Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 983 Anti-killing

Sihuang didn't let go of any opportunity. When Sato Hideichi vomited blood, she stared at half of Sato Hideki's face for a moment, and grabbed him by the neck as soon as her eyes turned cold.

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The moment Sato Hideichi broke his neck, there was still horror and begging for mercy on his face.

Probably he wanted to use his expression to win Sihuang's sympathy at the end.

It's just that the facial expression is so fake, the anti-personality Sato Shuichi doesn't know how to hide his eyes, the sinister maliciousness in those eyes has exposed him completely.

It's not that Sihuang can't let Sato Hideichi's life go, but the current situation, and the positions of the two, made Sihuang think a little and determine the best solution.

Spare Sato Hideichi's life? Maybe he can bring more information when he is alive, but no one can tell that when a secret enemy is in control of the overall situation, leaving a little life will allow the other party to find a chance to rescue him?

What's more, with Chiba Bai's example, what if this Sato Hideichi also has the same biochip?

The safest way is to get rid of Sato Shuichi cleanly, without leaving any future troubles.

No one knew that in just one second, countless thoughts passed through Sihuang's mind.

I'm afraid Sato Hideichi never thought that she would be so neat.

No matter who is afraid of enemies who do not play cards according to common sense, because this will put all their plans on hold and turn them into useless bubbles.

Si Huang threw the limp Sato Hideichi on the ground, and found that there was no one else around. Presumably, Sato Hideyoshi was very confident in his own strength, so he wanted to deal with her alone.

As soon as Sato Hideo touched the floor, his figure suddenly blurred, and only half of his face could be seen outside. This scene was very strange, but it made Si Huang show such an expression as expected.

Sihuang squatted down, reached out and groped for the clothes on Sato Hideichi, and found the hidden button of the clothes before long, and took off the clothes and hats.

As soon as the suit was taken off, Sato Hideichi's figure reappeared, so the 'invisibility' that Sato Hideichi was able to achieve just now was not his ability at all, but the effect of this suit.

This is also the result that Sihuang and Sato Hideo guessed after a while. If it was the effect of ability, what Sihuang saw would not be such a strange scene.

However, getting the answer did not make Sihuang happy, but his heart became even more heavy.

The biochip discovered by Chibabai last time, and the invisibility cloak with chameleon effect this time, all show that the level of technology in the 'God-making' organization has reached a shocking height.

Technology is not the scariest thing, the scariest thing is the group of people who create such technology. As the saying goes, hooligans are not to be feared, but they are only afraid of being educated. In particular, the culture of hooligans has surpassed our own!

This is probably one of the reasons why the 'God-making' organization is committed to capturing people with special bloodlines?

The country does not allow experiments on living people, but the god-making organization does not have such rules, and even uses people with special bloodlines for experiments. It is not surprising that research in the field of special bloodlines is further than that of the country.

Temporarily restraining these heavy thoughts, Si Huang studied the suit in his hand, and soon discovered the mechanism.

This dress does not look small, but it is surprisingly light, as light as a layer of yarn. There is a button on the glove, which can control the turning on and off of the color-changing invisibility effect.

Si Huang heard the movement in the school manager's office, looked around, and calmly put on Sato Hideichi's color-changing invisibility clothes.

Sato Hideichi is only 1.6 meters tall, but he is a boy after all, and his skeleton is enough for Sihuang to wear it, but his pants are a lot shorter.

What surprised Sihuang was that the material of this dress was also very strange, even if it was worn on the outside of her own clothes, it was unexpectedly close-fitting. It was not ordinary elastic, but seemed to have a memory function, which could be adjusted according to the wearer's body.

"..." This kind of comfort not only did not make Sihuang feel comfortable, but also felt a little strangely repelled.

It's just that the situation is special, Si Huang ignores this repulsion, and walks quickly to the school director's office.

In the office, Xu Zixiu was surrounded tightly, but the other party restrained him with preparation, but he still didn't arrest Xu Zixiu immediately.

The short young man walked into the office at an unhurried pace, his cold and dark eyes swept across the situation, and a sarcastic smile appeared on his face.

Although the short young man didn't say anything, a smile revealed his disdain for the group of elites who surrounded and killed Xu Zixiu.

"Xiuichi," Director Sato said approvingly when he saw the familiar son, "Not bad."

In his opinion, since Sato Hideichi came over safely, it means that Sihuang has been dealt with.

In fact, letting Sato Hideichi deal with Sihuang alone shows that he has confidence in his son.

The short young man was wearing a black and white suit, but he didn't wear a mask, and what was exposed was Sato Shuichi's face.

His eyes are dark and his smile is weird. Even his own father, Mr. Sato, may not be able to guess the thoughts of his second personality son.

Hideo Sato nodded to Director Sato, and then looked at Xu Zixiu who was surrounded by elites with great interest, but strode towards Director Sato without any intention of participating.

