Si Huang felt that it was not a good time to meet Qin Fan, and there was no need to take the risk of meeting him, so Si Huang turned around and left without hesitation.

"Yaoyao?" Xu Zixiu called out.

Si Huang looked out of sight and out of mind, "I'm going to find some other fun."

After saying a word, her figure was far away, and after a few quick jumps and climbs, she successfully disappeared from Xu Zixiu's sight.

Si Huang was not worried that Xu Zixiu would kill Qing Tianwa, just as she knew where Xu Zixiu's bottom line was, Xu Zixiu must also know where her bottom line was. Xu Zixiu wouldn't do such a stupid thing if he didn't want the two of them to get into a stalemate.

Originally, the facts were as Sihuang expected, Xu Zixiu didn't think that she would break up with Sihuang just because of a sunny baby, which in Xu Zixiu's view was a very uneconomical thing.

It's just that there is a contingency in everything. Just two seconds after Si Huang left, Qin Fan's figure approaching here gradually appeared.

When Xu Zixiu saw Qin Fan, he planned to shoot Qingtianwa's arm casually, but suddenly changed direction.


The bullet shot into Qingtianwa's chest.

"Oh!" Qingtianwa bowed her head.

He didn't notice Qin Fan's figure yet, he just thought that Xu Zixiu wanted his life on purpose.

Fortunately, he thought he could escape this time, and also because the savior gave him the feeling of being too confident when he spoke, and unconsciously made him believe that he could escape.

"Ha." Qing Tianwa didn't feel scared, he just regretted, infinitely regretted.

His trembling hands went to reconnect the Blood Banner voice.

At least...before you die, it would be nice to say goodbye to your teammates.

It's just that his movements were very slow, and before he could open it successfully, he saw the person who suddenly appeared in front of him punch Xu Zixiu, and then kicked Xu Zixiu out.

No matter the speed or strength of this kick, Xu Zixiu spat out a mouthful of blood, rolled two meters away, and laughed when he stood up, "Hey, no matter what he says, he's going to die."

He was referring to Sunshine Baby.

After kicking Xu Zixiu away, Qin Fan turned back and squatted next to Qingtianwa, took out a syringe and injected medicinal liquid into his body, temporarily stabilizing Qingtianwa's condition.

It's just like what Xu Zixiu said, although Qing Tianwa's situation won't kill her immediately, if she doesn't treat the wound in time, she will definitely not survive.

Qin Fan stared at Xu Zixiu with deep eyes, without any hesitation, lifted Qing Tianwa up, and said to Xu Zixiu, "I owe you my life."

"It's easy to say." Xu Zixiu accepts Qin Fan's misunderstanding, or in Xu Zixiu's view, it's not a misunderstanding. He really saved Qing Tianwa's life, doesn't he~

Qin Fan glanced around, turned around and left with Qingtian baby in his arms.

In the dark, Si Huang, who didn't really leave, looked at Qin Fan's back quickly leaving, his eyes flickered.

If she was not mistaken, Qin Fan seemed to have noticed her hiding place just now, but most of her body and face were covered by the wall, and in addition to the darkness around her, even if Qin Fan knew that there was someone here, she would definitely not be able to see her clearly. The appearance of her, can't guess her identity.

As the leaders, Qin Fan and Xu Zixiu acted in complete contrast.

Today's situation has proved that the actions of the members of the Blood Banner have already been discovered by the enemy.

If it was Xu Zixiu, he would definitely face the danger, the life of his teammates? He died because he was incapable, anyway, he was not afraid of death. After analyzing the situation, Qin Fan chose his teammates without hesitation, and then retreated temporarily.

At this time, even with one person with him, Qin Fan's action speed was not slowed down.

"Boss, the person who saved me was not Bai Ze." Qingtianwa's voice was very low, but at least she still had the strength to speak.

As early as when Xu Zixiu spoke, the other party did not conceal the way of speaking and voice, so that Qing Tianwa immediately recognized the other party's identity.

"He let you go, this is a life." Qin Fan said without hesitation.

Qing Tianwa understood that with Bai Ze's personality, she did not shoot him directly in the head, she did let him go on purpose.

"I saw the immortal siren." Qing Tianwa continued.

Qin Fan's footsteps did not stop, but his thick eyebrows moved, "How is it?"

Qingtianwa said: "Bai Ze called him Yaoyao. He is 1.83 meters tall and looks... um?"

It's definitely not that he has a memory problem, it's just that the impression left on him by the other person's appearance is that it is very ordinary and not so ordinary, and it has no concept at all to describe it.

"Skill?" Qin Fan asked about something else.

Qingtianwa: "Immortal style, with a tendency to wreak havoc."

Seeing that his face turned paler, Qin Fan said, "Let's talk when we go back." He didn't let Qing Tianwa speak again.

It's just that Qingtianwa couldn't let go, "Where's Brother Lu?"

Qin Fan didn't answer right away.

Qingtianwa's heart sank suddenly, her breath became short of breath, and she almost missed the breath.

Qin Fan said, "He's not dead, don't worry."

Qingtianwa was not relieved, but it was good if she didn't die, and there was still hope if she didn't die.

