Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 982: Sneak Attack

To Xu Zixiu, the shooting of bullets was nothing, which meant that the people in the school manager's office had already discovered their arrival and had already prepared an ambush, which was nothing.

The last thing Xu Zixiu wants to see is that there is no one in the office, making his trip for nothing.

If he really made his trip for nothing this time, Xu Zixiu, who was in a bad mood, might do something even more sensational.

Facing the shooting of bullets, Si Huang is not unable to dodge. After all, the bullets are fired by penetrating the door panel, and there are walls around the door panel. She can avoid this crisis by hiding within the range of the wall in time.

It's just that Xu Zixiu acted faster, forcing her to owe the other party a favor.

Of course, this favor was imposed by Xu Zixiu, and it's okay if Sihuang doesn't want to admit it.

With Xu Zixiu standing in front of him, Si Huang didn't bother to dodge. Looking at the familiar smile on the unfamiliar face in front of him, Si Huang saw the blood exploding behind him as soon as he turned his eyes.

You don't need to look specifically to know that there must be a mess behind Xu Zixiu.

"After your wound heals, is the bullet still in it?" Si Huang asked.

Xu Zixiu didn't care, "It's a small thing."

This round of shooting was over, Xu Zixiu turned half sideways to Si Huang, so that she could see her back.

The clothes on Xu Zixiu's back were all tattered, with a layer of messy flesh and blood inside, moving strangely, bullets squeezed out one by one from the flesh and blood on the back, and then a piece of flesh and blood fell in front of Sihuang at a speed visible to the naked eye. recovering.

This kind of picture is not good-looking. When Si Huang clearly saw the bullet being squeezed out of flesh and blood, Xu Zixiu's bones and internal bleeding could already be seen inside.

Doesn't it hurt?

Si Huang didn't ask such unnecessary questions, how could it not hurt, but Xu Zixiu didn't care at all.

The indifference on Xu Zixiu's face was not a pretending to be strong, but really indifference, as if she had completely forgotten what pain felt like, or was used to it.

When the bullet casings were all detached from her body, Xu Zixiu and Si Huang raised their eyebrows, with a look of pride in their brows.

Si Huang was not stingy to praise, "It's a very powerful ability."

With such resilience, it was not easy to kill Xu Zixiu, unless it was absolutely fatal.

However, Si Huang remembered that the speed at which Xu Zixiu came back from the dead was shockingly fast.

Xu Zixiu said with a smile: "The more serious the injury, the more times I die, the stronger my ability will be."

Si Huang looked at him in surprise, and told her what does this mean? So Xu Zixiu used his strength to die on purpose most of the time? In order to enhance their abilities? ——This idea just came up, Si Huang didn't know why, but felt that things were not that simple, Xu Zixiu was not the kind of person who pursued the ability of immortality.

These are just her self-feelings, Si Huang is not sure that this is the truth, so she let it go after thinking about it.

Xu Zixiu stretched out his hand, tore off the tattered blouse, revealing his white and firm upper body, turned around and made a run-up, and then kicked towards the office door.

Si Huang found that he was the same as Qin Fan in that he was confident in his own strength, and he didn't know how to coward him when it was time to be fierce, so he came to the most direct attack.


The door of the office had already been shot through with bullets, and a bunch of small holes made it easier for Xu Zixiu to kick the door.

A cracked footprint landed on the door, and then Xu Zixiu bumped into it with his own body without hesitation, successfully smashing through the door.

Everything inside suddenly became clear, and the sight was the muzzle of the encirclement.

whoosh whoosh—

Xu Zixiu was shot dead from three sides.

Manager Sato sat in front of the office in front of him and said, "Change the anesthesia gun."

A row of people in front changed their guns in a well-trained manner, and aimed at Xu Zixiu who was lying on the ground again.

The anesthesia guns fired at the same time, the amount of anesthesia was enough to kill people directly, but this group of people didn't mean to hold back at all.

Xu Zixiu, who was silent on the ground, suddenly rolled over, dodging this round of anesthesia shots.

Director Sato's face remained unchanged, and he said coldly: "You live so fast." Listening carefully, you can still hear a hint of excitement in his voice that was suppressed as much as possible.

No matter who saw the resurrection from the dead with their own eyes, there was no way to maintain absolute peace. Even Sihuang was shocked when he saw Xu Zixiu's ability for the first time.

What's more, immortality has always been a desire pursued by human beings.

The group of people in charge of shooting also became slightly heavier, and then continued to shoot Xu Zixiu in a well-trained manner.

The space in the office is not too big and empty, which is not conducive to people's hiding. Xu Zixiu's movement is very inconvenient, but he still didn't choose to quit, like a vicious hell dog, with a pair of eyes shining with a cold luster, faintly Glowing red, but smiling brightly, the corners of the mouth are curved upwards, but the ordinary smile makes people creepy, interpreting the meaning of ghosts and animals.

He didn't carry a weapon on his body, and any part of his body was his weapon. When he jumped up, he jumped on someone's back, pursuing speed and results. When his hands and feet were inconvenient, he did not After hesitating, he lowered his head and bit off a gunman's neck artery with his teeth.