Director Sato said, "Don't waste time, Xiuyi, you should go and have fun too."

According to Sato Shuichi's character, he would definitely join in, but this time he didn't look back, instead, he suddenly accelerated and came in front of the director Sato.

Manager Sato's face changed, and his reaction speed was also very fast. Regardless of his image, he turned over and fell to the ground, using the boss chair he was sitting on to block the front.


The boss's chair was kicked out, and it happened to hit Principal Sato on the body.

Director Sato cried out in pain, and also shot the gun in his hand.

The speed of the shot was very fast, but the bullet passed through the arm of 'Sato Shuichi', as if hitting the air, that arm did not exist.

People with rare and special blood under his hands can use illusion, so Principal Sato immediately understood that the Sato Shuichi he saw in his sight was fake, and even his body might be fake.

"Who are you!?"

When he pressed the question, "Sato Shuichi" had already held his hand holding the gun, and twisted his backhand to aim at his own forehead.

Principal Sato's eyes widened, still staring at 'Sato Shuichi', and then he saw 'Sato Shuichi' smiling.

This smile is different from Sato Hideichi's bleak smile, instead it has the warmth of sunshine. Immediately afterwards, 'Sato Shuichi''s face disappeared, and his height was different.

No wonder he felt something was wrong when the opponent made a move. With Sato Hideichi's height, how could he catch his hand like that. Manager Sato thought, but it was too late. He never thought that there would be people with special bloodlines who are good at changing appearance and body.

Do not! It's not that he couldn't think of it, it's just that he relied too much on that person... He thought that any accidents, that adult would be well aware of it!

Principal Sato looked at a face he still didn't recognize, but felt that the smile on the other's face was a little familiar.

"I don't know who you are, but I think I have value..."

Director Sato hadn't finished speaking.



The sound of the shot that killed him came from the gun in his own hand.


"What?" Si Huang didn't hear clearly what the other party said before he died.

Looking at the expression on Principal Sato's face, it wasn't resentment or panic, but a little confused.

"Ah, Yaoyao, come and help me." Xu Zixiu's voice sounded.

Si Huang looked and found that there was no fear on Xu Zixiu's face, but excited and bloodthirsty.

"Quick battle and quick decision." Si Huang reminded.

Xu Zixiu could hear the seriousness in her tone, and made her attack even more ruthless.

Those who surrounded and killed him knew that Xu Zixiu hadn't tried his best in such a dangerous situation before.

Now that Si Huang joined them, they couldn't maintain their formation, and the more they beat them, the more powerless they were to fight back.

The fight lasted less than five minutes, and Sihuang and Xu Zixiu finished the matter. After finishing the treatment, Sihuang threw the body of the school manager Sato to Xu Zixiu, went out to catch Sato Xiuyi, and ran away quickly, "Hurry up."

"Tsk." Xu Zixiu looked at Sato Hideichi, who was being held by Sihuang, and at Sato School Manager in his hand, with a look of disgust and dissatisfaction, "I am dirty, big and heavy."

"Stop talking nonsense." Si Huang vaguely heard the humming of the propeller, and felt bad, and the speed was faster.

The corpses of Sato and his son were brought to hand in. Such a key figure not only has more military achievements but also brings more clues. The current situation is tense. If there is no way to bring it back to the country, then it would be better to destroy it than to be taken back by the "Creating God" organization. After all, these two are also of special blood, even though it seems that the special blood of Director Sato has not been stimulated.


When a volley of fire broke through the windows into the hallway.

Rao Sihuang couldn't help scolding in her heart: Fuck!

The other party is not afraid of causing riots in the country, the first school has a machine gun! ?

Faced with this situation, Si Huang rolled all the way and ran regardless of his image, his face was expressionless, and his eyes were condensed.

"Yaoyao, if you help me recite this, how about I block it for you?" At this time, Xu Zixiu was still in the mood to negotiate terms with her.

Si Huang didn't look back at him, nor did he answer his words.

This kind of machine gun fire, what Xu Zixiu wanted to dare to block, was to die and rebirth infinitely on the spot, not to mention who knows if this bullet has other effects?

With the precedents of biochips and chameleon invisibility cloaks, Sihuang has a more in-depth guess about the level of biotechnology of the 'God-making'.

Ok? Invisibility cloak?

Si Huang suddenly thought that she had forgotten this!

She was much more straightforward than Xu Zixiu, and threw Sato Hideichi in her hand to Xu Zixiu, "Then, block him, if you can keep it, keep it, if you can't keep it, it will be ruined."

"Where are you going?" Xu Zixiu caught it.

Si Huang: "Anti-kill."

Xu Zixiu whistled, and was not very happy.

Anti-killing is such an interesting thing, why didn't he join in, instead let him be a porter?

But before he said it, Si Huang had disappeared.

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