Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 978 Team up to grab credit (1)

The darkness of the night is the best camouflage, and several figures shuttled through the blind spot of the Dongying Academy's surveillance, moving quickly.

Qingtianwa followed one person quietly, and there were two other people who did the same behavior as him, and they happened to be Qingtianwa's roommates in a dormitory building.

"When will we do it?" Qingtianwa asked the roommate beside her.

The person he asked was the one with whom he had the best relationship in the dormitory. They usually talked the most, and they ate and acted together.

"Wait a little longer." The man said calmly: "The current place is not good. If you leave traces, you will lose points. Otherwise...hehe."

Qing Tianwa looked at the other party with an approving expression, and her eyes, which had adapted to the darkness, could clearly see the fierceness on the other party's young face.

This is a young man in his early twenties, his appearance has not yet fully grown, and some immaturity can still be seen in the outline.

Who would have thought that such a young man could exude such evil spirit no matter in his eyes or expression, and he could tell at a glance that he was not an upright ordinary youth.

The remaining person has not spoken, not only has few words, but also has a weak sense of existence. If it is not by your side, it is difficult to find where he is.

"Sunny." The roommate suddenly approached.

Such a sudden approach made Qing Tianwa's muscles tense, but she didn't see anything unusual on the surface. Looking at the other party with puzzled eyes, it seemed that he trusted this roommate.

"We're like this..." The roommate secretly glanced at the invisible person with his eyes, and communicated with Qing Tianwa with his lips.

Qing Tianwa had already 'exposed' to the other party that she could speak lips, so she could see the other party's silent words clearly, her eyes widened in surprise, showing disapproval and doubt.

The roommate stared at him and explained silently: One more person means one less opportunity.

Qingtianwa nodded reluctantly, but her face was still struggling.

What this roommate asked him to do was to secretly murder the young man who had no sense of existence.

Dongying College occupies a large area, and there are many old buildings and abandoned places. The monitoring is not without dead ends.

The moon was covered by dark clouds, and the whole world was so dark that there was no light at all. The baby of the sunny day was hinted at by her roommate and made a move.

"Ah huh!" The voice was not loud, and Qingtianwa saw her friendly roommate being covered with her mouth, leaving a bloodstain on her neck.

His eyes widened in an expression of unbelievable pain, but soon his breathing stopped.

Behind this roommate was the non-existent young man, his movements were so fast that he could finish this roommate in the blink of an eye.

Of course, this does not rule out the reason that the roommate is too arrogant.

Qing Tianwa raised her hand, "I don't trust you, and you don't trust me either. Let's split up?"

The young man shook his head, "I can get extra points for killing you."

Qingtianwa: "If I'm your partner, won't you lose points?"

The young man raised his head, "I can afford it."

In the darkness, those eyes were pitch-black and dull, but they could be seen clearly.

There is a sika deer in the blood flag, so the members inside often do some anti-hypnosis training. The sika deer will not keep its own team members, and will teach them how to resist the ability in this field.

It was Sunny Baby who immediately noticed something was wrong, and then turned around and ran away without hesitation.

After the young man realized that he hadn't been hit, he immediately chased after him.

The young man's speed was not only fast, but also silent. Hearing Qing Tianwa's heavy breathing, a trace of sarcasm appeared on the expressionless young man's face.

At a corner, Qingtianwa stopped abruptly, leaving a small bloodstain on his neck. Raising his head in horror, he saw the figure of a young man gradually appearing on the wall.

This is not through the wall, it should be the ninjutsu of country R. It cannot be ruled out that this young man is still a powerful character with a special bloodline bonus.

Qing Tianwa stepped back, "I quit! Don't kill me, I quit!"

"Exit?" The other party sneered, "Then you are going to die."

Qingtianwa turned around and ran away in horror. Such a reaction was no different from an idiot in the eyes of the other party. It didn't take much effort to deal with such an idiot...

Ok! ?

The young man made a well-thought-out stab, but was dodged unexpectedly.

not good!

The young man was startled, and it was too late when he realized something was wrong.

Although Qingtianwa's special bloodline ability is an auxiliary type, it doesn't mean he can't do it in other aspects. In fact, it is because she knows that her special bloodline can't give her combat bonuses, so Qingtianwa works harder in fighting.

"In fact, we are quite similar, and I'm not afraid of losing points." Qingtianwa pulled the knife out of the young man's abdomen.

After picking up the young man and transporting him to a place where it would not be easy to be found, Qing Tianwa searched the other party again, and took the other party's mobile phone, wallet, and murder weapon as her own before turning around and leaving.

Such killings can happen from time to time in Dongying Academy tonight, because tonight is not only the time for members of the Blood Banner to act, but also a test operation for hidden personnel from all sides in Dongying Academy.

This action involved not only sponsored student personnel, but also several other forces. It seems that everyone knows that today is unusual.

After analysis, the members of the Blood Banner came up with the answer. Not only did they want to use their tricks, but people from other forces probably also wanted to use their tricks. It is better to force everyone out at once than to find someone secretly.

Compared with the thrills on Qingtianwa's side, the sika deer's side is much easier to handle.

Originally, he obtained the list of suspects through intelligence, and secretly hypnotized four students during the teaching period of Dongying College. The time of this operation was learned from the mouths of the hypnotized students.

These hypnotized students died under his suggestion, not only killing themselves but also killing their companions. The sika deer only needs to operate secretly.

They don't want to find out the core of the god-making this time, but they can give a batch of new blood cultivated by the god-making to one pot!

Everything went smoothly according to plan.

"Deer! Get out of your position, you are surrounded!" Suddenly, Guo Chengxiong's urgent voice came from the earphone.

The sika deer's expression changed, and he immediately said, "The route."

"Go out and go up..." Guo Chengxiong immediately replied the safest route.

The sika deer just walked according to the direction he said, and just arrived at the top of the building, suddenly turned over and rolled on the ground with vigilance, looked up and his pupils tightened.

Where he had just stood, the bullet marks hadn't disappeared. Such traces are sniper rifles!

If his reaction was a little slower, he would be dead by now!

"Xiong!?" The sika deer immediately found a place to hide and asked Guo Chengxiong the reason for the accident.

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