"Bah." Xu Zixiu threw away the dead person, spit out the flesh and blood from his mouth when he landed, raised his eyelids and looked at other people as if he was looking at prey.

The way he looks at the prey is not a living thing that wants to be full, but a dead thing that simply wants to be hunted, as if they shouldn't exist in this world, and if he doesn't like it, he has to deal with it.

Everyone who met his gaze felt that they were going to be torn into pieces by such a gaze, and a chill rose from the soles of their feet to the bottom of their hearts, and then spread to their limbs.

Fortunately, everyone here is an elite, and they were not intimidated. Instead, they worked harder for their own lives.

When Xu Zixiu was dealing with these people, Si Huang who was still outside the door also encountered danger.

When a hand appeared from the wall and came towards her, Si Huang had already avoided it. Immediately afterwards, he had a few tricks with the sneak attacker.

After just a few moves, you can know that this person's skills are extraordinary, and every move is a skill to kill, Si Huang followed calmly.

"It's quite powerful." The familiar voice but unfamiliar tone made Si Huang notice this person who fought against him.

The other party was wearing a black and white suit, a hood, and half of his face was covered. It was a bit similar to a ninja's dress but with subtle differences. The exposed half of his face made Si Huang feel familiar and unfamiliar.

From the sensuality he heard just now, combined with the facial features he saw now, Sihuang was sure that this person was Sato Shuichi. It's just that she didn't know the second-year Sato Shuichi who said that the eyes are the window to the soul, but now Sato Shuichi's eyes are too dark.

Is this the problem Chiba Shiro said about Sato Shuichi?

"The smell on your body..." Sato Hideichi whispered, "It smells like I don't like it!"

As soon as he heard the smell, Sihuang didn't intend to let Sato Hideichi go.

Special bloodlines whose specialty is the sense of smell doesn't seem to be very useful, but it is one of the useful abilities to crack camouflage.

So far, Sihuang has encountered people with special bloodlines related to the sense of smell, including Feng Manzhu, Arthur, and this Sato Shuichi in front of him. They can recognize her by smell, even if she is clearly disguised very well. The important thing is that their sense of smell smells and tastes, not just the superficial taste.

【Your Majesty, as long as the illusion skills are improved, not only can people's vision be hallucinated, but the other five senses can also be confused! 】Wu Bao sensed Si Huang's thoughts, and took the opportunity to show off Wu Jue. His Majesty must not let His Majesty underestimate him.

Wu Bao's words were beyond Si Huang's expectation, but after thinking about it, it made sense.

Before Sihuang could think more, Sato Hideichi acted.

His figure stepped back again and disappeared.


Si Huang was surprised, did she really have this ability? Or is it illusion again?

She opened the ability of her eyes, looked over again, and saw a group of shining halos forming a human figure, but she still couldn't see the clear appearance of Sato Hideichi.

At this time, Sato Hideichi suddenly rushed over, took a knife in each hand, and slashed across Sihuang's neck.

Sihuang avoided it again, and then found that Sato Hideichi disappeared on the other wall again, without stopping for a second, he stabbed again, disappeared on the ceiling above his head again, and then moved silently to the ground, Attack Sihuang's unprepared position.

If someone is here, what they see will be Sihuang standing in place and constantly dodging, and then there is a figure like a ghost, which keeps appearing and disappearing and then disappearing again, almost without any interval, and at an amazing speed Quickly, the direction of appearance is also irregular, and every time it makes people feel extremely thrilling and spooky, it makes people shudder.

"Hahahaha." Sato Hideichi's laughter also came from all directions, and he couldn't tell where it was.

He not only holds a knife in both hands, but also has sharp knives on the shoes of his feet.

This kind of fighting ability even surpassed Qing Tianwa and their support staff in the blood flag.

If it was him who met Qing Tianwa before, she probably wouldn't be able to survive to be rescued.

"Don't hide if you have the ability." Sato Hideichi provocatively said.

According to normal development, meeting an opponent like Sato Hideichi is definitely a nightmare. You can't find your opponent and you are constantly surrounded by your opponent. Finding the opponent's location and injuring the opponent in the slightest is a test for both endurance and physical strength.

It happened that Sato Hideichi met Sihuang, which reversed the role of this battle, but Sato Hideichi was impatient first—can you be impatient? He moved at a high speed without hurting his opponent.

In this way, whether it is physical strength or patience, Sato Hideichi has consumed more.

"Okay." Si Huang stopped suddenly.

She raised her eyebrows and smiled, she had already guessed the origin of Sato Hideichi's ability and the opponent's bottom line, so there was no need to continue entanglement.

When Hideo Sato saw this, a triumphant and bloodthirsty smile appeared on his face.

Just the next moment, he stared at the sight of his boss Sihuang in astonishment.

how is this possible! ?


Obviously he is in a 'hidden' state now!

It's just that the instinct from fighting made Sato Hideichi dodge.

It's a pity that he was still a step too late, Si Huang's outstretched palm turned, and he grabbed Sato Hideichi's collar accurately and swiftly like lightning, and then bumped his knee, and heard the sound of bone cracking in his ears.


Sato Hideki spat out a mouthful of blood.

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