Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 979 Team up to grab credit (2)

Guo Chengxiong: "... cheated! If I'm not mistaken, we've been exposed!"

"If I'm not wrong, the other party is a stronger hacker than me, and he gave me false data feedback..." Losing in this field, and almost killing his teammates, this is for Guo Chengxiong It was a heavy blow.

In this era of relying on the Internet, a master hacker is equal to an uncrowned king.

Guo Chengxiong already knew that he was not the opponent's opponent, so he didn't dare to give his teammates any more information, for fear of being hurt by the opponent again.

"Cut off contact." A deep voice suddenly sounded, making the fluctuating heart calm down, "Then escape on your own."

Sika Deer and Qing Tianwa immediately followed suit and cut off the communication with Guo Chengxiong's teammates.

It didn't take long for them to realize how dangerous their situation was - in this operation, they were not only trying to catch a turtle in their urn, but they also became a turtle in someone's secret plan!

The situation on Sunshine Baby's side is a bit better, at least he is still on flat ground, and his location is good for action. The sika deer was on the top of the building, and it was too difficult to avoid the sniper's lock and then leave, especially as he knew that the longer the time dragged on, the more dangerous his situation would be.

After Qingtianwa and the others realized that they had been discovered, the situation in Dongying Academy changed. From the assassination at the beginning to the open murder, it seemed that the violent storm that had been suppressed had finally begun to unfold.

However, in such a small movement, the upper management of Dongying College and the security system did not respond at all, as if they hadn't noticed anything.


In the silence of the night, the sound of the police car came suddenly, and it was also shocking, like a big stone falling into a pool that was calm on the surface, causing countless ripples.

Not long after, a few figures came to the door of Dongying College, and when the police door, which had been screaming and flashing, was opened, there was nothing.

"Hi, are you looking for me?" A voice sounded from behind the visitor.


As soon as the man turned his head, before the gun in his hand could be fired, his abdomen was pierced.

Looking down, a white hand slowly rushed out.

This kind of visual impact, especially when it happened to me, brought despair and pain.

There was the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, Xu Zixiu turned his head and saw the remaining person, who had fallen to the ground without breath, and the person standing next to the corpse was slender and straight.

"Is he looking good?" Xu Zixiu asked Si Huang.

Si Huang looked at the man whose stomach had been broken, "You have a problem with aesthetics."

Xu Zixiu said: "But I think the most beautiful one is you, Yaoyao."

Si Huang smiled when he heard the words, the smile was sinister and awe-inspiring, and his whole body was filled with a dangerous aura rushing towards his face.

Xu Zixiu's excited eyes lit up, "Yes, yes, that's it!"

Si Huang sneered, "Let's go."

Xu Zixiu put his hands on the back of his head and followed with a smile, "Tell me about the action plan for tonight."

"Say." Si Huang said.

Xu Zixiu: "When you see someone, you drag them away to death. Others drag them away like hell. One person deserves the credit."

Sihuang: "..."

Xu Zixiu: "What's wrong?"

Si Huang smiled and said, "Good plan."

"That's right." Xu Zixiu said proudly, "I knew you would like it!"

Sihuang doesn't comment.

This kind of battle plan is straightforward and efficient, but it doesn't take the lives of teammates into consideration at all, and I don't know if the members of the Undead Corps will often change their names?

For Sihuang, finding a head is not difficult, but transporting it is a little troublesome.

Although the volume and weight of a complete corpse and a human head are not small, in Si Huang's view, they are things that you don't want to move.

As a result, Xu Zixiu shamelessly came up with a new idea, turned the corpse out, took a gun and rewarded the corpse with a bullet, and asked Si Huang to take a picture, even if he killed the corpse, the credit will naturally be credited to Immortal on the Corps.

As for whether the upper echelons don't believe it? Who cares about us? All the evidence is presented, and the credit is ours! do not give? Okay! The strike is over! The people of our Undead Corps are not so easy to fool. If you want the horse to run and not feed the horse, what kind of thing is this?

Hearing his eloquence, Si Huang only replied two words: Hehe.

The undead army is not easy to fool? Then if you fool the upper-level people like idiots, will they be happy?

Although Si Huang knew that this was the case, she did not stop Bai Ze from acting like a rascal, anyway, it was her benefit in the end, right?

As for the credit for stealing the blood flag?

In Si Huang's view, it's enough not to hurt anyone, merit or something, the members of the blood flag are actually not low, even if they are retired now, their family property and background are enough to live a comfortable life for the rest of their lives, especially Qin Fan, without mentioning his military achievements, just said that his extra assets are enough to support him for several lifetimes.

The reason why this group of people still participate in these dangerous tasks is, in the final analysis, a sense of responsibility.

They are all serious soldiers, accustomed to this kind of life, and they are proud of their careers and regard them as their own responsibilities.

Although sometimes I feel that this kind of spirit is too righteous and great for the public, but for some people close to me, it is tantamount to a failure of responsibility, but I have to admire it. If everyone is selfish and only cares about themselves, So how should one's own motherland be defended?

For this point, Si Huang has already seen it, just as she said to Qin Fan before, Qin Fan can choose whatever he wants to do, and the other party can't stop him from doing what she chooses.

The purpose of cutting Qin Fan's trousers today was revenge for teasing Qin Fan, but in fact, he intended to leave him behind on purpose.

Si Huang knew that since Qin Fan had arrived in Tokyo, Bai Ze must have also arrived.

Although Qin Fan didn't ask anything, Si Huang understood that Qin Fan came to him immediately, not only because he missed her, but also because he wanted to catch Bai Ze through her—even Si Huang could guess that Bai Ze would definitely arrive in Tokyo Will come to find himself, Qin Fan must have guessed.

It was just to get some secrets that Xu Zixiu knew, for example, Xu Zixiu said that he would take her to the research room of "Creating God", so the two people could not meet.

Si Huang is sure that if these two people meet, it will definitely be a mess, plus she...

Refuse to think about the consequences!

"Huh?" Si Huang's eyes caught a figure.

Xu Zixiu who was beside him shouted happily: "Yaoyao, turn on the video! Turn on the video!"

"What are you doing?" Si Huang stopped Xu Zixiu who was about to go forward.

Xu Zixiu: "Murder. You record the video, and remember to turn on the night mode to take a clear picture. A live version of the video plus the previous photos, the credit must be ours."

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