance! I oppose such an undignified performance!"

"The statement upstairs is too serious, how did it rise to the contradiction between countries! Think carefully!"

However, such complaints did not last long. As time passed, after the first round of surprises, the focus of the audience who watched on-site and off-site through the Internet immediately became different. The scene is also occupied by a new round of painting style.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I want K's beautiful feet! Why can a man's feet look so beautiful?"

"Look upstairs at King's hands! How can there be such a perfect person, the hand control party can't afford to be hurt, and the nosebleeds are all over the floor!"

"Don't ask why my screen is wet! You are so weak to see your hands and feet! If you have the ability to see, why don't you look at the sexy little eyes, the beautiful swan neck, and the collarbone that catches the water drops! Damn, That drop of water, let go of MyKing and replace it with me!"

There is a saying that men or women who work hard are the most attractive. In fact, as long as a person concentrates on doing one thing, he will be more charming than usual, let alone doing something related to art?

The elegance of the piano, the beauty of the piano music, and the rendering of the background make Sihuang, who is already very charming, have the same charm value as the halo of special effects, so dazzling that it is difficult for people not to notice, even the special casual With the ocean in the background, it looks like a soul performer drowning in the sea, with bare feet and wet hair, and floating clothes, adding a sense of agility.

Just when everyone was indulging in such beauty and wonderful music, the sudden change happened again——

The picture in the background suddenly seemed to be stuck for a few times, and then a "rumbling" thunder resounded in everyone's ears. The contrast with the brisk piano music played by Sihuang was so great that it made people feel instantly Zhong was stunned and didn't know how to react.

The movements of Sihuang's hands playing the piano also paused, and then stopped in mid-air.

The sound of the piano suddenly disappeared, and the scene in the background turned into a violent storm. With the sound of thunder and lightning, a strange atmosphere was brewing on and off the scene.

Everyone couldn't help but think, was there a mistake in the backstage of the Hongying Song Club, or was it Sihuang's mistake?

Hane and the others, who were watching the scene on a tablet in the dressing room, also turned dark instantly.

Others may not know it, but how could Yuene and the others not know it? When handing over the playlist and rehearsal to Sihuang, it was clearly requested that Sihuang play her famous piano piece, which is a light and pleasant piece. , the background is also a refreshing view of the sea.

In this situation now, there is no need to think that someone must have played tricks, but for the sake of the overall situation, the Hongying Song Club will definitely not admit that it was a work mistake in their backstage, so the blame can only be let Sihuang take the blame, or even make things worse , even Sihuang's stage dress will be criticized.

"Brother!" Yu Ling's eyes were red with anxiety, not only worried but also angry.

Yuene pressed her shoulders, motioned her to calm down, and inadvertently turned to look at Luo Suosi's manager on the other side.

The other party did not hide the schadenfreude on his face at all.

Yuene wanted to rush up and distort the opponent's face, but he knew that without evidence, he couldn't accuse the opponent of doing these things. What's more, Yuene itself also finds it strange that Luo Suosi and the others are also stars from country Z. Maybe they can secretly destroy a prop in the dressing room, but it is a bit difficult to destroy the playback process of the Hongying Song Club , It's not like Luo Suosi and the others can do it.

The sudden sound of the piano on the tablet interrupted Yuene's train of thought. He looked at the picture on the tablet in surprise and joy, and saw that Sihuang inside had continued his performance.

On the stage, Sihuang's fingering was smooth and fast, not at all like an impromptu performance.

Most people who don't know the situation think that this is a special arrangement of the show. From brisk and agile to majestic, there are completely two styles of repertoire, isn't it surprising to people? As for Sihuang's pause for a few seconds, in the eyes of these people, it was self-imagined as a deliberate appetite.

As for the group of people who know the truth, they have different moods.

In the dressing room, Yu Ling showed an excited and bewildered smile on her surprised face, "I knew it, I knew it, Sihuang...Sihuang is a genius!"

"Well, he's a genius." Yuene sighed, looked deeply at Sihuang on the tablet, and once again felt that this young man who was a few years younger than himself gave people an infinite sense of security.

Luo Suosi's manager snorted coldly after a short period of sluggishness, but his eyes were unusually complicated, with a hint of disbelief.

VIP table.

Luo Suosi's face was expressionless, but his cheeks were tense, and he couldn't see it unless he looked carefully.

His hands on his knees also tightly clenched his knees.

Xia Qitong, who was sitting a seat away, narrowed his eyes and looked at Si Huang on the stage quietly, with a relaxed smile on the corner of his mouth, the whole person was in a comfortable state, and even his eyes were slowly emptied up.

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