Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 966 Fascinating the audience! (4)

When the camera caught him, it gave people the impression that he was completely immersed in the performance, admiring it with all his heart.

Boom boom boom boom!

The heavy tone seems to break through the dark clouds and the impact of the sky!

This is a brand new piano piece, but it was not composed by Sihuang.

She is talented in music, but she is not so talented that she can create a new piece of music in a few seconds. It is still this kind of classic piano piece. If she succeeds, she is not a genius, but a monster!

The piano piece she is playing now is called "Thunderbird", which is a few years later... Luo Suosi's work!

The fingering speed required for this piano piece is very fast, and the whole piece feels both heavy and desperate, but there is a glimmer of hope in despair, and that hope is also extremely crazy! Like an eagle flying high in a violent storm, the more intense the thunder and lightning, the more it will fly in that direction. It is an impossible task, and at the expense of life!

Luo Suosi's status in the music scene is enough. He has won several consecutive positions as the king of the domestic music scene. His career has reached the peak. It's not that he can't go out of country Z and go further, it's just that his talent has reached the present This position is already the end point. For most singers, this is actually very successful.

Therefore, within a few years of his previous life, Luo Suosi slowly retired from the music scene. He hadn't released any new works for a few years, and lived in reclusive life. At one time, people wondered whether he planned to quit the music circle completely.

Until the year when Sihuang was 24 years old in the previous life, Luo Suosi suddenly composed a new song and completed an amazing solo. That piano piece was "Thunderbird".

According to the information and introduction from the previous life, the creator of the song "Thunderbird" is Luo Suosi.

Because of this song "Thunderbird", even if Si Huang guessed that Luo Suosi had feelings for Li Lisi at that time, he didn't help Li Lisi when she was in the most difficult time, and he couldn't get too disgusted with Luo Suosi. Feeling, after all, everyone has their own ideas, no one stipulates who must help whom, but as Li Lisi's only disciple, even if it is out of the teacher's and apprentice's affection, he should not ignore it.

People say that music can express a person's heart. Since Luo Suosi, who can create the song "Thunderbird", maybe he has some difficulties? ——This idea didn't stay in Sihuang's mind for a long time before she forgot it, because she and Luo Suosi didn't have any intersection.

The contact with Luo Suosi in this life was an accident, but after the personal contact, Luo Suosi's impression on Sihuang has been going downhill.

It made Si Huang doubt for a while, was the song "Thunderbird" really composed by Luo Suosi? Maybe it's because there's been no work for a few years. In order to accumulate a lot of money, the company behind it arranged a good show and changed the creator to Luo Susi to make a gimmick?

No matter what the truth is, Si Huang no longer intends to explore it. The reason why she chose this song is nothing more than to repay Luo Suosi.

She didn't offend anyone in the Hongying Song Club, the only one whose relationship became stiff was Mu Ling Mai, but the other party obviously wouldn't do such trivial things as destroying people's costumes, let alone the people in the God-making organization who secretly stared at her. Yes, so the biggest suspects are Luo Suosi and the others.

If the other party insists on playing this game with her, then don't blame her for stealing the works that will belong to the other party in a few years.

Even Luo Suosi would never have thought that this piano piece should have belonged to him.

Perhaps there is a definite destiny in the dark, this piano piece was played by Sihuang in advance, and it made Luo Suosi, one of the audience, resonate uncontrollably. It gradually changed from indifference to complexity, and then to pain and confusion. It was a mess but no one noticed.

"Thunderbird" and the background picture did not have the tacit cooperation at the beginning, but they were unusually harmonious. Even the sound of thunder was no longer noise, covering a lot of piano sounds, but blending into a stronger sense of picture And give people a sense of resonance, the kind of heartfelt heaviness and the shock of pursuing breakthroughs come from the inside.

The audience watching the live broadcast outside the venue did not have the direct feelings of the audience, but this did not prevent them from paying attention to other things. Su, Sihuang's shoulders and body moving along with the playing, the expression on Sihuang's face, his eyes closed and occasionally opened, the eyes behind the black hair, sometimes deep and deep, sometimes desperate and painful, sometimes sharp as a knife , Crazy for a while!

In such a pair of eyes, it seems to see the vast world, and see a small but great life, that lonely eagle! It is spreading its wings, it is not afraid of wind and rain, even if its wings are incomplete, it will use up its last breath and rush to the end that it wants to see!

Sihuang is exquisite, her facial features are so exquisite that fans call her God's darling, her skin is so fair that there are no blemishes, everyone who sees her, whether male or female, can't help being amazed, how can a person grow up so good-looking? With man-made beauties and handsome guys all over the world, she is still able to overwhelm the crowd. It is no wonder that countless people can become her loyal fans just by their looks.

At this moment, Sihuang is so strange that people can't help but ignore her appearance, and completely indulge in the feast of music. In the indescribable appeal, there is a spiritual resonance and a tremor in the soul.

"!" The five treasures hidden in Sihuang's pocket did not dare to show up at such a critical moment.

It can only stare at the black bean eyes, and really feel that the gold glitters are being put into use one by one, and used for the evolution of Sihuang's sudden unwillingness to be lonely.

At the beginning, Wubao was very excited, feeling that His Majesty's blood was becoming more and more pure. Look at this natural confusing aura, scope and powder-absorbing and brainwashing ability. If you use it to describe and explain it, it's like the charm point bonus in the game, even if the appearance has not changed, but the charm is different.

But as time passed, Wubao found that Sihuang seemed to be completely addicted to a certain state, so he had to disturb Sihuang.

【His Majesty! Stop quickly, if the influence is too great, it will be exposed! 】

Si Huang was taken aback, but fortunately she did not stop playing, and heard the voice of the Five Treasures in her ears, 【If your majesty strengthens the deception, ordinary people may not be able to find anything, but those who want to hurt your majesty will definitely notice something is wrong of! 】

When Si Huang heard the words, he turned his eyes to the auditorium thoughtfully, and what he saw was silence and everyone's different expressions of intoxication.

Some people even fell into the song, and they didn't realize it when they burst into tears.

Originally, Sihuang took this performance more seriously because of the idea of ​​"it's rare to encounter this kind of framing insider's trick, the more the other party wants her to make a fool of herself, the more she wants to be beautiful", and she took this performance more seriously. I like the work "Thunderbird", so I put more effort into playing it.

Who knew this could be the case?

Although I don't know why this happened, Si Huang is experienced after all. She calmly restrained her inner feelings and ended the final performance.

But Si Huang didn't know that her last look back had fascinated many viewers who watched the live broadcast, and she just wished she could go back, but it's a pity that the live broadcast is so willful, if you don't grasp it, you still don't grasp it, and you will never stay for you.

you don't stay? Don't go backwards! ? Even let King exit! ?

Fuck! Give us back the King!

After Si Huang's performance ended, she consciously left the stage to make room for the singers of the next program.

There was a brief silence in the auditorium, and the piano on the stage stayed there alone for several seconds, as if the person who just played it was just a fantasy of everyone.

It wasn't until the lifting platform in the center of the stage finally moved, watching the piano descending with the platform, and disappearing little by little, that the audience in the auditorium woke up like a dream, and then there was thunderous applause, the warm and loud applause, One can't help but wonder if everyone in the audience applauded?

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