This time they really lost!

Unexpectedly, the battle that he thought he had seized the opportunity and was confident in his mind turned out to have completely fallen into the opponent's trap and almost suffered heavy losses.

Originally, there were only a few core members of the Blood Banner, and the death of one of them would be a great injury. This time, a pair almost came!


Sunny Wa thought of a possibility.

If they were all discovered earlier, what about Lei Shower and Qing Xiao?

Qingtianwa opened his mouth and held back without asking. Now he has to preserve his energy, and then he still has a catastrophe to survive on his own.

Bai Ze's shot...was really accurate! As expected of a pervert standing side by side with the boss at the same time!

Even if the medical measures are taken in time, whether she can survive depends on the willpower of Qing Tianwa during the operation.

Qin Fan didn't encounter any troubles on the way to bring Qingtian baby out of Dongying College. This situation did not make them happy, but instead filled their hearts with a layer of haze - this shows that someone secretly has a clear grasp of their actions Chu, may even be aware of Qin Fan's ability, knowing that it is unnecessary for someone to stop him, so it is better to let him go directly.

This hacker's ability, coupled with the biochip taken out of Qianye Bai's brain, showed Qin Fan and the others a ferocious corner, and left them an unforgettable scar.

Outside Dongying College, a van was parked there, and Qingtianwa was put in the van, and the staff immediately assisted him to give him the fastest treatment.

Qingtianwa saw the figure of the sika deer and found that there was no blood on the sika deer, but it was lying motionless on the stretcher.

Qingtianwa's heart sank, she didn't think the other party was just falling asleep.

The van left Dongying College quickly. Qin Fan took out his phone and stared at it for a second before making up his mind to turn on the locator in the phone.

As the head of Blood Banner, Qin Fan can regularly check the location of all core members through signals.

Now what he is looking for is Sihuang's location.

The result made Qin Fan's eyes darken, and the corners of his mouth twitched, letting out a low and cold laugh.

The laughter made the muscles of those who were responsible for rescuing Qingtian's baby tense, and they became more serious and did not dare to make the slightest mistake.

"Is this your decision?" Qin Fan muttered to himself in a voice so soft that he could hear it clearly.

"Boss, what?" Qingtianwa asked vaguely.

Qin Fan glanced at him and found that Qingtianwa was in a trance and in pain, so he knew that he didn't really want to know the answer, but just found a place to divert his attention so as not to be fainted by the severe pain.

"I'm thinking about one thing." Qin Fan said lightly, "What should I do with the traitor?"

Qing Tianwa probably understood, "According to the crime?"

Qin Fan didn't reply.

In Dongying College, after confirming that Qin Fan was gone, Si Huang came out from his hiding place and gestured to Xu Zixiu to leave.

Xu Zixiu asked: "Didn't you go to find other fun?"

Si Huang said calmly: "I didn't find it."

Xu Zixiu: "I thought of a good idea."

Seeing him say 'It's very interesting! Don't miss it, or it will be your loss' expression, Si Huang asked face-savingly, "What's the idea?"

"It's a waste of emotion to come here and not solve it completely." Xu Zixiu said.

Si Huang Miao understood what he meant, and reminded: "The action of the blood flag has been discovered, which means that this place has been controlled by others. You and I may be under the surveillance of others now."

"So what." Xu Zixiu didn't care at all, and then looked at Sihuang with a smile, "Yaoyao, are you afraid?"

Si Huang and him looked at each other for two seconds, then pulled their lips together and showed a thin smile.

Xu Zixiu's eyes lit up, as if he had met someone of the same kind who had an absolute tacit understanding, and was recognized by the same kind... Maybe it's not right to say that, he didn't need the approval, he just wanted a companion willfully, especially if this companion was something he recognized at a glance from the beginning of.

The two looked at each other and acted. Si Huang followed Xu Zixiu unhurriedly, watching him sneak into the school building, and the destination was the school director's office.

During the period, Xu Zixiu passed by some ordinary people's residences, but Xu Zixiu directly ignored them, and had no intention of attacking innocent ordinary people.

Si Huang observed for a while, and got to know Xu Zixiu a little bit more - moody, angry, good and evil, but she can vaguely grasp the other party's bottom line.

Is her observation and understanding too strong? Si Huang doesn't think so, but thinks it's because she also has such a tendency. As Xu Zixiu said at the beginning, they are of the same kind, but not identical.

In daily life, if someone is not pleasing to the eye, Xu Zixiu will not be soft just because the other person is an ordinary person. During this mission, he will not specifically kill ordinary people.

From this, Si Huang deduced that Xu Zixiu was not afraid of killing and did not cherish life, but he was not bloodthirsty, and he was not a murderer who liked to kill.

Both of them had top-notch skills, and they arrived at the school manager's office without a sound, and they had just arrived at the door.

whoosh whoosh—

Bullets shot through the door.

In other words, others are already terrified and understand that their whereabouts have been discovered.

Xu Zixiu showed a happy smile, and stood sideways in front of Sihuang, shielding her back from the bullet, facing Sihuang, with a bright smile on her face, "Yaoyao, there are people inside!"

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